2 651.
Sphæzia phomatospoza.
B . 4 B r. “ Little spored
Immersed ; perithecia depressed, ellipsoid ; ostiola papillæform
; asci linear ; sporidia uniseriate, oblong-elliptic, minute,
hyaline, binucleate.—®. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 647,1.11, / . 33.
Cvrr. Linn. Trans. xxii. t. 58, f . 94.
On dead potato stalks. March. Gloucestershire.
_ Immersed, and with the exception of the black punctiform ostiolum, quite
invisible, being concealed by the woody tissue. Contents of perithecia pale
salmon coloured. Asci extremely delicate, linear. Sporidia hyaline, uniseriate,
obfong-elliptic, minute, obtuse, with a single nucleus at either extremity.
Closely resembling the spores of a Phoma.—B. & Br
Sporidia C0003--0004 in.) 'C075- 01 m.m. long.
5. Obtectce.
Perithecia immersed in the bark, with a short, erumpent neck,
f Eameales.
* Sporidia cylindrical, curved or straight, simple, rarely septate,
hyaline.—Cryptosphceria, DeNot.
2 6 5 2 . Sphæzia lan a ta . F r. “ Woolly-brown Sphæria."
Perithecia covered, free, globose, clad with ferruginous-brown
wool ; ostiola erumpent, black ; sporidia minute, curved, hyaline ;
asci broadly elliptic.—Ur. N.M. ii.79. 482. BerTc. A n n .N.H . n).
185. Fries, exs. no. 152. FcTcl. exs.no. 805. Fnchnoa lanata, Fr.
S .V .S . p. 393. FcTcl. Sym. Myc.p. 150, t. iv./. 15.
On birch. Appin.
Perithecia very large.
2 6 5 3 . Sphæzia g li s . B . 4 Curr. “ Dormouse Sphæria.”
_ Perithecia depressed in the middle, nestling beneath the cuticle,
astomous ; mycelium ample, tomentose, brown ; sporidia
oblong, pale brown, curved, very obtuse, quadrinueleate.—®. &
Br. Ann. N.H. no. 884. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 57, f . 1. Fckl.
exs. no. 2252. Fnchnoa glis, Fckl. Sym. Myc.p. 150.
On oak twigs. Sept. Weybridge.
Completely concealed by the cuticle, which shows when removed a dense
depressed astomous perithecia. Sporidia
( UUU»--lHJUy in.), •Ü2--022 m.m. long, sausage-shaped, very obtuse, 4-nucIeate.
intermediate between S. lanata anà S. hirta.—B . & Br. Perithecia rather
large, round and very flat, seated on a dense subiculum, usually entirely
hidden beneath the bark, not erumpent, but raising the bark into smooth,
rounded, or elongated swellings ; perithecia and subiculum usually of a dark
dirty-green tinge.—F. 0.
2 6 5 4 . Sphæzia p zuinosa. Fr. “ Frosted Sphæria.”
Gregarious ; perithecia covered, depressed, adnate with the
epidermis, frosted with grey meal ; ostiola bursting forth in a
búllate manner.—Fr. S.M. ii. p. 486. Fries, exs. no. 82. Moug.
exs. no. 268. Eng. F L y .p. 262. Berk, exs.no. 85.
On ash twigs. Spring. [Mid. & Up. Carolina.]
Easily known when perfect by the grey frosted perithecia,^ which are deeply
umbilicate beneath, by collapsing and separate, together with the epidermis,
from the inner bark ; sometimes, however, they are retained by the ba,rk,
and in th at case the mealiness is seen only with great diffionlty. Ostiola
bursting through the cuticle and making the matrix rough, like a nutmeg
grater, pierced with a round, depressed orifice.—M.J.B.
2 6 5 5 . Sphæzia v ib z a tilis . F r. “ Hidden Sloe Sphæria.”
Scattered ; perithecia entire, covered, g’lohoso-depressed, even,
hlaok ; ostiolum very minute, latent ; sporidia cylindrical, curved,
minute, hyaline.—Ur. N.M. ii.79. 482. Fries, exs. no. 315. Fng.
FI.y. p. 278. Cryptosphceria vibratilis, De Not. Schema p. 57.
Micro. Ital. viii. 10. Calosphceria vibratilis, Nke. Pyr. Germ.p. 97.
On dead sloe.
' When the epidermis is stripped off and held to the light, it is found to he
perforated by the minute ostiola, though externally there is but a very slight
indication of the presence of the perithecia.—Af./.iJ.
“ Sporidia uniseriate, pale-brown, oblong-elliptio, slightly curved ; endochrome
bipartite.”—Citrr. hinn. Trans, xxii./. 74.
2 6 5 6 . Sphæzia m ille p u n c ta ta . Orev, “ Thousand Point
Scattered ; peritheciaglobose,persistent, black ; ostiola slightly
prominent, very minute punctiform, flattened ; sporidia biseriate,
or crowded, pale-brown, curved.—Grev. t. 201. N. corticis, Sow.
t. 372, f.5 . Fr. S.M. ii.p. 481. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 52, f.
108. Fckl.exs.no. 908. Berk. exs. no. 84. S. populina, Pers. Ic.
Piet. t. 21, f . 5, 6. Cryptosphceria millepunctata, Fchl. Sym. Myc.
79. 212.
On ash twigs. Common.
At first sight from the smoothness of the branches on which it grows resembling
a Verrucaria* Sporidia (*0006-*0012 in.) ’OIS-'OS m.m. long.