Papaver R hoeas. Smooth-round-headed P oppy .
PAPAVER Lin. Gen. PI. P o l y a n d r ia Mo nog ynia.
Cor. 4-petals. Cal. 2-phyllus. Capfula 1 -locularis, fub ftigmate perfiftente
pons dehifcehs.
Rati Syn., Gen. 22. H erbie v a s c u l if e r .® flore t e t r a p e t a l o a n o m a l y .
PAPAVER Rhceas capfulis glabris globofis, caule pilofo multlfloro, foliis pinnatifidis incifis. tin .
Syjl. vegetab. p. 407* Spec, plant, p. 726. FI. Suecic. n. 468.
- PAPAVER foliis femipinnatis hifpidis fruttu ovato glabra.- Haller. Jpifl. n. 1064.
PAPAVER Rhceas Scopoli. FI. Carn. n. 648.
PAPAVER erraticum majus. Bauhin pin. 171,
PAPAVER Rhceas.1 Ger. c-mac. 371.
PAPAVER erraticum Rhoeas five fylveftre. Park. 397.
PAPAVER laciuiato folio, capitulo breviore glabra aannam Rhceas diftum. A w Syn p -0S
Red Poppy or Cqrn Rofe. - 0 ;
Hudfon. FI. Angl. ed. 2 ip . 230.
Lightfoot. FI. Scot. p. 260.
RO OT annual, fimple and fibrous.
STALK from one to two feet high, upright, branched,
round, purplilh at bottom,'fomewhat hif-
pid, the hairs bulbofe at the bale.
LEAVE S feffile, forming a kind of Iheath at bottom,
hairy- on both lides, pinnatifid and jagged,
the fmall leaves into which the large one is
divided unequally toothed, or fawed, each
tooth •'rolled back at the edge, callous at top
and terminated by a fmall fpine.
FLOWER-STALK upright, each fupporting one
flower, round, bilpid, the hairs projedting
horizontally. 6
C A L Y X : a Pe r ian t i-i ium of two leaves, ovate, hif*
jpid, the leaves hollow, membranous on the
edge and deciduous.
CO R O L LA : four petals, large, fpreading, unequal,
of a bright fcarlet colour, marked at the bale
with a Ihining black fpot.
STAMINA : F ilaments numerous, purple and very
llender; A nthers roundilh, flatten’d: P o l l
e n green. Jig. 1. 2.
PISTILLUM: G er men ovate, cut off at top; S t y l e
wanting; St igm a convex and radiated, rays
H H S abo.ut '.teh - of a purple colour, fur. 3.
SEED-VESSEL, lhape o f an egg cutoff at top, where
it is fcolloped, finooth, mark’d with as many
raifed lines as there are. ftigmata, and
covered with the ftigma which is permanent
_ flat> and a^° fcolloped on the edge. Jig. 4. ’
SEEDS numerous, very minute, of a 'dark purple
colour, jig . 5. - •
RADIX annua, fimplex, fibrofa. £
CAULIS pedalis ad bipedalem, eredlus, ramolus, te- f
res, bafi purpurafcens, hifpidulus, pifis bafi £
I bulbofis. ' |
FOLIA feffilia, bafi fubvagiuantia, utrinque hirfuta, |
pinnatifida, inciia, ladniis feu foliolis in«- £
qualiter dentato ferratis, dentibus margine |
revolutis, apice callofis et fpinula. terminatis. v |
PEDUNCULI ere&i, uniflori, teretes, hifpidi, pilis I
patentibus. ■ ‘ | |
CALYX: P erianthium diphyllum, ovatum, hilpi- £
dulum, foliolis concavis, margine membra- |
jA-naceis, deciduis. ‘ §p |
COROLLA: Pet al a quatuor, magna, patentia, i
najqualia, coccinea, ad bafin macula nigra; |
nitidS notata. §||| t
STAMINA: F ilamenta numerofa, purpurea, ca- |
pillaria ; A nthers fubrotund«,- comprefl«; £
Pollen viride. fig. i. 2. £
PISTILLUM: G ermen ovatum, truncatum; St y - f
lus nullus, Stigma convexum, radiatum; £
. radiis circiter decern purpureis. fig. 2. £
PERICARPIUM: C ap sula ovata, apice truncata, et f
crenata, l«vis, lineis elevatis tot quot ftigmata £
• notata, ftigmate.. piano perfiftente crenato §
I I te<fta. Jig. 4. I
SEMINA plurima, minima, ex atro-purpurafcentia. |
t ig 5- £
WE have growing wild In the neighbourhood of London, four different fnecies of Pnnm, , w i r
affin.ty both m their foliage and flowers to one another,. viz. the Pnfnvo- Rhlas fmootLoSud-helded P o o ^
..paver dubtum fmooth-long-hceded Poppy, Papmrhybridum prickly-round-headed Ponnv nod U S “/ PP}’
faddy-long-headed Poppy. of thefe the firft, which is here f iL r c d l bv &r the m o ftBW fc ,?
t e .if,,f , : r E£ s' * * « - *•