LYCOPSIS Lin. Gen. PL Pen tandria Mo nogynia.
Corolla tubo incurvato.
Rail Syn. Gen. 13. Herbie asper-if 9 l 1 aï .
LYCOPSIS arvenfis foliis lanceolatis hifpidis, calycibus florefcentibus erettis. Lin. Syfi. Vegetab.
p. 160. Sp. PI. p. 199. FI. Suec. n. 16j.- Fl.Lappon 77.
LYCOPSIS foliis afperrimis, undulatis, ferratis, linguiformibus. Hall. hiß. 6 05.
ECHIÜM Fuchfii feu Borrago fylveftris. /. B. III. 581.
BUGLOSSUM fylveftre. minus. Bauh. pin. 256. Parkin/. 765. Dillen. Nov. Gen. Tab. 3.
BUGLOSSA fylveftris minor. Ger. emac. 799. Rati Syn. p. 227. Hudfon. FI. Ahg l.p. 82.
Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 135.
RADIX annua, fimplex, fibrofa, albida. I ROOT annual, fimple, fibrous, and whitilh.
EAULIS pedalis, et ultra, ere&us, fubangulofus, J S T A LK a foot or more in height, upright, flightly
hifpidus, plerumque fuperne tantum ramo- $. angular, hifpid, for the moft part'branched
fus. | at top only.
iOLIA alterna, feflilia, lanceolata, obtufiufcula, pa- $ LEAVES alternate, feflile, lanceolate, bluntifh, hifpid,
pillofo-hifpida, fubtus pallidiora, avenia, | hairs ifluing from fmall papillae, paleft on
margine undulata, fubrevoluta. 6 the under fide, veinlefs, waved at the edge,
| and flightly rolled back.
I " 11 ■ '' I <>
■ LORES caerulei, fpicati, fecundi, fefliles, deorfum | FLOWERS blue, growing in fpikes, all one way,
fpe&antes. - § ■ feflile,- and turned backward.
BRACTEiE foliis fubfimiles. f FLO RAL-LEAVES fomewhat like, the leave;
Q felves.
BALYX: Perianthium, quinquepartitum, hifpi- ^ C A L Y X : a Perianthium deeply divided into five
■ dum, perfiftens, laciniis oblongis, acutis,$ - fegments, hifpid, and permanent; the feglongitudine
fere corollae. ' ments oblong, pointed, and almoft the
| length of the corolla.
_ . 0. 10R0 LLA monopetala, infundibuliformis; tubus | CO R O L LA monopetalous, funnel-Ihaped ; tube
cylindraceus, curvato-flexus, fig. 2. limbus $ cylindrical, crooked, fig. 2. limb, flightly
femiquinquefidus, obtufus; faux claufa fqua- | divided into five fegments, obtufe; mouth
muhs quinque, pilofis, albis,j%\ 3. J- clofed by five, fmall, white, hairy fcales,.
| ' I ;
STAMINA: Filament a quinque, minima, ad flex- <j> STAM INA : five F ilaments, very minute, at the
pp® corollas; A n th e r s parvas, $ curvature o f the tube o f the corolla; A niuicas,
fig. 4. j THERiE fmall and brown, fig. 4. .
|ISTILLXJM: G ermina quatuor, viridia, glabra; I PIST ILLUM : G ermina four, green and fmooth •
oTYLus fihformis, longitudine ftaminum; | S ty le filiform, the length of the ftamina;
stigma obtufum, fubbifidum, fig. 5. | | S tigma obtufe and flightly bifid, fig. 5.
BRICARPIUM nullum, Calyx finu femina fovens, | SEED-VESSEL none, the Calyx which contains the
maximus, laciniis conmventibus donee fe- f feed in its bofom, is very large, clofing
mma mgrefcant deinde patentibus. | together till the feeds grow black, and then
l fpreading.
rugoa, acutiufcula, fig. 6. | or wrinkly furface, and a little pointed, | |||| excavatis <s> RECEPTACLE marked with four round dots, hol-
BMINA quatuor, majufcula, nigri cantia, reticulato- $SEEDS four, largifh, nearly black, with a reticulated
jl lowed out.
IpCEPT ACÜL.UM pun&is quatuor fufeis
I ' r ,'s a Ivery common plant in the corn fields, efpecially fuch as are fitndv, and an dry
■ ihe’huftandm. /^Urh0A 0l L 0 w 0n' l,ave Sometimes feen it fo plentiful as to be highly injurious
■ The foil ,man * !f may feun(l ln bloflom from May to July.
■ thout vouch?1^ ^CC0Vnt l^e medicinal virtues of \this plant appeared lately in moft o f our newfpapers:
«lincere wjft, ,iA. T* I f e ,tmt“ °* t^ie report, we ha^'thought it our duty to lay it before our readers, with
The celphr t ^ A/r1 t may Prove as efficacious in its application, as is here reprefented.
■ the general o-n ti f r Yr A-N Pontanaj Member of the learned academy of Turin, has lately publifhed, for '
BcalledCarhnnoi 0t ,“ !teringomankl’nd. a fpecific remedy againft the A n thrax , orcorrofive ulcer, otherwife « 1 .^«iuuncie. Dr Plarmp rr u „ ___ ___ ___ r • 1 1 - , „ ad in in iS l3 .°rrPIague‘Sore- The curative prefeription was communicated to him by the perfon who
1 ? 11 It® Hiany years to 'Datients o f that d e frr intinn anrl wittln limply in th- ' y ° l “ aPy years to-patients of that defeription, and with fcoonnffttuanntt fuccefs. TIt. —cohi rf.ifftls.
n V i l nn IT ■ f a “ Id-plant, called by Linn
f t o W m 1
r f .. H ____ ___ _
1 1 foir ft method nLr a'p’»pI«y m—gt -ifl- Kp a Plflller of ttruie :„u nrg_u_e_njt c_a_l_lei:d B.a• filiconr . .1 I f> the- r-c a,f e I, houid .b..e.. ..o..t..h..e..r.w ife"5
■ j?y h on the im li! ! c ■ ,P anV called by Linnasus, L ycopsis A rvensis. Bruife and pound the plant;
H?0ur hours riiv • 5 mcans of a bandage, and do not tough it before it hath remained twenty-
K£ It ,.r. . * ■ L'Uring thn firft fiv rtr __ ...:n ___ I 1 1 . , ■>