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■ B!
ADOXA Linnai Gen. PI. O c t an d r ia T e t r a g y n j a ,
Cal. 2-fidus, inferus. Cor. 4-f. 5-fida, fupera, Bacon 4-f. 5-lpcularis, cai
lyc? coalita.
RaiiSyn.Gen. 16. H erb.e B a c c if e r ;e.
ADOXA Mofchaiellina. Linnai Syji. Vegetab. p. 315. Sp. PI, 527, FI. Suecic. p. 132,
MOSCHATELLINA Haller hifi. 429.
MOSCHATELLA Adoxa, Scopoli. FI. Carniol. p. 281.
MOSCHATELLINA foliis fumariae bulbofa;. L B . m . 206.
RANUNCULUS nemorofus Mofchatella didtus. Parkinfon 226.
RANUNCULUS nemorum Mofchatellina di&us. Bauhin. Pin. 178.
RADIX CAVA minima viridi flore. Gerard emac. 1091. Raii Syn. p. 268, Tuberous Mofchatel
Hudfon FI. Angl. ed, 2. p. 172.
Lightfoot FI, Scot. p. 209.
Oeder FI. Dan. ic, 139.
I perennis, repens, dentata, alba,
|JA radicalia tria glabra, lobis aouvta tqisu,a tmuourc,r otnria-ttiesr,n ata, incifà, brevius petiolata, oppofita. Catilina duo
PUS folia fuperans, fimplex, fubtetragonus.
■ UNCULUS quadrangularis, nudus, terminalis.
■ 1TUcLilUlaMtis ,t eqtruaignoton utemrm, ienxa lqiu. atuor floribus verti-
■ YX: Perianthium inferum, faspius trianguläre,
planum, perfiftens, fig. 1.
JOLLaAut qmuionnqoupeefitdaala, , larcointaiitsa , ovpaltains,a ,a cquutiasd, rcifaildya-, . ce longioribus, fig. 2, 3, 4.
JMlNA: Filamenta odo aut decern, fubulata,
loornbgicituuldati®ne, calycis: Ant her je flava;, plana;, fig. 5.
| ILLUM: Germen fubrotundum, calyce c ind um:
Styli plerumque quatuor, fimplices, eredi,
longitudine ftaminum, perfiftentes : S t igm a ta
fimplicia, fig. 6.
eulans, cum calyce coalita, fig. 7.
folitaria ia, ovata, compreflà, fig. 8.
BCARPIUM '• B agca globofa, viridis, quadrilo-
ROOT pceorelonunri.a'l, creeping, toothed, and of a white
LEAVEStr:i prlayd ictaerl nlaetaev, esd eceopmlym countl y int,h rfeme oootrh , foaunrd, Ifhhoinrit npgo;i ntht:e tThoegfem oefn ttsh eo rf tlaolbke tsw oov ianl, nwumitbh era, - Handing on fhorter foot-ftalks, and oppofite.
STALK fnoemarelwy hfqaut atrael.ler than the leaves, Ample, and
FLOWERth-eS TftaAlkL.K fquare, naked, and terminating
HEAD fqaunadr et,e rfmroimna ttehde buyn iothne o ffi fftohu.r of the flowers,'
CALYX: a P e r ian th ium placed beneath the germen,
moft commonly triangular, flat, and
pe rm an en t,^. 1.
COROLLdAed minotono pfoeutarl oours , fiwveh efeelg-mfheanptesd, , wflhaitc, hd iavrie- oval, pointed, and longer than the calyx,
- fig- 2, 3, 4,
STAMINlAen:g tehi gohft thoer cteanly xF i:l am e n t s , tapering, the and round, A ntherje yellow, flat, fig. 5.
PISTILLcUaMlyx: : G ermen roundifh, furrounded by the right, thSet ylelnegst hg oenf ethrael lfyt amfoiunra,, pAemrmplea,n eunpt:
St ig m a t a fimple, fig. 6.
SEED-VESSEL ; a round B er r y o f a green colour,
I fig- 7- ?* SEEDS fingle, oval, and flattened, fig. 8.
having four cavities, and united to the calyx,
fI.c m L ?01y lwts tnoliu-abgoeta;n |bfutSt caonn faitt,teernetdi.otnh isto f,intsg l'fIlauri dpif'iacnatti oans, aih eFwusm iatr tiao, boet hae prsla' nats aal toRgaentuhnecru/l«us, from
I ulLe lehxca mbii!cncait{ieorno.'15 pknts of R ay, but its berries are rarely produced, and not to be difcovered
r ialiZ dflowerhe -!viEonS °f itS CaIyx> 'and C°rolIa> as well as in the number of its Stamina,, even
!'lCn we find it abundantly, flowering in April and May.
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