Caltha PALUSTRIS, Marsh-Marigold,
• CALTHA U m * l Gen. PI. Polyandria Polygynia. Cal. o. Petala quinque. Neflafia o. Capfultie
plures poljTpermæ.
Rail Syh. Herbæ m Ûl t i s i l iq u æ seü coéniculatæ. \
CALTHA pahiftris. LinriaiSyß. Vegetab.p. 432. Flor. Sùecic. 19Si
CALTHA. Haller, hiß, helv. p i 32. n: ri88;
POPULAGO palußris. Scopol/ Fl. Çarniol. p. 404.
CALTHA paluftris flore fimplici. Èaahin:pin. 276;
POPULAGO. Toùrnefort. Tabernambnt.
CALTHA paluïlris vulgaris-fimplex. Parkinfon. 12130
CALTHA paluftris major. Gérard: emac. fl 17.’
RàiiSyn. z p . Marfli Marigold. Hudfon Fl. Àngh p. 214.
RADIX perennis, e plurimis fi b ris, teretibus; majufcu-
lis, albidis, conftans.
GAULES ex eadem radice; fuberedi,
pedales, fiftulofi, pene teretes, glabri, ramofi,
• ad'bafin purpurei.
FOLIA radicalia petiolata, cordatö-reniformia, glabra;
crenata, caul ma fübfeflïlia, âd apicem acutiora,
et acute crenata.
S T I P U L Æ fufcæ , membranaceæ, marefcerites.
R ,AM I( dichotomi.
P E D U N C Ü L I uniflorij e refti, fulcati.
CALYX nullus.
COROLLA : P e t a l a pleràmque quinque, fia Va, ma g na
, fubrotundo-ovata, - plana, patentia, fupèrne
non fpl'endentia, fig. \ :
S T A M IN A : F i l a m e n t a qumerofa, filiforîfiiâ, C o ro llâ
breviora, A n t h e r æ oblongæ, compreffæ, in ch
rv.atæ; flavæ, fig .' 2.
P I S T I L L U M G e r m in a quinque ad decem; oblonga,
compreflà, e re â a ; S t y l i n u l l i ; S t i g m a t a
fimplicia, fig . 3.
P E R IC A R P IU M : C a p s u læ totidem, acuminatæ, p atentes;
futurâ fuperiore dehifcéntes, fig . 4.
SEMINA plurima, fubovate, pulchra, infer
fuperne rufa, fig. 5.
: olivacea,
:: ROOT perennial, confining of numerous, round, large;
:: white, fibres. .
^STALKS feveral arife from the fame.root, almoft upright,
about a foot high, hollow, nearly round
fmooth, branched, and purple at bottom. . *
;; LEAVES : the radical leaves placed on long foot -ftalks
betwixt an heart and kidney fhape, fmooth;
Ihining, and notched or crenated; the leaves
I of the sta lk nearly fefifile, more pointed at
;; top, and fharply crenated.
ST IPU LE brown, membranous, and withered.
;; BRANCHES dichotomous.
PEDUNCLES fupporting one flower, .upright, and
;; CALYX wanting.
;; COROLLA generally confifts of five large Petals of
a roundifh oval fhape and yellow colour, flat
fpreading, and without any glofs on the upper
I ^ fide, Jig. 1. ' r
|STAMINA: Filaments numerous, filiform, fhortef
■; than the Corolla; A ntherje oblong, flat, bending
inward, and of a yellow colour, fig. 2.
;; PISTILLUM: G ermina from five to ten, oblong
flattifh, and upright; Styles none; Stig-
? m a t a Ample, fig. 2.
I SEED-VESSEL: fo many Capsules as Germina
I pointed, and fpreading, opening at the fuperior
| . luture, Jig. 4.
| SEEDS numerous, fomewhat oval, beautiful, at bot-
* tom of an olive, and at top of a.teddifli colour;
was found in Bloffom in the month of February,' fo remaakably forward was the Spring of that'year'
It grows in wet Meadows and by the Tides of Rivefs;.. ^ ^ ____ p ^ ^ yeardouble,
| -M y forward was the Spring of that year. ; ?v
IV aKes a .Yery noble appearance, and, w h en
is often cultivated in Gardens, where it will grow very 1
r read ily, i f the fo il be fayourablei,
In the Country Children colled it to ornament their Garlands on May-day
Chuy“ th° leaVeS t0 be eatH1 | but the flowers; ate often deftroyed By a fpecies of
H al le r fays, that it is acrid and cauftic, -and y e f that is eaten by Cows.
The flower bu^s are pickled, and ,ufed as Capers..