Polygonum P e n sy l v a n ic um . Pa l e -Flow er ed
P E R S I C A R I A.
POLYGONUM Linrnei Gen. PI. O c t a n d r ia T r ig y n ia .
Raii Syn. Gen. 5.. H e r b .« f l o r e im p e r f c t o seu S t am in e o (v e l a p e t a l a
p o t iu s .)
POLYGONUM floribus hexandris, digynis ; ftipulis muticis; pedunculis fcabris que depreflis. ; feminibus utrin-
POLYGONUM floribus oftandris digynis;, pedunculis hifpidis, foliis Ianceolatis, ftipulis muticis. Linncei Syjl. Vegetab. Sp. Plant, p. 519.
PERSIC ARIA mitis major foliis pallidioribus. D. Bobarti, Dead, Arfmart the greater with pale
leaves. Raii Syn. ed. 3. p. 145. Hudfon FI. Angl. p. 148.
WDlX-fibrofa, annua. <
kULlS tripedalis circiter, teres, glaber, fiftulofus, \
ramofus ; rami patentes, geniculis maxime <
incraflatis. T)LIA ovato-lanceolata; fupra glabra, fubtus glandu- \
’is pun&ata, faepe pubefcentia, ciliata, nunc *
naculata nunc immaculata.
ROOT fibrous and annual.
STALK barbaonucth tehdr,e e tfheee t bhriagnhc, hreosu nfdp,r efamdoinogth, , ahnodl lothwe, LEAVESj ooinf tasn v eorvya lm puocihn tfewde lClehda.pe, fmooth on their * uglpapnedrs ,f uarfnadC eo,f tuennd deornwenayt,h eddogtteedd wwiitthh flmittallel fhpaoirtss., fometimes with and fometimes without
FOOT-STa AflLigKhtS r ooufg thhnee lfesa vtoe st hhea irtyo uucnhd.erneath, with STIPULAaLn yr ihba dir sa.t bottom,’ and not terminated by FOOT-STglAanLdKs,S J igo. f 1t.he flowers rough with little FLOWERfoSo t-oftfa lkas ,g raenendi ftgi rocwolionugr , thfiicttkilnyg toong etfhheorr;t fdpriokeosp-_i nogv aal ,l itatlned. when the feeds are ripe CALYX: a P e r ia n th iu m divided into five fegments,
which are oval and obtufe, fig. 2, q. COROLLA wanting. STAMINfAho :r tfeixr tFhialna tmhee nCtosr,o tlalap ;e ring, white, a little lar ; P A n th e r s bilocuPISTILLUM
: Go l l e n globular, jig. 4. ermen fomewhat oval; S t y l e divided
nearly down to the bafe.; S t ig m a t a
two, roundilh, jig. g, 6. SEED heart-fhaped, pointed, flat, with a deprejjion
rinal tfhizee m, iddle, Ihining, jig.Q), 10, of its natutufely
trjiiagn.g 7u,l a8r,, magnified, fometimes ob- jig. 12.
ETIOLI fubtus hirfuti, fcabriufculi.
fflPULÆ bafi nervöfae, muticæ.
EDUNCULI pilis brevibus gJanduliferis fcabri,j%. 1. ;
LORESd ehnefreb galcoemi, e rpaetdi,u nfpciuclæiso vbarteæv,i bfuesm iinnifbidues nmteas-, <* turis fubnutantes.
jALYX:o vPaetirs,i aonbttuhfiisu, mjig .q 2u,i n3q.uepartitum, laciniis • 5jT0RAOMLINLAA: nulla. pauloF ilbaremveionrtaa ; fex, fubulata, alba, Çorollâ < A n th e ræ biloculares ; ;
Pollen globofum, jig. 4. clSTILLaUdbMa f: inG deirvimfuesn; fubovatumr; S t y l u s fere ‘ S t ig m a t a duo, fubrotunda, !
fig- b- <>• . • 1 fMEN cordatum, acuminatum,deprejjum,m 7,, 8, lente nitidum,au6t. jig. fubinde 9,compreflum, 10, magnit. medio nat. ' ftirgu. obtufe triquefig.
ItTlchneb epdl'a nt here in the 3d figured,edition is of the Pcrficaria mitis major,foliis pallidioribus, D. Bobarti, and which is particularly R a y ’s Synopfis, p. 145: from the confonancy of this defcription, with that which
P diiittdioonw W ! onf had i no uhris given E of the l aPso Polygonum ltyhgaotn fupmec’si esb Penfylvanicum,e: inagn d tLhei in sw, the itihn htihse 3d edition Pleanftf yelvdaitnioicnu of his mof,Species hqius Plantarum, Mr. as H udson Fnlgohraft,nfnaamseu oSteysjl ema Vegetab.o b a r t ’s defcriptive
a conB
p( ijetyR oafy t,h eL innieus, and H ud son, then, it is made a diftinfl fpecies'; by H a l l e r it is confidered as a ,«him, in whPioclhy gmonanuym oPfc rthfieca driifai i;n gbuuilth iansg t hceh aBraafrtoenrs foorfm tsh ish isp jluadngt mweonutl df rboem udnraiveodi dfoaebcliym leonfst , thhea t feweemres
iciilo!tnnk-i ng ayd ditionahl 'icfhtaakreanct ersI, Dasia lwl iltlh eferettfloer eth jios inm aintt emr abkeiynogn dit daif pduifttei.nft fpecies; and, I truft’ lhall give
| The true Polygonum Penfylvanicum (for there are feveral varieties of it) has the greateft affinity with the W1‘malmks oPfctrhfieca lreiaav, ebs,u tf odoiftf-efrtsa lkfrso mof itth ein f ltohwe efrosl,l ofwtyilneg, apnadrt ifceueldasr.s , viz. pla’c e, of growth, fize, ftinute leaves * i While the Polygonum Pcrficaria ufually delights to grow by the fides of moift ditches, the Penfylvanicum f|°frisl. aw rhiicchhe Irt amnda ym noorte bleu xfouruinadn;t fionidle; eadn di nf oi tcso matmtacohnm ise nitt wtoit hth uiss pabarotuict utloawr nfo, ilt,h aitt trhefeerme bisl efsc amrcaen ya douftnhge-
'u» (ao vdaiurimetys oofr tOhera ches. Was it never to occur in other fituations, fome might be ready to fufpefl that it .«ember once to. hPacvrefi cafereian athrief ing from richnefs of foil; but it is frequently found in other places • and I ror a itream within fix inches 6fP eoaly/*gho 'n-'•uIm’'»» -P crfi’ caria, Hydropiper,' and Penfylvanicum, all growing by the -In if' ° ° 1 Brelled-
LI ,r "‘’8of tb_cti.opmul,mteo nar e,l amtcu ch, sm *o>ruec hf trloarnggelrv trhiabnb etdh ea tP boloytgtoonmu,m a Pnedr fhicaavrei an, oa nCdil iiats: ;j oiitns tsle ianv epsa ratriec ublraora adreer m, othree H r 1SSjtIaSf udnedecPre rt. haen dfo mpto-frtea llkt roonf gtlhye mleaarfk, etdo; wthhiec hh athiresy ogni vteh ae medagneifse fot fr othueg hlneeafvse s; imn othree vuipfipbeler’m bouftt
H i® “nder ,lde ,s ge(inaerraafltlcyr ,d tohtoteudg hw ictho nvtrearryy mtoin uwthe agt lands,.'while in the lowermoft it is coverei with a L innaeus afferts, is never feen in the Polygonum t i ,. 8 W,.bu,t' 1y11e Mll o1 wfiplhe cgielasn idts ,i s Halawnadyins gm oonr.ef hoorr tl effos optr-eftdaolkms,i nwanhti.c h-Tfohme eftoimote-fst aelxkste onfd t'hhea lBf odwowerns athree Splliacnklty •
«tiR '“ “ T r " ’ or',c.xfeedinS rarely', occurs in the Polygonum Perficaria: the Bowers are of a pale or h n i.r ’ , ro™»“ “ ker and larger fakes than in the Polygonum Perficaria, and, when ripe are fo Wm n 1 i t0 hang down a little ; the Style is divided very nearly down to the Germen while in
a»tW <i?S ,Vnmt- Pe. IJc‘cearlna‘lfn 11c n“t edrl,va, docfd th«i»sl yfp hecailefs w: alyaf it lya,q. dth teh ifso rdmiv ifoiofnth oef fteheed Ss tycloe,n tIr ilbouotke s unpootn aa sl itotnlee toof' tthhee
j>*lair t rr! €af,nla!mnst™? do nll xela{cl?h “fldi e m!, (m.he t hP;esr Jfpjcemciaesi ,t hiet /eise dins agreen eeritahle frl atrti, anwgituhl aar ,d eoprr oejff ma pooni neteadc ho fviadle I;h aipt eis i|U e£c ,u i• angPuflaora dfeeerd; inso mwo aftn dfr ethqeune nat 'finee dth oe cPcoulrysg, onfourmm Pinegr fiacna riuan. equal triangle, but .thefe are ver-y rare