| en-opodium Hybridum. T horn-Apple-Leaved
G o o s e f o o t .
CHENOPODIUM Lin.Gen.Pl. P è n t a^ d r ia D ig y n IA.
Cal. 5-phyllus, 5-gonus. Cor. 0. Sent. 1 lenticülafe, fuperum.
RaiiSyn. Gen. 5. H er bæ f l o r e im p e r f e c t o seu s t am in e o (v e l a f e t a l o
CHENOPODIUM Hybridum foliis cordatis angulato-âcüminatis, racemis ramofxs nudis. Lin. Syfi..
Veget. p. 216. Sp. PI. p. 319. Ft. Suec. n. 22ö.
CHENOPODIUM foliis glabris feptangulis, floribus paniculatis. Haller. Hiß. n. 1588.
ATRIPLEX fylveftris latifolia, acutiore folio. Bauh. Pin. 119.
CHENOPODIUM Stramonii folio. Vaillant, Paris 36. t. 7. f . 2.
CHENOPODIO affinis, folio lato, laciniato, in longiflimum mucronem procurrente, florum famülis
fparfis. Raii Hifi. III. 123.
BLITUM Aceris folio. Pet. H. Brit. 8. 7.
ATRIPLEX odore et folio Stramonii minori tarnen. Lal. Triumf. apud fratrem. Raii Syn.
p. 154. Hudfon. Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 105.
JDIX annua, fimplex, fibrofa, fibris plurimis, ca- j
[ pillaceis, patentibus. <
luiIS pedalis, ad bipedalem, ereftus, ramofus, an- j
gulatus, glaber. <
jLIA petiolata, alterna, glabra, fine farina, venofa, j
1 fubtriangularia, patentia, utrinque plerum- J
que tridentata, acuminata, dentibus magnis, <
■ iTIOLI foliis breviores, fubrugofi, inferne convexi, ]
fuperne canaliculati.
JQRES paniculati.
JJICULA ampla, ramofiffima, nuda.
JLYX: Per ian th ium pentaphyllum, perfiftens,
foliolis ovatis, obtufiufculis, pulverulentis,
margine membranaceis.
|R0LLA nulla.
JAMINA: Fil am e n t a quinque, fubulata, flavef-
centia, longitudine calycis.( A n t h e r a : di-
dymas, fubrotundae, flavae, jig. 2.
jSTILLUM: G ermen orbiculatum. S t y l u s bi-
partitus, brevis. S t ig m a t a minima, fub-
reflexa, jig. 3.
|MEN e nigro caltaneum, orbiculare, depreflum,
intra calycem.
ROOT annual, fimple. and fibrous, fibres numerous,
capillary, and fpreading.
S T A LK from one to two feet high, upright, branched,
angular, and perfectly fmooth.
LEAVE S {landing on foot-ftalks, alternate, fmooth,
without any meal, .veiny, fomewhat triangular,
fpreading, furnilhed with three teeth on
each fide, and running out to a long point,
the teeth large, and diftant from each other.
LEAF-STALKS Ihorter than the leaves, fomewhat
wrinkled, convex on the under, and hollow
on the upper fide.
! FLOWERS growing in a-panicle.
PANICLE large, very much branched, and naked..
. C A L YX : Pe r ia n t h iu m of five leaves and permanent,
leaves ovate, fomewhat obtufe, mealy,
l membranous at the edge.
► CO ROL LA wanting.
\ STAMINA: F il am e n t s five, tapering, yellowifh,
the length of the calyx. A n t h e r s double,
roundith, and yellow, fig. 2.
> PISTILLUM : G ermen round, but fomewhat flat-
► tened. S t y l e fhort, bipartite. S t ig m a t a
> very fmall, turned fomewhat back>w/zg\ 3.
) SEED of a dark chefnut colour, orbicular, flattened,
v contained within the calyx.
[LiNNiEus, when he bellowed on this Chenopodium the name Hybridum, had an idea, as may be learned
pm his Flora Suecica *, that it was a fpurious plant produced from the viride: repeated obfervations would
jobably have taught him, that this opinion was too haftily adopted, as the hybridum has certainly as great
Stenfions to be confidered as an original fpecies, as the viride, the album, or any other. Indeed it is one
Ithofe Chenopodiums which varies the leaft of any; and, befides the form of its leaves, which refemble
fe of the Thorn-Apple, and its peculiarly branched and naked panicle of flowers, it has a ftrong and dif-
feeable fmell, which lome have compared to that o f the Thorn-Apple : Alfo, fown in the garden, it produces
priably the likenefs of the original plant.
pall the Englijk plants of this genus, and we have them all (the maritimum excepted) growing wild about
fton, the environs of which are in many places peculiarly favourable to their growth, this is by far the
^ have hitherto difcovered it in one place only, and that fparingly, viz. in Batterfea-Fields, betwixt
^indmill-Meadow and the road leading to Cheljea-Bridge adjoining the Gardener’s ground. It flowers in
i tl! mentioned, in the third edition of Mr. R a y ’s Synopfis, to have been found by Mr. S h e r a r d on the
|>k; of Come watery pits beyond Ely, and by Mr. D al e about Colchejler. Mr. H ud son deferibes it as
| wlng plentifully about North-Fleet; and Mr. L ig h t f o o t enumerates it among his ScolLiJh plants.
authors fufpea it to be poifonous. T r a g u s , in particular, mentions it as a plant fatal to fwine.
IH1*1 muJln communia cum præcedente (viride) ut forte olim ab eodem ortüm fit, quod racemorum flruftura indicat, FI. Suec. n. 220. p. 80.