Re d u m Dasyphyllum. T hick-Leaved Stonecrop.
SEDUM Lin. Gen. PI. Decandria Pen tagynia.
Cal. 5-fidus. Cor. 5-petaIa. Squamæ ne&ariferas 5 ad bafin germinis. Cap/. 5.
Raii Syn. Gen. 17. Herbæ multisiliquæ seü corniculatæ.
SÈDUM dafyphyllum foliis oppofitis ovatis obtufis carnofis, caule infirmo, floribus fparfîs. Lin.
Syft. Vegetab. p. 358. Spec. Plant. 618. .
SEDUM foliis conicis, obtufis, glaucis, reticulatis; caule ramofo vifcido. Haller Hiß. n. 961.
SEDUM dafypbyllum. Scopoli Fl. Carn. n. 555.
SEDUM minus circinato folio. Bauhin Pin. 283.
SEDUM foliis cordato-ovatis compreflis fæpius oppofitis, floribus fparfis. Sauv. Movjp. 8.
SEDUM foliis femiglobofis fubovatis feflilibus quadrifariam imbricatis. Wachend, ultr. 391.
AIZOON dafypbyllum. Dalech. Hiß. 1133.
Raii Syn. ed. 3. p. 271.
Hudfon Fl. Angl. 172. ed. 2. p. 197.
XANTA perennis.
«AULES plurimi, triunciales les, vifcofi, fimplices, eet reu6ltlir,a ,b atefir erteepse, ndteesb.i- !
îOLIA pfritoa ,r actoiorndéat pol-aonvtaatsa ,m aadgnnaat,a ,p lcearrunmofqau, eg olapupcoa-, l*1 interne planiufcula, externe convexa, punc- * mtaetad,i umfæ pceau lrius bmoarejo raq,u ainfif errieotriac,u ilnattear, nec iercxa- >j cavata. j
1 The PLANT is perennial.
i STALKSw neaukm, ecrloaums,m ayb, ofuitm tphlree,e uinpcrhigehs th, igahn,d rcoruenepd-, ■ ing at bottom.
; LEAVESo pinp opfritoep, orotfio na nt o htheaer pt-lfahnatp, elda rgoev, agl enfiegrualrley, ggrroeewni ncgo lotou r,t hflea ttfiftahl ko,n fthleef hiyn,f idoef, aa nbdl uceoifnh
wveixth o nre tdh,e olaurtgfeidfte , adbootutetd ,t hfere qmuiedndtlley voefi nthede .ftalk, the lowermoft hollow on the infide.
jEDUNCULI ramofi, vifcidi, priufquam flores ape- 1
1 riuntur nutantes. \
I 0RES intus albi, externe rubentes.
■ ALYX: Perianthium fexpartitum, parvum, la- f CALYX : a Perianthium divided into fix fegments,
FLOWERfl-oSwTerAs LoKpeSn hbaranngcinhge dd, ocwlanm, my, before the f| FLOWERS white on the infide, externally reddifh.
ciniis ovatis, carnofis vifcidis, fig. 1. parum % fmall, the fegments oval, flelhy, and vifcid,
aucl. fiS' 1* a little magnified.
{OROLtLenAt:i aP, ecatlaylcea trfiepxlo, loonvgaitoor-aac, uctaar,i npaltaan, afi,g p. a2-. $| magn. nat. |
^ECTAfRinIAg ulfoe xg, erfminignuil uamd bgalfainnd uelxat romrifnuimm ap offlaitvaa, $£
fis i5- I
SAMlNuAla :t aF, illoanmg ietundtiane p lceorruomllqa u: e duodecim, fub- Y mum fubrotundæ, rubræ, demAunmt choemrpære fplæri -: f^
Pollen flavum, fig. 3. |
jISTILLinU M : G ermina fex, oblonga, definentia f recSutrvyaltoa,s tenuiores: Stigmata fimplicia, | fig. 4.
teCA• RtrPoIrfUuMm d: eChiafcpesnutelsæ. fex, pallide fufcse., in- f|
ÎMINA minima, flavefcentia.
COROLLA: fix Petals, oval and pointed, flat,
fpreading, three times the length of the calyx,
midrib proje&ing, fig. 2. natural fize.
NECTAReIxEteSr nfailxly, eaatc ht hae fmboatllt oymel loowf gealacnhd ,g eprlmaceend,-
f ig - 5- _
STAMINA : Filaments moft commonly twelve, tapering,
the length o f the corolla: An th e r s ,
firft roundilh, and of a red colour, laftly flattened
: the Pollen yellow, fig. 3.
PISTILLUM: fix Germina, oblong, terminating in
flender Styles : Stigmata Ample, and'
bending down, Jig. 4.
SEED-VESSEL : fix C a p su l e s o f a pale brown colour,
opening internally.
, SEEDS very minute, and yellowilh.
lfi apUtcehd pteor ftohnes apsu raproef ef otnhda no fth dee cporreafteinntg ftpheec ireosc ko-fw Sotorkn eocfr otph,e ir Igta rgdreonwss wwitiht hpoluant tsa,n yc atrnonuobtl efe, lein£ aonnye abfeptetfetr, Mnioptl iyese tv emryad me uitcs hw bayy ymoourneg umniovoetrss,a lalnyd i; nltooo kgsa rbdeeanust.iful throughout the year. Indeed it is ftrange that it
,! rhr.jIfie{/ffer&e~qHUoefniptliyta ln, ootn*c et^h eif loenf t-handw aflilds ea boofu tt hteo whno.r fe-Irt oagdro, wosn ptaurrtniicnugla rtlhye icno grnreear to aubt uonfd Panacrea doinfe -aR wowal;l I l e on a wall on the left-hand fide of the lane leading from Kenfington Gravel-Pits to AElon; and elfewhere,
Its thick white leaves readily diftinguilh it from every other fpecies of Stonecrop.
r°tanifts have differed widely in the defcriptions of thefe, as will appear from a perufal of the Synonyms,
|Ia n ”eW |Srcsd u*nm J aucnree ,> aannd(^ olt3haes rg Setnoenreaclrloyp os.n e’ additional part more throughout the whole of the frunification