V e r o n i c a B ecabunga. B r o o k l ime .
Linnesi Gen. PI. Diand ria Monoqyn ia,
Cor. limbo 5-partito, lacinia infima anguftiore.
Rail Syn. Gen. 18. Herbæ fructu siçpo singulari, flore mqnopetalo.
Becabunga racemis lateralibus, foliis ovatis planis, caule repente. Lin. Syjl. Veg. p. 57.
foliis ovatis, ferratis, glabris, ex alis racemofa. Haller hiß. n. 534,
Becabunga. - Scopoli. FI. Carniol. n. 11.
aquatica minor folio fubrotundo. Bauhin pin, 252,
aquatica vulgaris, five Becabunga. Parkinfon 1236.
five Becabunga. Gerard emac. 620.
aquatica rotundifolia, Becabunga difila minor. Raii Syn. 280. Common Brooklime,
Hudfon Fl. Angl. p. 4. Oeder FI. Ban. Icon. 511.
RADIX perennis, fibrofa, fibris plurimis, capillaribus, A
albis. |
CAULES numerofi, repentes, teretes, lseves, crafli, a
fucculenti, rufientes, ramofi. ^
FOLIA ovato-obtufa, utrinque glabra, fubcarnofa, A
oppofita, dentata, denticulis glandula ter- Y
minatis. - \
FLORES pulchre ccerulei, ocello albo, racematim a
difpofiti, racemis ex utraque ala prodeunti- y
. bus I
CA L YX : Perianthium quadripartitum, laciniis A
ovato-acutis, laevibus, corolla brevioribus, a
Jig. 2. ; |
CO ROL LA monopetala, fubrotata, coerulea, venis %
faturatioribus ad bafin ftriatis, laciniis fub- ^
ovatis, infima anguftiore, jig. 3. a
STAMINA : Filamenta duo, alba, medio crafliora: a
A ntheræ coerulefcentes : Pollen album,
fig- 4- S
PISTILLUM : G erm bn fubrotundum, didymum : |
S ty lus apice incraflatus, purpureus: St ig -
m a capitatum, fig. g. , . Î
PERICARPIUM : C apsula fubrotunda, compreffa, |
bilocularis, quadrivalvis, fig. 6. A
SEMINA plurima, ovata, fufca, Jig. 7, 8.
RO OT perennial, fibrous, the fibres numerous, very
fmall and white.
STALK S numerous, creeping, round, fmooth, thick,
fucculent, of a readilh colour, and branched.
LEAVES oval and obtufe, fmooth on bothfides, fome-
what flelhy, oppofite, indented at the edges,
each little tooth terminated by a gland.
FLOWERS of a beautiful blue colour, with a white
eye, growing in racemi or branches which
proceed from the bofoms of the leaves on
each fide o f the fialk.
C A L YX : a Perianthium divided into four feg-*
ments, which are o f an oval pointed lhape,
fmooth, and fhorter than the corolla, Jig. 2.
CO RO L LA monopetalous, fomewhat wheel-fhaped,
of a blue colour, ftriped at bottom with
deeper veins o f the fame colour; the feg-
ments nearly oval: the lowermoft narrower
than the others, Jig. 3.
STAMINA: two white F ilaments, thickeft in the
middle: A nther as blueifh: the Pollen
white, Jig. 4.
P ISTILLUM: G ermen roundilh, double: Sty le
thickeft at top and purple: Stigma forming
a little head, Jig. 5.
SEED-VESSEL: a roundilh, flattened Capsule of
two cavities and four valves, Jig. 6.
SEEDS feveral, oval and brown, jig. 7, 8.
Brooklime grows very commonly in brooks and muddy waters, whence its name; and flowers in June and
S . It is an officinal plant, and made ufe o f in the fcorbutic juices o f the London Difpenfatory, which
is to bp the only purpofe to which it is applied,