PANICUM Lin. Gen. PI. T riandria D igynia.
Cal. a-valvis : valvula tertia minima.
PANICUM Crus galli fpicis altérais conjugatifque, fpiculis fubdivifis, glumis ariftatis hifpidis, rachi
quinquangulari. Lin. Syfi. Vegetab. p. 90. Spec. PI. p. 83.
PANICUM fpica remota, fetis nullis. Haller Hiß. n. 1544.
PANICUM Crus galli\ Scopoli PL Cam. n. 70.
GRAMEN paniceum fpica divifa. Bauh. Pin. 8.
GRAMEN paniceum, fpica divifa, arlftis longis armata. var. ß. Bauh. Pin. 8.
PANICUM fylveftre Herbariorum, ' Parkinf. 1154. BBiM P ebI . , .
PANICUM "bulgare. Ger. emac. 85. Rail Syn. p. 394. Pamck Grafs with a divided bpike. Hudfotï
Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 24^
I RADIX annua, fïbrofa- _ . I
I CAULES plerumque plures ex una radice, primo pto- |
cumbentes, feu obliqui, demum fubere&i, pe- |
dales aut bipedales, tribus aut quatuor geniculis J
diftinâi. ^ |
i FOLIA in humilioribus très quatuorve uncias longa, |
lineas du as aut très lata, in procerioribus femi- |
pedalia, vel etiam pedalia fere, lineas quatuor, |
alïquando et fex femptemve lata, acuminata, |
carinata, lævia, marginibus minutiffime denti- |
culatis et ad bafin circa orem vaginas pilofis ; |
Membrana nulla ; Vagina magna, ftriata, com- t
• prelfa. |
I PFALONRICEUS LpAan iculati. . . . 1 palmaris, et ultra, e pluribus fpicis compO- |
fita, pallide yirefcens. |
- SPICÆ fæpe ad duodecim, craflæ, teretiufculæ, pie- |
rumquefimplices et alternæ, etiam ramofæ et op- |
pofitæ, inferioribus fefquiuncialibus, magifque |
remotis. t
^ ^ ■ t
RACHIS quinquangularis, angulo quinto obfoleto, ad |
bafin lpicarum fetofa.
I FLORES fecundi, turgidi. |
i CALYX trivalvis, valvula inferiore minore, flofculum |
recipiente, fig. 1. prima et fecundâ æqualibus, t
nervofis, mucronatis, hirfutis, altéra plana, |
alterâ gibbofa. fig. 2, 3. audl. ^
I COROLLA bivalvis, valvulis asqualibus, glabris, ova- |
tis, alterâ alteram margine fuâ ampleftente, f
fig. 4. intra valvulam calycis et corollas, mem- |
brana tenuis, nunc acuta, nunc emarginata. $
Ä - 5. 6- ■ I I ?
[ STAMINA: F ilamenta tria, capillaria, brevifliraa;|
Antheræ bifurcas, purpurafcentes. fig. 7. |
PISTILLUM: Germen fùbrotundum; St y l i duo bre- $
viffimi ; Stigmata plumofa, purpurafcentia. |
I ?
I SEMEN majufculum, nitidum, glumis corollaceis tec- |
tum, hinc convexum, inde planum, fig. 9, 10. ^
denudatum, fig. 11, 12, 13. |
ROOT annual and fibrous.
STALKS generally feveral proceed from the fame root,
at firft procumbent or oblique, finally nearly
upright, from one to two feet in height, fur-
nifhed with three or four joints.
LEAVES in the more humble plants three or* four
inches long, and from two to three lines in
breadth ; in the taller plants fix inches, or
nearly a foot in length, four lines, and fbme-
times fix or feven broad, tapering to a point,
keeled, fmooth, the edges very finely toothed,
and about the mouth of the (heath hairy;
Membrane none; Sheath large, ftriated and
FLOWERS in a panicle.
PANICLE a hand’s breadth or more in length, of a
pale green colour, compofed of many fpikes*
SPIKES often twelve in number, thick, roundifh, generally
fimple and alternate, fometimes alfo
branched and oppofite, the lowermoft an inch
and a half in length, longer and farther afuxi-
der than any of the reft.
RACHIS having five angles, the fifth lefs perceptible
than the others, briftly or hairy at the bafe of
the (pikes.
FLOWERS growing one way and turgid.
C A L YX compofed of three valves, the lowermoft or
third valve very fmall, receiving the flofcule,
fig. 1. the firft and fecond equal, rib’d, pointed,
hirfute, the one flat, the other gibbous, fig. 2,
3. magnified.
COROLLA compofed of two valves, the valves equal,
fmooth, ovate, the one with its margin embracing
the other, fig. 4. betwixt the valve of
the calyx and the corolla a thin membrane is
obfervable, which is fometimes notched, and
fometimes pointed, fig. 5, 6.
STAMINA: three very (lender and (hort Filaments ;
A nther.® forked and purplifh. fig. 7.
PISTILLUM : G ermen roundifli j Styles two, very
lhort; Stigm a ta feathered and purplilh*
fig- 8*
SEED rather large, (hining, covered by the valves of
the corolla, round on ohe fide, and flat on the
other, fig. 9, 10. taken from its covering.
fig. 11, 12, 13.
Near the fame fpot where the Panicum fanguinale is found, this rare (pecies alfo makes its appearance, a (pace of
;about twenty yards fouare was laft autumn covered chiefly with this graft, and the Panicum viride; in other parts
of the fields it more rarely occurs j being an annual' it may vary its particular place of growth, but by a diligent
learch will probably always be found in fome part of Batterfea Fields; Mr. Ray mentions it as having been found
between Deptford and Greenwich in Garden Ground, alfo in a lane by the Neat-houfe Gardens Chelfea, and by the
rivulet fide near Petersfield, Hampjhire. He is furely miftaken in faying aquofis deleSlatur. Mr. Hudson defcribes
as growing near Martha’s Chapel, Guildford. .
Botanifts make two principal varieties of it, viz. one with awns, and another without ; the latter, which is the
date in which we have figured it, mod frequently occurs; it varies alfo in its colour, being fometimes found with
(pikes of a.purplilh hue.
It has a very great affinity to the Panicum Crus corvi, a foreign graft, but is too Angular to be miftaken for
. any Engli/h Panic.
Affording a large quantity of feeds of confiderable magnitude, it is fought for with great avidity by (parrows and
other fmall birds.