u ÿ 'm j& j sieûleea-
AGROSTIS. Lintr. 'Gen'. PI. T riandria D igynià.
Cal. 2-valvis, r-florus, corolla paulo mi'no'r. Stigmata longitudinaliter
Rail Sy/i-. Gen. z p H erbæ graminifoliÆ'flore impErfe'ctô culmiferæ.
AGROSTIS fetacea foins fètaceis, fculmb eie£to.
AGROSTIS canina v. Y foliis fetaceis rigidis glàucis, culmo ereôlo. Hudf. Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 31.
AVENA monanthn, paniculata, foliis fetaceis* glumâ càlyciria èxafperata ; arifta flore duplo Iongiorc.
Hall. Hiß. n. 147.8.
GRAMEN parvum paniculatum alpinum panicula fpàdic'èà äriftätum. Scheuchz. Agroß. p. 140. 1.
. Prod, p-, 22. t. ivi . " .
• AGROSTIS alpina. Diagn. unum- petalum truncatum aut bifiduriij e bail promit ariftam bail
recurvatum. Scop. F/. Carn. ed.' 2. p. 61.
RADIX ■ pererinis; fibrofa; I ROOT perennial, and fibrous-
FOLIA radicalia numerofa, fafciculata, glauca, rigi- v LEAVES, thofe next the root numerous, growing in
dula, fetacea, teretiufcula, hinc fulcata, bail jr bundles,, glaucous* fomewhat rigid, briftlevaginis
inclufa, lisula alba, erefla, inftrufta*'a ■ fhaped, roundiih, grooved on one fide, at
caulina pauca, ■ Tubulata, foliis radicalibus | their bafe enclofed in (heaths, furniihed with
paulo latiora* erefta, fefunciam longa* A a white ereft membrane, thofe of the Italic
6 few, fubulate, a little broader than the radical
0 leaves, upright, an inch and a half in length.
CULMI plurCSj fpithamaeij pedales et ultra* fuberfe&i* r STEMS feveral, from a fpan to a foot or more in
. trinodesj feabriufculi, prasfertim fuperne* f length, nearly upright, having ufually three
a knots, roughifh, efpecially on the upper part.
PANICULA bi-triiincialis* fubcoarÊlata* tandem fpi-
) PANICLE two or three inches long, fomewhat clofed,
finally fpike-like.
CALYX : G lum A bivalvis, vaivis lanceolatis, acumi- 0 C A L Y X : a G lume of two valvep, the valves lanceo-
natis, fubaequalibus, carina ad lentem fcabri- t late, long-pointed, nearly equal, the keel
ufcula,. purpUrafcentibus, Jig.-1* . 1 —'—u ' -'u~--------- :C-J - — 1:fl- &
COROLLA bivalvis,. glumis calycinis brevior* valvula (
- exteriore majore, longitudiné fere calycis, <
nervofa, nervis dûobüs plerumque longioribus, (
hinc apice bifida, jig. 2 ; ariftata, arift'a e bafi <
valvulæ, et ejufdem fere longitudinis, primo (
refta, 'Jig.. 3 dertium geniculata, valvula interior,
minima, jig. 4 ; planiufcula, diaphana, (
vix germine longior, bafi utrinque fafciculo (
-■ mimmo pilorum inftruéla, jig. 5.. (
- rough when magnified, purplifh, jig. 1.
COROLLA of two valves', (horter than the glumes of
the calyx, the outer valve largeft, nearly the
length of the calyx, ribbed, two of the ribs
ufually longer than the reft, which gives to
the tip a bifid appearance, jig. 2; awned,
awn fpringing from near the bafe of the
valve, and nearly of the fame length, at firft .
ftraight, jig. 3 ; finally jointed, the inner
valve very minute, jig. 4; fcarcely longer
than the germen, furnifhed at its bafe on
each fide with a very minute tuft of hairs,
S-- '
^STAMINA: Fil'amen.ta tria, capillaria’ ; A nther/e (
STAMINA: three Filaments, capillary; A n th er s
a . purple. Jig: 7. -
• § PISTILLUM: G ermen ovate; Styles two, fpread-
6 ing, feathery quite to the bafe, jig. 8.
| NECTARY : two minute $ pointed, jig, 6. Glumes,.lanceolate, long-
bifurcte, purpureas, jig. 7. ^ |
PISTILLUM: G ermen .ovatum; Styx.1 due
tentes, ad bafin ufque plumofi, Jig. 8.
NECTARIUM : G l-umu-las duo* lanceolate, acumi-
nat x, jig. 6. |
n 6 ^ev.era^ catalogues of plants publifhed by me at different periods, I have long fince given to this very
|diltincL fpecies of Agroftis the name of fetacea, or Sheep's fefeue-leaved, the foliage being much finer than that of
^ any other of our Britifh Ipecies, and confiderably refembling that of the Sheep s - Fefcue grafs ; regarding this
j; name as more exprellive than that of alpina, which, was perhaps previoufly given it by Scopoli, lam not
[inclined to alter it, more efpecially as Gmelin has alfo an alpina, which, if we pay any regard to his figure J . reference, is not our plant* . - ' - , •
;,,p information I received of this grafs was from my Gardener, R obert Squibb, who fent me up
• - cj.m® tu“^ ° f it from Piddletown-Heath, Devonfhire, where his relations lived;. I have fince found it to be one
I t‘-e m°ft common plants of that county, and Cornwall, there being fcarcely a heath in either on-which it
oes not abound ; I have found it alfo plentifully on Bagfhot-Heath, but not in the neighbourhood of London;
°x A1NS.BOROUGH obferved it near Lymington, Hampfhire.
\ p howers m. July and ripens its feeds in Auguft.
: eadily as it grows in its wild ftate, I have not been able to keep it alive in my garden without planting it
■ nAp| earth, and bellowing unufual care on'it.
lien th Pr^^IaPty . ° n ts P*ace ° f growth, the ffnenefs of its glaucous leaves, the clofenefs of its panicle, the
Ifrom ‘ ° v S clofely embraced is one of the valves of the calyx as to appear at firft as if proceeding
Ifnfr •lt’ f t l W never obferved to be wanting, joined to other charafters noticed in the aefeription.
I ^ ICnt ^ PPmt || out to the moft common obferver.
irnnft:,31! aSnc^ tufal plant, it does not appear to have much to recommend i t ; where it abounds, it muft
iconltnute much of the Iheep feed.