Len a r i a S e r p y l l i f o l i a . T h y m e - L e a v e d
C h i c k w e e d .
4RENARIA Lin. Gen. PI. Decan dria T r Ig yn ia .
Cal. 5-phyllus, patens. Petala 5-integra. Cap/, l-locularis, polyfpetma.
kail Syn. Gen. 24. Herb* p e n t a t e t a l * v a s c u l i f e r * .
aRENARIA rcrbyllifolia foliis fubovatis acutis feflilibus, corollis calyce brevioribus. Lin. Syjl. Peg.
p. 353. Sp. PI. p. 606. FI. Suec. n. g^B.
STELLARIA Jerpyllifolia. Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 544*
ALSINE foliis ovato-lanceolatis, fubhirfutis, petalis calyce brevioribus. Hdler Hijl. n. 875.
ALSINE minor multicaulis. Bank. Pin. 250. % ■'
ALSINE minima. Ger. mac. 612. Rim Syn. 349- The leaft Chickweed. Hudfm FI. Angl.
p. 191. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 230.
DIX annua, fibrofa, albida. f ROOT annual, fibrous, and whitifh. H B B B B I E f l ■ M m B d-w s s a £ 3 2 B.t-pl- 1 BlBWHBifllJ |1 r r u v a t s f t s : * * | thickeft together:
ORES albi, pedunculati. ' I FLOWERS white, (landing on foot-flalks.
FDUNCULI teretes, foliis longiores, uniflori, e di- f FLOWER-STALKS round, longer than the leaves,
m m M - — S OSPSSfgSrA fubf eftl- ' $ and nearly upright.
I lYX- Peri an t Hlu m pentaphyllum, foliolis lan- | CALYX : a Perianthium of five leaves, which are
ceoUtis acuminatis, Phirfutulis, carinatis, % lanceolate tapering to a point, fomewhat
fig i ' | hairy and keeled, Jig. 1.
IjROLLA: Pet al a quinque, alba, ovata, obtufa, | COROLLA: five petals, of a white colour, ovateu ob-
| calyceduploferebreviora,^.2. | tufe, about half the length of the calyx, J ig . 2.
IT AMIN A: F i l a m e n t a decern, alba, capillaria; Ion- | STAMINA: ten F il am e n gitudine corollas. t s , white, very fine, the .A n t h e r * fubrotundte, $ length o f the corolla. A n t h e r * .round.lh
alba:, jig . 3- | and white, fig . 3. .A
JSTILLUM: G ermen viride, fubrotundum. S t y li | PISTILLUM : G ermen green, roundifli.^ Styxes
tres, albi, filiformes reflexi. S tigmata f three, white, filiform and reflexed. S t ig -
iimplicia, ’fig . 4. . ' $ mata Ample, fig . 4.
IeRICARPIUM : Capfula ovata, fubventricofa, teEa, I SEED-VESSEL : an ovate Capfule, fomewhat belly- unilocularis, apiee quinquefariam, feu fex | . mg out at bottom, covered by he calyx of
fariam dehifcens, fig . 5. % one cavity, opening at top, with five or fix
' | teeth, J ig . 5.
IU lNAl inpeliusr iimnfacu,' lmptiins ipmual,c hrreen riefotircmuliaat,a ,a d lentem { SEEDS numerous, very fmall, kidney-fliaped, beau- r . fig. 6. $ tw,fuhlelny mreatigcnuilfaietedd, with impre&d lines, v.fible Jig. p.
[ This plant, one of the leaft of the genus Arenaria, is very common on walls, among rubbilh, and in dry
pnd barren places. It flowers in June.
I There is a neatnefs in it fufficient to recommend it as an ornamental plant for walls, rocks, &c. on which
I I will grow mod readily.
I The rigidity of its (talks, and thyme-like form of its leaves, readily diftinguilh it from all its congeners.