Symphytum officinale, COMFREY,
SYMPHYTUM Lin. Gen. PI. Pentandria Monogynia.
Corolles limbus tubulato ventricofus : Fauce claufa radiis Fubulatis.
Rail Syn. Gen. 13-. Herbæ A sperifoliæ.
SYMPHYTUM officinale föliis ovato-lanceolatis decurrentibus. Lin. Syfi. Vegetal, p. 158. Sp. PI. ioc,
FI. Sued n. 165. * .
SYMPHYTUM Baller. Hiß. n. '600.
SYMPHYTUM Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 195;
SYMPHYTUM Confolida haajoh Bauh. pin. 259.
CONSOLIDA major. Gerard emac. 806.
SYMPHYTUM majus vulgare. Parkinfon 523. Ran Syn. p; 230. Comfrey. Hudfon. FI. And
- ("da — n ö 2;p. 8Ti . LTi ghtfoot FZ?I/. SOcneor*t , pi »1 A3 4, .. ®
■ RADIX pèrennis* magna-, ramofa, extus nigricans, intus ?
albà, fiibdulcenti-infipida* fucco tenaci Lgluti-f
m nofo abündans. %
ItÀULIS bipedalis, eiredüs, tamofus, teres* fubangula- ; ;
tuS* fcabef ; pube tfgida, recürva;
ROOT perennial, large, branched, on the outfide
blackifh, white within* maukifli, abounding
with a flimy juice.
STALK about two feet high, upright, branched, round*
; yet flightly angular, rough; the hairs rigid
; and bending backwards.
CLEAVES alternate, the lower ones {landing on foot-
llalks, the tipper ones feffile, decurrent, ovate,
• pointed, feven inches, or even a foot in length,
fomewhat wrinkly, veined, rough on both
fides, the edges flightly waved, and fringed
with hairs.
FLOWERS o f a yellowifh white colour, rarely purple,
drooping; placed on racemi or branches, which
ufually grow two together, turn {pirally inwards,
and fupport many flowers.
PEDUNCLES both o f the racemi and flowers, round
and very hairy.
CALYX : a Pe r ia n th iu m o f one leaf, hairy, deeply
divided into five fegments, which are lanceolate,
keel’d and upright, fig. 1.
COROLLA funnel-fhaped, of a yellowifh white colour,
deciduous; the tube thick, the length of the
calyx, marked externally at the top with five
fmall depreffions; fig. 2. the limb ovate from
the gradual widening of the tube, divided
into five fhort roundifh fegments, which are
rolled back; the mouth clofed with five long
and pointed nedlaries, thick at the edge, with
numerous teeth-like points, clofing at top,
fhorter than the corolla, fig. 4, 5.
STAMINA: five, lanceolate, white, fhortifli F i l a m
ent s ; A nther /E oblong, bifid both at top
and at bottom, o f a yellowilh colour,! upright,
hid by the neftaries. fig. 3.
PISTILLUM : G ermen divided into four lobes, which
are roundilh, blunt and green ; St y l e tapering,
white, arifing from the middle betwixt
the lobes, a little longer than the corolla, with
a fmall obliquity a t-to p ; St ig m a fmall and
blunt, fig. 6.
SEEDS four, in the bottom of the calyx, largifli, angular,
blackifh and fhining. fig. 7.
[FOLIA alterna, infeirne petiolàta* fuperhe feffilia* decür-
rentia, ovâta, acuta, fpithamæa, etiam pedalia,
pärum rugbfà, Venofa, utrinque fcabra* mar-
gine fubundulata, çiliata; '
BAG RES ex albo-iutefcentes* raro pürpürei* cernui*
racemofi, racemis plerumque geminis* invo-
lutis* multifloris.
pEDLNCULI racemorum& florum teretes, hirfuti;
pALYX: Perianthium monpphyllum, villofum, profunde
quihquefidum: laciuiis lanceolatis acutis,
— carinatis, e reft is. fig: i.
[COROLLA infundibuliformis, ex iuteo-älba, decidua;
'Tubus craflus, longitudine calycis* apice extus
liotatus punftis quinque depreflis, fig. 2; limbus
ovätus, e tubo fenfim ampliato, minutim quin-
qüefidus, laciniis brevibus, ,rotundatis, revo-
lu t is faux claufa : fquamis neftareis quinque
lanceolatis, acutis; margine craflis, ferrulato-
dentatis, conniventibus, corolla brevioribus.
4. 5‘
■ MINA { FilaxMen tA quinque* lanceolata, alba,
A nther.® oblong®, apice et bafi
md®, lutefcentes* ereft®, fub fquamis nec-
tareis occultar®; fig. 3.
■ |ILLUiVI: Germen quadripartitum : lobis fubro- j
tundis, .obtufis, viridibus ; Stylus fubulatus,;
albus, inter lobos germinis furgens, corolla;
paulo longior* apice obliqüus ; Stigma par- ;
■ VUl«> obtulum. fig. 6. t :
quatuor in fundo calycis, majufeula, angulata, \
»igricantia,. nitida, fig. \
I « »mv«s!from eTm,e°to September ^ 'he edges of wet ditcbes> and in other moift fitua-
| ° f “ yel)owi(h white colour> but >“ 6 ™ parts of England, and abroad,
M f h' Id b' high eftimation, its confolidating. virtues have however been
jf-mallow, and hence ire i™ ° t8’ ,Wj ' C.h are ,(u .o f a glutinous juice, agree in quality with the roots o f
■ b externally, b y wav o f n o u h ^ e^ 'f ’ .in':ernall1y > “ o f blood purgings, fluxes, and ulcers o f the
n .'ffeoaion of I r e / , 'r oullds> ftaftured bones, bad ulcers, bruifes, gouty fwellings, &c,
f e f ' - .V a « . P° 'Vdered root> PrePared “ a particular manner, yields a fine fcarlet colour. h I l lo *
| “i 2 by “ ttle- 1 know of no Plant> tbat i being repeatedly cut down, produces