Anthoxanthum odoratum. Sweet-scented
or V ernal G rass.
ANTHOXANTHUM Linruei Gen, PI. D ia n d r ia D ig y n ia .
Calyx. Gluma bivalvis, uniflora. Corolla. Gluma bivalvis, acuminata.
Semen unicuüi.
Ran Syn. Gen. 24. H erbæ GRam in ifo l iæ flqre imperfec to culmiferæ.
ANTHOXANTHUM odoratum {pica oblongs, ovata, laxa.
ANTHOXANTHUM odoratum fpica oblonga ovata, flofculis fubpeduuculatis arifta longioribus. Linmvi
S'yjl. Vegetab. p. 67. FI. Suecic. No. 33.
A VENA diantha, folliculo viilofo, calycis-glumis inæqualibus, altera de imö dorlo, altera de fummo
arifta. Haller, hift.heh. No. 1491.
ANTHOXANTHUM odoratum. Scopoli FI. Corn. No. 38. Hudfon FI. A g i. p. 10. Sii/li/ngfieet mifce.
t. I . Schreber Gram. tab. 5, p. 49. . . '
GRAMEN pratenfe fpica flavefcente. Bauhin. Pin. 3.
'GRAMEN vernum fpica brevi laxa, Raii Syn. p. 389. Scheuch, hiß. 88.
-RADIX- perennis, fibrofa. | ROOT perennial and fibrous. ■’
CUEMI primum obliqui, demumerefli, dodrantales aut| STALKS at firft growing obliquely,pedales. - | ' upright, ufual'ly from 8 to 1 2f iinnaclhlye s bheicgohming FOLIA ifnptearr gudnigtl,t opsl eartutmritqau eo dpourbeemfc eAiltfipae, rufelæp eo ldiomriatteær!î LEAVESW iofo rdurbobffe,d g ebnèetrwalilxyt ptuhbee ffcienngte-rasn, df omfteelnl icnulr l'elidke tlolrritautoaf, a,l æmvies.m b' ranâ ad bafin1 inftru. cta, Vagina || fSuhrneailthiie dft riwatiethd aan at bottom • the CSPAILCYÆX :o bGlongo-ovatoe, laxæ. | SPIKES of an oblong oval fliape and fmooth. riorleu mdiam ibdiov albvriesv, ioVrea,l vumlise minbæraqnuaacliebau, s,a cinuftae,- |J CALYX:t hae lGowluermmeo oftf I thwoort eVr ablvye,osn, et-hhea lVf,a mlveems ubnraenqouuasl ltuanpteinbourse, aficgu.m 3i,n a2t.a , nervis, tribus viridib■ us ex-1| athnrde ea fcturoten;g ntheerv eusp opre rrmibosf, tJ iagc. u3m in2 ated ’ with COROLLmAe m: ''bGralnuacmeaæ , bivalvis, valvulæ fubæquales,| COROLLA: a Glume of twoValves, the Valves nearly Arifta que dempuimlof æg enariicfutalatæta, fiftu, fpcæro p; e baafltiénr |a i : equal, membranous, hairy, of a brown colour exlurgit, altera prope apicem, Jig. 4. | 1 awnhdi cfuhr fniinlhaleldy wbeicthom Aesr ifbtae:n, t,o nfpe roinfg tsh efr oAmri ftthæe’
! bafeof the Valve, the other almoft at the top,
NECTARoIvUaMtæ ,: înGælquuamleusl, æge rmdueæn , inpciedlleunctiedsæ, f, ign.i t5id, æ6,. J| NECTARqIuUaMi G : lutwmoe sf inoarl !,V paelvlleusc midc' /o(fhiningi ntgh e oGvaelr’ muenn ,
STAMINA: Filamenta duo prælonga; Àntheræ| STAMINdf: two Filaments very long- Anther*
ptq-t-tt t ™ Dg%’ pUrpUreæ’. “trinî ue forcatæ< fiS-S- % long, purple, forked at each end, fig. e. MbTILLUStMy :l i Gdeurom feilinfo rmmiens imgluumm i olbolnognigoore-so,v atuvmer ;f u| s Pf ISTILLfUliMap e: ; GSetrymleesn vtweroy, f/inleanld!,e r,o flo anng eorb ltohnagn othveal apicem plumulofæ, 9%. 7. | ,1 valves, and towards the top a little feathered,
SEMEN unicum, Neftario fufeo, uitido, inclufum,^. 8.1 SEED fingfe/inclofed within its brown, Ihining Nefla- * . rium,/g. 8.
The Anthoxanthum is diftinguiflied from the other Graffes by a very fingular circumftance,' viz. that of having only
two Slam,na jig. 1 : hence it is placed by L innjeus among the Dlandrous plants, and feparated from all thfothfr
Graffes. This peculiarity, although it occafions a leparatiou which does violence as it were to Nature, yet it ferves in
S w 5 ma,rner t0 d'm 1“ '?,“'0. th 8 Ge,lus from a numero“S and difficult tribe of plants : excluliveof this fingu-
lanty, it differs allô very effentially m the other parts of its fruflification’; each of the Spiculæ contains in common
with many other Grafles only one flower, fig. 1. One of the Glumx Calyeinee, of valves of the Calyx, is fmall and
membranous, fig. 3. ; the-other is large, and mclofes, or wraps up in it, as it were, the whole of the fruaification
■ H' „ ! hef Glumes- far as 1 have obferved, do not open and expand themfelves in the manner obfervable in the
fndpimiT'' ma"y other Graffes, wheretheyTeparate quite wide, and expofe their little feathery Styles; but the Stamina
and Pffi,Ua appear to pud, themfelves out, the Glumes remaining clbfed, fig. 1. The Glumis Corollacex are ven d,T
fimilar to thole of moft other Grafles, being remarkably hairy, and having each of them an Arifta, the longeft of which
fprings from near the bafeof the Glume, is at firft ftraight, but as the feed becomes ripe the top of ft is S r a lN ba
a N ■•mVarr ; , tho ,0ther ^n? a anfes from nïar the top Of the oppofite Glume or Valve, > . 4. The Glu
tT °r lini e ? ’ u!“.es of the Neflanum, differ no lels in their ftrufture, being compofed of two little oval
p-reaf H'ffî HÏP^ one.°£ Wj[llch 1S dialler than the other; thefe clofely embrace the Germen,and cannot be feen but with
g eat difficulty, unlefs they are obferved juft at the time that the Antheræ are protruding from betwixtthem X
‘S 'E'" " “ llby
its fmelT16 IfTheAc-v'c110 havo bef'J uccuftomed to examine piants minutely, may readily diftinguiffi this graft
| | g | ;f C ,SerS' t % lmpart 3 grateftl Odour like7 that o f Woodru#;”
eevveiifyk kinmHd2 o Tf tI0^1/I,‘ “frr onmf ethue’ p0oro reft and dneft,, atnod tm^ae nm7o oftt hfeerrsti loef aonudr bmoogfgty u. fefIotl fpelrannst sh, otwhiesv Gerr aifns Ggeronewrasl o 8n «al*b»oft
u f i t Sg Z yTh7i U ", fubjea’ % Plan* ’ - vary K s fixe,
woods, t0 be CUrIed if the &il be " Ch * “ Stows in
B M B M m M M I spring Grafs, from its coming into ear earlier than meft others ■
feparated on rubbing * y “ bl00m> “ d ^ the middle of J““= the feed is ripe, and may b= cafil^
ï f e l l S - à I I that £!11S 15 one °^ our Grafles which might be cultivated with confiderabie
bottomf but the IJ?ead?ws about town it grows to a confiderabie height, and forms a thick, tuft ' of leaves at
> out the circumftance moft m its favour, is its early appearance in the Sorinp- ThU ^ „ . aL
Gca/r C°w7 lf Z t0Ef»W Wlt,b ?tIlel's *" layh>g down meadow land ; and probably tile Poa trivialis or common^Mea^ wwoouulldd ftoorr tthhiiss hpeu rFpo^freC ?be eliuapt,eorn;o ro tro Mtjieaatd oowf mFoefftc uott,h jeorisn. ed to it, would form a mixture, the’pprroouduuccee ootf wwhhiicchh .