rin to the soil by villous down; marfporidTa
.‘o t .b^ >•
Sect. 4. Humaría— BmsXX, somewhat fleshy, margin sub-
1 9 9 4 . P e z iz a r u t ila n s . Fr. “ Splendid Peziza.”
Snb-sessile, middle-sized, campanulate, then expanded, ex-'
ternatly hnely pubescent, pallid ; disc orange red ; sporidia at
length echmnlate.— S.M. ii.p. 68. Ray. Syn.p. 19, wo. 14.
Karst, exs. no. 527. Karst. Mon. Fez. p . 116. Fckl. exs. no. 1222.
Eng. Fl. Y . p . 190. Peziza humosa, B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 768,
¿ . 3 , / 13, wo. 1154. Berk. Eng. Fl. Y. p . 191. S ow .t.3 6 9 ,f.2 .
Bolt. 1.101,/. 1. Purt. t. 25. P. leucoloma, Sturm, t. 17.
On the ground. [Mid. Carolina.]
Sporidia (-OOOg-’OOHn.) •022--025 m.m. long (-0004--0005 in.) •01--0125 m.
m. broad when perfectly developed, strongly eehinulate with one or more
nuclei. Cups nearly i in. broad, at first round, even, disciform, at length
margin pale, but not involute ; disc of a full orange, externally paler ver
mmutely^puHeruknt. Sporidia rough with granules, -Ü21--027 X 'OlS-'Ol■y
1 9 9 5 . P e z iz a m e la lom a . A . 4 S. “ Blaok-edged Peziza.”
Sessile, crowded, concave, then nearly plane, dingy-orano-e
margin furnished with very delicate black hairs ; spores ellipsoid.—
A. & S. t. 2 , f 5. Fr. S.M. ii.p. 69. Eng. Fl. v. ». 190
Amn N.H. no. 88. Karst, exs. no. 550. Karst. Mon. Fez. ». I 23’
Rahh. F .E. no 723. Fckl. exs. no. 1221. Pyronema melalomum.
I cM. Sym. Myc. yi. 319.
charcoal. [-pjp_ Carolina.]
Paraphyses numerous, thickened at their apices
Spondia ellipsoid, ’Old-'OIS X -OOS-'OOO m.m —À v
Sporidia ellipsoid, 'OIS-'OIS X 'OOy-’OOO m.m.—Karst
1 9 9 6 . P e z iz a e re c ta . Sow. “ Cylindrioal Peziza.”
Sessile, crowded, suhcylindrical, smooth, yellowish, at length
dilated, mouth erect, subciliate.—®r. S.M. ii.p. 69. Sow. t, 369
/ . 10,11. Eng.Fl. V. p. 194. ’
On shaded ground.
Cup 2 lines high, oblong and upright, but sometimes short and clnmsv
n T • «Restitute of hairs, sometimes ciliated, sometimJs
1 9 9 7 . P e z iz a p o ly tr ich i. SaJmm. “Heath Peziza.”
Subsessile, orbicular, somewhat concave, vermillion, externally
paler, furnished with fasciculate flocci ; sporidia sphæroid.—Fr.
S .M .ii.p .76. B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no.1156*. Fl. D a n .t.1916,
f . 1. Karst. Mon. Fez.p. 121. Gonn. & Rahh. t. 4 ,/ . 3.
On heaths. Scotland.
Paraphyses davate above, and orange-brown, granulose.
Sporidia sphærical, at first finely granulated, 'OM-'Olfi m.m.—Nyl. Karst.
1 9 9 8 . P e z iz a a g g re g a ta . B .4B r. ” Crowded Peziza.”
Gregarious, confluent, ohconical, orange, whitish tomentose
at the base ; hymeninm concave ; sporidia fusiform.—B. & Br.
Ann. N.H. (1866), wo. 1155.
On heathy ground. Berwick.
The peculiar crowded habit and fusiform sporidia ('0008 in.) '02 m m . long
by (‘0003 in.) '0 0 7 m.m. wide, easily distinguish this species.
1 9 9 9 . P e z iz a su h h ir su ta . Schum. “ Hirsute Peziza.”
Sessile, gregarious, nearly plane, orange-yellow, paler beneath,
clothed with a few scattered, almost obsolete, hairs; asci linear;
sporidia smooth, elliptic, enucleate; paraphyses slightly clavate.
Fr. S .M .ii.p .7 6 . B. &. Br. Ann. N.H. (1866), n o .1156, t. 3 ,/.
14. Fl. Dan. t. 1787,/. 2. Karst. Mon. Fez. p. 123. Desm. exs. i.
no. 462. Fckl. exs. no. 1220. Pyronema subhirsutum. Fckl. Sym.
Myc.p. 320.
On the ground. Batheaston.
Sporidia C0006 in. long), •014-’02 m.m. long, 'OS-’Ol m.m. broad.
Sporidia ellipsoid '015-'02 X ’008 ‘01 m.m.—.Nyl
Sporidia ellipsoid, '014-'02 X '008-'01 m.m.—Karst.
2000. P e z iz a leu colom a . Beb. “ W hite-edged Peziza.”
Sessile, scattered, concave, then plane, red, margin minntely
laciniate, white ; sporidia ellipsoid.— S.M. ii.p. 71. Hedw. t.
4 ,f .A . N e e s.f.268. Eng. F I .y .p . 191. B. & Br. Ann.-N.H.no.
1 1 5 6 //.3 ,/. 16, «0.768. Karst.exs.no. 537. Karst. Mon. Fez.
p. 122. Fckl. exs. no.l219. Gonn. & Rabh. H it. 4, f . 7. Cooke
exs. no. 229. Leucoloma Hedgwigii. Fckl. Sym. Myc. p. 317.
On the ground.
Sporidia ('0006--0008 in.) -Og-'OIS m.m. long ('0004 in.) -OS-’Oll m.m. wide.
Sporidia sphærical, '011-‘013 m.m. diameter.—^ . &’’R,