Epilobium' Hirsutum. L arge -flower’d
W i l l o w - H e r b .
EPILOBIUM Linntti Gen. PI. O c t an d e ia Monogynia.
Cal. 4-fidus. Petala 4. Capf. oblonga, inféra. Sem. pàppofa.
RaiiSyn. Gen. 22. Herbæ vasçuliferæ flore te tr a p e t a lo anomalæ.
EPILOBIUM hirfutum foliis ovato-lanceolatis, femiamplexicaulibus, hirfutis ; caule ramofiffimo-
radice repente. ’
EPILOBIUM hirfutum foliis oppofitis lanceolatis ferratis decurrenti araplexicaulibus Lin Sv//
Vegctab.fi. 47 x. Sfiec. Plant, p. 494. ploT.Suecic.fi. 123. • ■
EPILOBIUM foliis femiamplexicaulibus, lanceolatis, hirfutis. Haller Hiß. Helv.fi. 125.
CHAMÆNERION hirfutum. Scopoli Fl. Carniol. 270.
LYSIMACHIA filiquofa hirfuta magno flore. Bauhin Pin. 245.
LYSIMACHIA filiquofa. Ger. emaa 476.
alfo Codlings and Cream.
Hudfon FI. AngLp. 141. 3. ed. 2. p. 162, 3.
Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 197.
Oeder. FI. Dan. ic. 326.
M X perenms, furculofa, fibris capillata, e cujus j ROOT perennial, full of Ihoots, with numerous fibres
capite erumpuntgermma majufcula, rubentia, f fending oft' from the upper part Holes of a
fu” ma tellure reptantia, qmbus fe late A • confiderable thicknefs, which creeping undiffundit
et propagat. | der the furface of the ground, fpread widely
I j 0 I ' and propagate the plant.
PLEStnpedahs adorgyalem.ereaus ramofiffimus, A S T A LK from three to fix feet high, upright very
teres ad bafin fubtetragonus, hirfutus, pur- f much branched, round, fomewhat quadranpuralcens;
R ami cauli fimiles, adfcendentes. | gular at bottom, hirfute, and purplilh: B ran-
L t, . , , . . , . . r a 8 ches like the fialk, nearly upright.
AlLIApvato-lanceolata,argute dentlculata,hirfuta,fe- J LEAVES betwixt oval and lanceolate, finely toothed
miamplextcaulla.venofa.ramorumfubtortuofa. | at the edges, hirfute, half embracing the ftalk,
I none • r ■ r ■ r , , . 0 veiny, thofe on the branches a little twilled.
WKES magni, fpeciofi, purpurei, fubcampanulati, 4 FLOWERS large, fhowy, of a purple colour fome-
I yv.Ppululum nUtant“ - - , . I Whit bell-lhaped, and hanging down a little.
SLYX. Periamthium fuperum, ereaum, quadn- f CA L YX : e Perianthium placed abo?ethe Germen,
partitum, bah angulofum, lacinns ovato- | upright, angular at the bafe, deeply divided
acutis, fundo villofo, fig. l. J into four fegments, which are oval and point*
pAr t a . t> l . ƒ ed, the bottom in the infide villous, fig. 1.
KOLLA. Petala quatuor, obcordata, emargma-1 CO ROLLA: four Petals inverfely heart-Lped,
ta, purpurea, ball albida, calyce duplo Ion- h pmarinnafp/] nf a numL gmra, fig. r
ï AMINA: Filamenta o&o, quorum quatuor Ion- I
giora, alba, fubulata: A ntheræ oblongae, ÿ
biloculares, flavefeentes, fig. 3 . $
TILLUM: Germen oblongum, villofum, infe- ^
rum, tetragono-fulcatum, glandulis minimis
coronatum: Stylus .filiformis, declinatus, $
Staminibus Iongior: S tigma craflum, qua- |
drindum, laciniis revölütis, villofis,^. 4,5,6. |
emarginated, of a purple colour with a white
bafe, and twice the length o f the Cal-yx.
f i g . 2.
STAMINA: eight F il am e n t s , four o f which are
fhorter than the others, white and tapering:
A n t h e r s oblong, bilocular, and vellowilh.
f i g . 3 .
PISTILLUM: G e rmen oblong, villous, placed below
the Calyx, four-cornered and grooved,
crowned with very minute glands: S t y l e
,filiform, hanging down, and longer than the
Stamina: S t ig m a thick, divided into four
fegments, which are villous and rolled back,
K Em H CrAi’ suf A triuncialis, obtufe tetra- | SEED-VESSEL^ a'C a p s u l e about three inches long,
Sona lu.,cata m gemune glandul.s termi- | obtufely four-cornered, and grooved, terminata
lemter hirfuta, quadrlloculans, quadn- 4 nated as' in the Germen with'glands, (lightly
. . . . . . , f „ hirfute, having four cavities and four valves,
te vlr ’i?a " de fhtrea plurima, pappofa, Ien- | SEEDS oval, pale brown, numerous, downy, viewed
nrelH,an |nc COo Xa’ fcabnufcuIa- i'linc com- J with a magnifier on one fide convex and
L R e c e f t a c u l o tetragono, It- | roughilh, on the other, flattilh and grooved,
, llexih feriatim affixa, fig. 7. 9 affixed in rows to a four-cornered, loofe, flexi-
$ ble R e c e p t a c l e , fig. 7. '
I h irfu tu magnoflare, an d the Lyflmachia h irfu ta fiarvo More o f B a u h in e , are con fi-
g , | i j l« » * u s as th e fame fp e c ie s . y - - .-,y ;■ . A , .
fifing thgl .°ltV nchis £yftoria Plantarum and Synopfis-, confiders them as diftinfl fpecies; and Mr. Hu ns on,
Sname 0f a^ e gives a new name to the larger flowering one, calling it ramojum, and retains
P'Sus has Hr % vir j C *ma‘‘er flowering one; but as the larger flowering plant is the fpecies which
IPtcie. -ln.fiul'hed hy ‘he name of hirfutum, there appears more propriety in adopting his name for
fhefpecj I f « a new name to what he confiders as the variety.
ilto lheK; i.e.r e rfi§ nr cd ' S row s very com m o n ly in and b y th e fid e s o f w e t ditch e s, p on d s , & c . r if in g g en e -
OO»». 7ght ° f fiv e fe et. 5 5
R e ” Jn!y 'and Auguft.
>ing \ a "'hhe flower fometimes occurs; and a fort with variegated leaves, is fold by the gardeners.
!»s, have 1 root- 11 ls verY aP‘ to increafe to° much if not properly attended to. The leaves, when
l“lmnS appearance; and if bruifed, fend forth an agreeable fmell, whence its name of Codlings
f* ‘ he.notice of the Farmer? I f cattle are found to eat it,' either green or dried, may it
I a to advantage in wet fttuations, where other ufeful plants will jiot o-row. '