DiPSAcus piLosus* Small wild T easel or
Shepherd’s Rod.
DIPSACUS Linnai Gen. PI. T etrandrIa Monogynia.
Calyx communis polyphyllus; proprius fUperus. keceptacuium paieaceiim.
Rait Syn.p. 191» Herba: CorVmbiferis Affines*
DIPSACUS piioßs foliis petiolatis apperidiciilatis. Linn. Syjh Vegetal, fi. 126. Spec. Plant. i±t.
' DIPSACUS foliis biauribus, capitulis hemifphaericis. Haller, hiß. belv. No. 199.
DIPSACUS fylveftris Capitulo minore vel virga paftoris minor. Bauhim Pimp. 385.
DIPSACUS minor feii Virga paftoris. Ger. emac. 1168.
VIRGA PASTORIS, Parkin/on 984. Rail Synofi. p. 192. Hudfom F1-. Angl. p. 49.
ftüIX biennis.
fifcjLlS orgyalis,' ereftus, räftiofiflimtis, pette teres,:
aculeatus, fulcatus.
IjpMI oppofiti, patentes, cauli fimiles.
mpLlA ad lafin Caülis, connata, ferrata, nervo medio fubtus acouvlâetaot-ol,a nceolata, : indivifa, ;
Jduipcruelmataa ,a pfeprernadtaic, ulata ; ramorum; ima appen- : fuprema marg'me integerrima, i lanceolata. ;
B dUNCULI erefti, longi, ex dichotomiâ caulis, ful-
cati, aculeàti, apice fpinofiffimi, uniflori.
FLORES albidi, m capitillum hemifphsfericum Colledti, ;
dumflorent notantes, poftea capitula eriguntur. :
|CAL\X: Perianthiüm commune multiflorum, hexa-
phyllum, foliolis longitudine florum,patentibus,
lanceolatis, mucronatis, fig. 1. : Perianthîum
■ ProPrwm parvum, fuperum, concavum, cilia-
turn, fig. 3. lente auflum.
i « O I l A ^ monopctalä, tubtllofa, limbo quadri-
ndo, lacinia inferiore longiore, fig. 3.
Pilamënta quatuor Corolla longiora;:
Antheræ purpureæ, fig. 3.
BriLLOM : Gërmèn inferum, tetragontfm ; Stylus ;
niirormis, longitudine Corollæ; Stigma fim-:
Pfex>, 6.
N rICARPIÜM nuliutti*
HpNA fufca,'fubtetragona, fig. 4.
^KEPTACÜLÜM Commune hemifphærictim, paleace- ;
pars inferior paleafum concava, alba, ca- :
luPerior lanceolata, acuminata, fpinulis;
obfita, fig ,2.
I ROOT biennial.
i STAtKabo',t fcet Ugh, Upright, Very much branched»
nearly round, prickly, aud grooved.
; BRANCHES oppofite, fpreading, like the ftalk,
: 'LEAVESl aant ctehoel abteo,t tofmer roetfe dth, e thSet amlidkr ibc opnrincaktley, uonvdateor-
ntheea tbha,l eu inndtiov idtwedo, ftmhoallele ra tle atvhees ;t opth dei vleidavinegs oant
ltchrei bberda,n cahte s at bottom fimilar to thofe laft de- top lanceolate, with the edges entire.
: FOOT-STALKS of the flowers, upright, long, proceeding
from the middle where the ftalks fepa-
rate, grooved, prickly, at top very full of
flender ipines, fuppbrting one flower.
FLOWERS whitilh, collefled together in a fmallhemifpherical
head, which, while the plant is in
flower, droops, and afterwards becomes upright.
CA L YX : the common Perianthium fupporting many
flowers, compoled of fix leaves, the length of
the flowers, fpreading, lanceolate and pointed,
fig. I. The Prrianthium of each flqjcule
fmall, placed above the Germen, hollow, and
ciliated, fig. 5. magnified.
COROLLA i each fiofcule monopetalbus, tubular, the
limb quadrifid, the iowermoft fegment longeft
' f i i ‘ 3- •
STAMINA; fourFiLASiENTS, longer than the Corolla; An ther a: purple* fig. 3.
PlSTlLLtlM: Germex placed below the Calyx, quadrangular
; the Style filiform, the length of
Corolla; the Stigma fimple, fig. 6.
SEED-VESSEL wanting.
SEEDS brown, nearly quadrangular.
RECEPTACLE common to all the flowers paleaceous;
the lower part of the pales hollow, white, and
angular behind; the upper part lanceolate,
tapering to a point, and befet with little fpines
* or hairs, fig 2.
R 9 1 ba vonfidered as one of out Plants rariores. Hitherto I have found it only in one
H “ 'he latter. A,';, th rlght-hand fide of the Turnpike-road leading from Deptford to Lcwifham not far »»4 the fed ;s 'r; . gr°ws to a confidefable height, it is confpicuous at a dillance. The flowers appear’in July
4 hr<»s, h"re "K Ptember' 4t continues to blow for a confidence time; and, . ‘» f t . ’
-en?“Sh 9 «e flowers to recommend it for the Garden. P P f°
y rona ot Its bloffoms, being found on them in great numbers after fun-fet.