r i4 E L V E L L A C E l .
formis, Fr. S. M. ii. p. 130. Pers. Ic. & Des. t. 7 ,f. 7. Ann. N.H.
no. 159. Karst. Mon. P e z .p .141. Perh. exs. no. 274.
On asli stumps. Apethorpe. [Up. Carolina.]
Sporidia elongated, •008-’014 X ’003-'004 m.m.—Karst.
2153. He lo tium su b se s s ile . Sch. “ Umber Helotium ”
Small, pallid ; head plano-convex; disc pale-umber; stem
very short, umber-brown at the base ; asci clavate; sporidia oblong,
sublanceolate, with two or more nuclei.—Schum. Saell.p.
415. Berh. Outl.p.372. Peziza helotioides,Fr. S .M .ii. p . 135.
Ann. N.H. no. 573. Fl. Dan. t. 1855,/. 3.
On dead branches. Oct. King’s Cliffe.
Of a dull ochre rather than nmber, the stem is very thick, ohconical, and
merely a prolongation of the pileus ; the hymeninm convex.—M.J.B.
2 1 5 4 . He lo tium pzu inosum . Jerd. “ Frosted Helotium.”
Minute, sessile, or very shortly stipitate, entirely white, pruinose
; disc pale flesh colour; sporidia elongato-cymbiform, 3-4
nucleate.—®. &. Br. Ann. N.H. (1866), no. 1174, t. 5 ,f. 33.
On Hypoxylonfuscum and Diatrype stigma. Scotland.
The hymenium, which has sometimes a slight bluish tinge, is pruinose,
as well as the outer surface ; sporidia '0006 in. long (sometimes ‘OOOd-'OOOb
in. long), -015 m.m. (•01--012 m.m.).
2 155. He lo tium zhizoph ilum. FcM. ‘ Grass-root Helotium.”
Cups at first infundibuliform, then plane, immarginate, externally
and stem whitish mealy ; disc egg-yellow ; asci linear, attenuated
at each end; sporidia sub-distichous, cylindrical, straight,
hyaline.—Fchl. exs. no. 1598. Ciboria rhizophila, Fchl. Sym.Myo.
p. 312.
On rhizomes of grasses. May. Shere. [E. C.)
Cups l i line broad ; stem 3 lines long.
2 1 5 6 . H e lo tium hezbazum. Fr. “ Herbaceous Helotium.”
Between fleshy and waxy, smooth, white ; head piano- convex,
adpressed; stem very sh o rt; sporidia elongated, straight, or
curved.—Berh.Outl.p. 372. Peziza herbarum,Fr. S.M. ii.p. 136.
Eng. F I .y .p . 204. Karst. Mon. Pez. p. 146. Karst, exs. no. 81.
Rabh. F .E . ii. no. 810. Desm. exs. 1, no. 603, ii.mo. 568. Fchl. exs.
no. 1147.
On dead leaves, stems, &c. Autumn. [Mid. Carolina.]
E L V E L L A C E l . 715
Gregarious, fleshy, adpressed, convex, sometimes depressed; stem extremely
short. - Eng. Fl.
Sporidia fusiform, -Ol-'Olt X ■002--0025 m.m. —Nyl.
Sporidia straight or curved, uniseptate, ’OOQ-'Old X ’002 m.m.—Karst.
2157. H e lo tium ep iph y llum . Fr. “ Dead leaf Helotium.”
Subsessile, smooth, convexo-plane, marginate, pallid-ochra-
ceous.—Berk Outl.p. 372. Peziza epiphylla. Fr. S.M. H .p .137.
Karst. Mon. Pez.p. 143. Fckl. exs. no. 1145.
On dead leaves. [Mid. Carolina.]
Sporidia oblong, or fusiform oblong, simple, 'Olfl-’OIS X ‘0035-'0045 m.m.
Sporidia straight or curved, '012-'017 X '003-’004 m.m.— Karst.
2 158. H e lo tium fa g in eum . Fr. “ Beech Helotium.”
Minute; head nearly plane, whitish ; stem short, thick.—
Berh. Outl. p. 372, Peziza faginea. Fr. S.M. ii. p. 136. Scop.
Ann. iv. t. 2, f.3 . Johnst.Fl. Berw. ii.p. 150. E ng.FI.y .p . 204.
Ann. N.H. no. 963*. Fchl. exs. no. 1146.
On decayed twigs, straws, beech mast, &c.
Sporidia ovate-oblong, hyaline, continuous.
2 1 5 9 . H e lo tium p u n c ta tum . Fr. “ Poiut-like Helotium.”
Bright yellow, very minute, gregarious, punctiform, globular,
at length plane, or subconvex, margin minutely crenate.—Grev.
¿.63. Eng. F I .y . p .206.
On dead oak leaves. Near Edinburgh.
2 1 6 0 . H e lo tium mazchantiae. Fr. “ Marchantía Helotium.”
Rather thick, ohconic, pale yellowish-brown, marginate,
flexuose ; disc fla t; asci clavate ; sporidia elliptic.—Berh. Outl.
p. 372. Peziza marchantiw. Berh. Eng. F I .y .p. 204.
On fading Marchantia hemispherica. May. Whittlesea
Smooth IJ line broad, head quite confluent with the thick stem, so as to
be irregularly and obtusely obconio ; flesh white ; hymenium thin.—M. J. B.
2 1 6 1 . H e lo tium fez zugineum. Fr. “ Rusty Helotium.”
Substipitate, ohconic, disc concave, ferruginous-yellow, externally
and tumid margin pallid yellow.—Fr. S. V.S. p. 356. Peziza
ferruginea. Fr. S.M. H.p. 134. Bull. t. 300, var. Ann. N.H.
no. 962.
On dead wood. Twycross.