ßiucA T etralix. Cross-Leaved Heath,
ERICA Linncei Gen. PI. Oct and ri a Monogvnia.
Cal. 4-phyllus. Cor. 4-fida. Filaments, receptaculo inferta. Anthers
bifid je. Caps. 4-lpculariSi
Raii Syn. A rbores, Et F rutices.
ERICA tetrali'x foliis quaternis ciliatis, floribus capitatis imbricatis.
ERICA tetralix, antheris ariftatis, corollis ovatis, ftylo inclufo, foliis quaternis ciliatis, floribus
capitatis. Linn. Syfi. Vegetab. p. 302. FI. Suecic. n. 337.
ERICA ex rub.ro nigricans fcoparia. Bauhin. Pin. 486.
ERICA Brabantica folio Coridis hirfuto quaterno. I. B. 1. 358.,
ERICA pumila Belgarum Lobelio, fcoparia noftras. Parkinfon. 1482.
ERICA major flore purpureo. Gerard emac.1382. Raii Syn. p. 471. Low Dutch Heath or
Befome Heath. Hudjbn Fl. Angl. p. 144. Oeder FI. Dan. icon. 81.
MULES fruticofi, dodrantales aut pedales,, ramofi, ♦ STA LK S fhrubby, about nine or twelve inches high,
fufci, fcabriufculi ex reli&amentis foliorum. a branched, roughifh from the remains o f the
<s> leaves which have fallen off.
|OLIA quaterna, ovato-linèaria, patentia, prope
3 flores cauli adpreffa, margimbus inflexis, ciliatis,
ciliis glandulâ terminatis, fuperficie
fuperiore plana, inferiore concava.
iORES fecundi, imbricati, in capitulum congefti, 1
carnei. |
sALYX : Perianthium hexaphyllum, foliolis hir- \
futis, duo inferiora ovatp-lanceolata, cætera i
linearia, fig. 2.
* ■ i
SJROLLA ovata, monopetala, ore quadrifido^ la- \
ciniis reflexis, fig. 3. -
1TAMINA: Filamenta oft®, fubulata, alba, co- <
rollâ breviora, receptaculo inferta-; A n- j
theræ fagittatæ, conniventes, purpureæ,
biforaminoiæ, bicornes, fig. 4, 5, 6. <j
JSTILLUM : G ermen cylindraceum, fubfulcatum, <
villofuio, glandulâ ad bafin cin&um, fig. 7, j
8. Stylus filiformis, purpurafcens, fig. 9. \
Stigma, obtufum, fig. 10. <
JiRICARPIUM: Capsula fubrotunda, villofa, apice {
truncata, quadrivalvis, fig. 11, 12.
> LEAVE S growing by fours, o f an oval-linear fhape,
fpreading, near the flowers preffed clofe to the
ftalk, the edges turned in and ciliated or hairy,
each of the hairs terminating in a fmall round
globule, the upper furface flat, the inferior
Furface concave.
F LOWERS hanging down one over another all one
way, forming a little head, of a pale red colour.
} C A L YX : a Perianthium o f fix leaves, the leaves
hairy, the two lowermoft of an oval-pointed
fhape, the reft linear, 2.
I CO ROL LA oval> monopetalous, the mouth divided
into four fegments, which turn back, fig. 3. .
> S T AM IN A : eight Filaments, tapering, white,
fhorter than the Corolla, inferted into the receptacle
; A n t h e r s arrow-fhaped, clofing
together, purple, having two apertures for
the difcharge o f the Pollen, and * two little
>■ v- i horns, fig. 4, 5, 6.
> PISTILLUM : G ermen cylindrical, flightly grooved,
j ; . villous, furrounded at bottom by a gland*
fig. 7, 8. S ty le filiform, purplifh, fig. 9.
£ ' S tigma blunt, fig. 10.
SEED-VESSEL : a roundifh Capsule covered with
) a kind of down, cut off as it were at top,
> haying four valves, fig. 11, 12.
jpIINA plurima, minuta, flavefcentia, fig. 13, 14. $ SEEDS numerous, minute, and yeflowifh, fig. 13, 14.
K tye,c’es Heath, though not applicable to fueh a variety of ufes as fome o f the others, is not inferior
LJHII118 ln beauty and delicacy of its flowers, which in general are o f a pale red colour, but fome-
I s ttley. occur entirely white.
It; • 1 . ;;
llufter ° T fly en°r ^ diftinguifhed from the reft, not only by its flowers growing in a kind o f pendulous
lofs- , k r E' t0Ps °* f l l ftalks, but by its leaves alfo, which growing by fours on the ftalk, form a kind of
> neie are edged with little ftiff hairs, each,of which has a fmall globule at its extremity.
pf the Summer, it contributes its fhare with the others to decorate and enliven thofe large
i * Darren land which too often r™'34" — •— —r stefes —] —-
i meet the eye in many parts o f this kingdom.
| |§ f rbw in a moifter fituation than fome o f the others, and will thrive well enough in gardens
nL^_eir .m ^Pr*n<^i or Autumn with a quantity of earth about its roots: this is neceflary, as the
i ln general bear tranfplanting ill.