V eronica A nagalli s. Water Speedwell.
Cor. Limbo 4-partito, lacinia. infima angufliore. Capfula bilocularis.
Raii Syn. Gen. 18. H erbie fructu sicco singulari flore 'monopetalo.
VERONICA Anagallis racemis lateralibus, foliis lanceolatis ferratis, caule eretto. Lin. Sy/l.
Vegetab. p. 56. Sp. PI. p. 16. FI. Suec.n. 13.
VERONICA foliis lanceolatis ferratis, glabris, ex alis raceraofa. Haller hijl. n. 553.
VERONICA Anagallis Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 12.
AN AGA L LIS aquatica minor folio oblongo. Bauh. Pin. 252.
AN AG A L LIS aquatica folio oblongo crenato. Park. 1237.
AN AG A L LIS aquatica major. Ger. eniac. 620.
VERONICA aquatica longifolia media. Raii Syn. 280. The Middle Long-leav’d Water Speedwell
or Brooklime. Hudfon, FI. Angl. ed. 2. p. 5. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 73.
RADIX annua, fibrofa. $ RO OT annual,* and fibrous.
CAULIS ereftus, pedalis ad bipedalem, teres, fuban- S T A LK upright, from one to two feet high, round,
gulofus, glaber, ad bafin ufque ramofus, in- X flightly angular, fmooth, branched quite to -
v feme purpurafcens. |> /■ ' ,, the bottom, below purplifh.
FOLIA oppofita, fefiilia, Ianceolata, faepe ovato- <> LEAVE S oppofite, feflile, lanceolate, often ovato-
lanceolata, ferrata, glabra, venofa, pallide ^ lanceolate, ferrated, fmooth, veiny, of a pale
viridia. 9 green colour.
FLORES racemofi, numerofi, triginta quadraginta aut $ FLOWERS growing in racemi, numerous, from thirty
etiam plures in fingulo racemo. 9 ' . to forty, or even more on one racemus.
RACEMI laterales, oppofiti, longiflimi, fubere&i. | RACEMI lateral, oppofite, very long, nearly upright.
PEDUNCULI ad lentem fubvifcidi. | FLOWER-STALKS fomewhat vifcid when magnified.
BRACTEiE lanceolate. FLORAL-LEAVES lanceolate.
i H ■ ■ ■ I
C A L YX : Perianthium quadripartitum, perfiftens,|C A L Y X : a Perianthium deeply divided into four
laciniis ovato-lanceolatis, acutis, laevibus, tri- ^ fegments, and permanent, the fegments'ovatonervibus,
fubaequalibus, jig. 1. i lanceolate, pointed, fmooth, three-ribb’d, and
| nearly equal, fig. 1.
COROLLA monopetala, rotata, pallide purpurea, I COROLL A monopetalous, and wheel-fhaped, of a
lacinia fuperiore et duabus lateralibus venis X pale purple colour, the uppermost fegment
faturatioribus flriata, Jig. 2. 4 and the two lateral ones ftreaked with deeper
$ veins of the fame colour, fig. 2.
. I |
STAMINA: Filamenta duo, purpurafcentia, medio | ST AM IN A : two Filaments o f a purplifh colour,
crafliora; A n t h e r s concolores ; Pollen | ' thickeft in'the middle ; A n th e r s of the
album, Jig. 3. a fame colour; Pollen white, fig. q.
PISTILLUM : G ermen viride ; S tylus declinatus, | PISTILLUM : G ermen green ; S ty le depending,
purpurafcens, fupeme craffior; Stigma ob-<j> purplifh, thickened above; S tigma blunt
t u f u r n , 4. ' t i . . . q.
PERICARPIUM : C apsula bilocularis, fubinde tri-$ SEED-VESSEL : a Capsule o f two cavities, fome-
locularis, fubrotunda, vix emarginata, poly-A times three, roundifh, fcarcely emaroinate
fperma, Jig. 5. „ | containing many feeds, jig. g.
SEMINA plurima, fubrotunda, minutiffima, ^ . 6. <) SEEDS numerous, roundifh, and very minute, fig. 6.'
The Veronica Anagallis is a much more general plant than the Scutellata, being found in almoft every watery
ditch, but efpecialjy in thofe which communicate with the Thames, on the edges of which it is alfo extremely
common. - *
It is apt to vary confiderably according tofituation; when it grows in ditches that have a confiderable depth
ot water, it becomes much taller, the ftalk is proportionably thicker, and the leaves are apt to be curled •
when it grows out of the water, the plant is fmaller, the leaves are broader, flatter, and of a paler hue- in all
lituations its racemi are remarkably long and full of flowers, and its feeds are uncommonly fmall and
numerous. : , *■ ' } |
It bloffoms from June to September.
. feed-veflels are fometimes found very much enlarged ; on cutting them open a fmall larva was found
in iome, and a pupa in others, which, on being kept a .proper time, produced a fmall Curculio or Weevil.