■ jolus V a l e r a n d i . R o u n d - L eaved
W a t e r - P i m p e r n e l .
SAMOLUS Lin. Gen. PL Pen tandria M onogyniA.
Cor. hypocrateriformis. Stamina munita fquamulis corollas. CaJ/i
Raii Syn. Gen. 18 . H e r b ie fructü sicco singulari flore m o n o p e t a l o ,
SAMOLUS Valerandi. Lin. Syfi. Vegetab. p. 1 77. Sp. PL p. 243» FI. Suec. rcLig2.
SAMOLUS. Haller Hiß. n. 707.-
ANAGAL LIS aquatica, rotundo Folio non crenato. Bauhin Pin. 252»
SAMOLUS Valerandi. Bauh. Hiß. 3. p. 791.
ALSlNE aquatica, foliis rotundis becabungas. Morif. Hiß. 2. p. 323. f . 3-. L 24. ƒ . 28*
ANAGALLIS aquatica rotundifolia. Ger. emac. 620.
ANAGALLIS aquatica tertia Lobelii folio fubrotundo non crenato. Parkinf. p. 1237. Raii Syn. 2831
Round-Leaved Water-Pimpernel. Hudfion FI. Angl. ed. 2. p. 94. 'Lightfoot FL
Scot. p. 142. Oeder FI. Dan. icon. 198.
■ y perennis, fibrofa, alba.
pLlS dodrantalis, aut pedalis, ere&us, rigidulus,
I teres, glaber, plerumque ramofus.
B,IA alterna, petiolata, ovata, obtufa, integerrima,
nitida, venis paucis, remotis, notata.
■ OLI breves, lati.
IRES parvi, albi, fpicati.
■ HJNCULI plurimi, fparfi, fubere&i, uniflori, te-
retes, braftaeä lanceolatä medio inftru£ti.
IlYX; Pe r ia n t h iu m q u in q u e -p a r titum .fu p e rum ,
bafi obtufum, lac iniis e re& is , p erfiftentibus ,.
■ OLLA monopetala, hypocrateriformis. Tubus
breviflimus, longitudine calycis, patulus. i;
Limbus planus, quinque-partitus, obtufus. i-
Squamulce quinque, breviflimas, ad bafin finus j
limbi, conniventes, fig .2 , 3.
BMINA: Filamenta quinque, brevia, infra la- <
ciniam corollas lingula. A ntherae conni- <
ventes, luteae, intra tubum corollas, Jig. 4. \
JlLLUM: Germen inferum. S tylus filiformis, 1
longitudine fere ftaminum. Stigma capi- <
tatum, fig. 5. , <
KCARPIUM : Capjula fubrotunda, calyce cinfta, ■
unilocularis, ore quinquedentato, dentibus *
reflexis, fig. 6.
■ NA plurima, exigua, nigra. Receptaculum glo- !
bofum, magnum, fig . 7, 8.
ROOT perennial, fibrous, and white.
S T A LK a fpan or a foot in heighth, upright, fomewhat
rigid, round, fmooth, and generally branched.
LEAVES alternate, Handing on foot-ftalks, ovate,
obtufe, perfeftly entire, fhining, marked with
few veins, and thofe diftant.
LEAF-STALKS Ihort, and broad.
FLOWERS fmall, white, growing in fpikes.
FLOWER-STALKS numerous, placed in no regular
order, nearly upright, each fupporting one
flower, round, having a fmall pointed floral
leaf growing'from the middle of each.
CA L YX ; a Perianthium deeply divided into five
fegments, placed above the germeb, blunt
at the. bafe, the fegments upright and per*
manent, fig. 1.
CO ROL LA monopetalous, falver-fhaped. Tube very
Ihort, the length of the calyx, open. Limb
flat, deeply divided into five fegments, which
are obtufe; five very Ihort Scales which clofe
inward, are fituated at the mouth of this
tube, fig. 2, 3.
STAMINA: five Ihort F ilaments placed beneath
each fegment of the corolla. A n th er s
doling together, of a- yellow colour, within,
the tube of the corolla, fig. 4.
PISTILLUM : G ermen beneath the calyx. Sty le
thread-fhaped, nearly the length of the fta*
mina. Stigma forming a little head, fig. 5.
SEED-VESSEL : a roundifh Capfule, covered by the
calyx, of one cavity, the mouth having five
teeth, which turn back, fig. 6.
SEEDS numerous, fmall, and black. Receptacle
round and large, fig. 7, 8.
■ pis genus there is at prefent only one known fpecies, and that an inhabitant of every quarter o f the
ft ^ v®rt^ e^s> ^ is found-but fparingly with us ; but may with certainty be met with on the edges of
fvetditches about Woolwich, Charlton, and Greenwich, more particularly in the road leading from New-Crofs
•Pike to the IJland of St. Helena, Rotherhithe. J
■ flowers in July. ■
f 0 PWicular ufes are attributed to it.