j$Cl L L A A u TU M N A L I S. A U T U M N A L S q u j L.
SCILLA. Linn. Gen. PI. H exandria Monogynia.
Cor. 6-petaIa, patens, decidua. Filamenta filiformia.
'Raii Syn. Gen. 26. Herbje jiadice bulbosa pr.<e.ditas.
SCILLA autumnalis foliis filiformibus linearibus, floribus corymbofis, pedunculis nudis adfcendentibus
longitudine floris. Linn'. Syft. Vegetab. ed. 14. Murr. p. 329. Sp. PI. 443.
HYACINTHUS ftellaris autumnalis minor. Bauh. Pin. p. 47. et major ejufd. p. 46.
HYACINTHUS autumnalis major et minor. Cluf. Hiß. 1. p. 185. fig. 1, 2. Magn. Bot.Monfp. p. 134.
HY^ACINTHUS autumnalis. Winter Hyacinth.— autumnalis major. Great Winter Hyacinth. Gen
Herb. p. g8._f. 3, 4. emac. 110. fig. 1, 2. -
HYACINTHUS autumnalis minor. The lefler Autumn Jacinth. Park. Parad. p. 132.
I RADIX bulbus fubrotundus, albidus, tunicatus, fapore ■ * ROOT a roundifh bulb, ofawhitilh colour, coated of
fubdulci, mucilaginofus, fibrillis albidis. I ' a fweetilh tafte and mucilaginous,’ the fibres
,<D • ' whitifh. 1
(FOLIA plurima, radicaiia, Iinearia, fcapo breviora, § LEAVES numerous, from the root, linear, fhorter than
glabra, interne canaliculata, externe con- ¥ the fcapus, fmooth, internally concave, ex-,
vexaj firiata, recurva, obtufiufcula, ^ ternally convex and ftriated, bent back, fome- 1 what blunt at the points.
SCAPUS about three inches high, upright, round between
fcored andangular, villous if magnified,
naked, below of a whitifh green colour,
a above purplifh.
»LORES .5— 12 racemofi, e purpureo-ceerulefcentes. | FLOWERS from 5 to 12, growing in a racemus of
§ a bluCilh purple Colour.
iEDUNGULI adfcendentes, longitudine floris, ebrac- § PEDUNCLES afcending, the length of the flower
t®ati. 1 without a bra&sea.
COROLLA : Petala fex, ovata, quorùm tria paulo «
anguftiora, obtufiufcula, apice callofa, e viridi i
fufca, Jig. 1. I
[STAMINA •: Filamenta 6, purpurafcentia, lata, fub-
ulata; A n t-he ræ fübcordatæ, magnæ, primo (
faturate purpureæ, emiflb polline nigricantes,
J i- 2.
rISTILLUM: Germen fubovatum, Cærulefcens, li- * 1
neis fex albidis impréffis notatum; Stylus 1
trigonus, trifulcatus, longitudine ftaminum ; '(
Stigma fimplex, fig. 3.
IERICARPIUM: Capsula fubrotunda, trivalvis, val- <
vis ovatis, concavis, diffepimento per medium (
divifis, maturato fëmine pàtentibus, jig. 4. (
CO ROL LA : f ix P e t a l s , o v a te, th re e o f w h ic h are a
lit t le na rrow e r than the reft, ca llo us and o f a
g reenifh b row n co lo u r a t the tips, jig . 1.
STAMINA: fix F i l a m e n t s , o f a p u rp lifh co lo u r
b ro ad , tap ering , A n t h e r s fom ew h at heart-
fhaped, la rg e , a t firft o f a de ep p u rp le co lo u r ,
o n fhedding o f the p o llen b lack ifh, jig . 2.
PISTILLUM: Germen fomewhat ovate, blueifl)
marked with fix imprefled white lines; Style*
three-cornered, three-grooved, the: length of
the ftamina; Stigma fimple, jig. 3.
SEED-VESSEL : a roundifh C a p s u l e o f three v alv es
the v alv es ov ate, co n ca v e , d iv ided b y a p a r tit
io n ru nning thro u gh the middle, expandino-
wide w h en th e feed is r ip e , jig . 4. 0
.EMINA fex, duo fingulam valvam implentia, majuf- t SEEDS fix, two filling each valve, rather large blackifh
cula, nigricantia, nitidula, trigona, latere | fhining, three-cornered, the outer fide conexteriore
convexo, duobus interioribus planis, | vex, the two inner ones .flat, flg. 5.
efe°difl!nA;e Ü I w^ ers who treat of the Scilla autumnalis, defcribe two kinds, a major and a minor; but as
L nm A-rl °-nS ai? funded chiefly on the fize of the plant, and which depends on accidental circumftances they
I that Lp fVm§ • mucb attentl0n- G e r a r d was not aware of its being a Britifh native. P a r k in s o n informs
mv o f ; “ f on a bank bT the Thames fide, at the hither end of Chelfea; and he notices a
I In jvi ' V> wblte flowers.
|abunJ'n£Y>S S?n°E V i:t ris defcrib^ to grow on Blackheath, on certain parts of which it may ftill be found
ierealfoir h:i,an^nm-the fame w?rk’ lt 13 faid to bè found plentifully on St. Vincents-Rock, near Briftol:
>5 autumn m CX1 , In P«“ . Profufion. a8 I am allured by Dr. Ford, my much valued friend, who gave me
P L "'hlchh,ehad Sathered there, the bulbs, of which were in general much larger
Corn' a„j ™ , Srow ab9“ t London : it is found alfo near Ditton, on Moulfey-Hurft, over againft Hamptontltufuaji
not many years fince was obferved fparingly on Kew-Green.
W g r in Paft,uFes wb<rre tbe foil is a light and not very fertile loam; in its wild Hate it rarely exceeds
• Sower abu , .tIg Ï’. ^"yated; it acquires twice its ufual fize, and from one bulb fpring feveral Hems: it begins
panmens the fl . rd week mAugult, and continues in blolTom three weeks or a'month. In mod of the wild
’ [|ti«lmrin7 rtVenn/ i , C 5 COme UP WIthout the leaves, in fome few the leaves accompany them, arid after-
,ty do Jot r S l 1'Ï J 1,ze> ?PPear ab?vf ground the greateft part of the year; but, being fmall and graffy,
ISoch uas as1 * ~ 1 v P p lcau ead 10 ^ ;a uucoyery difcoyery of the plant. , , • ;
S !«ly,, andTmm andTrnm Si.0i cultivat!ng this little herald fierald of autumn, may raife it from feeds, which it produces produced in
iJ®»,. though fpLi n™ 1 ih u b7 VL“ • LU1SI,SI,VS *In(htro.orms ™8“us>8. that he obtained flowering plants the third year; it may be increafed
ariUn.f*n; .1°the ,bin *®wly,y’, by its lts bulbs,bulbs. wl“ which ch Ihould Ihould be be planted olanted in in a a light lio-bf loamy loamu fr.foil,il and onrl placed in ^a dry j— ___part of .>
Secured fmh, h - 1S, Plant the bulbs in a pot of Tunable earth, and plunge them in the border, they will thus
“'"•öloienri,is applicable 11 (to w!*,any ch‘ other fr?m fmall Jhev; r:hardy 7-e’ , th,bulbs.ey„ " 'ould be aPtto b e) When the border is du0g u1p; the