Sporidia ('0006 iu.) '015 m.m. long, uniseriate, almost colourless, but
rather oi a green tinge, obtuse, constricted in tlie middle, uniseptate, contents
granular and nucleate. Perithecia sometimes scattered. The masses
of peritbecia surrounded by a black line.—F.C.
2 4 4 1 . D iatrype p y r ih o cy s tis. B .& B r . “ Brown Diatrype.”
Irregnlai' ; disc plane or concave ; ostiola black, punctate ;
stroma pallid ; perithecia brown ; sporidia elliptic, uniseptate,
binucleate.—®. & Br. Ann. N. II. no. 841, t. 9, / . 10. Cooke, exs.
no. 241. Biaporthepyrrhocystis, Fckl. Sym. Myc.p. 204. Dialytes
deceilens, Fckl exs. no. 1983.
On hazel twigs. March.
Disc plane or concave, studded with the black shining ostiola. Asoi clavate.
Spondia biseriate ('001 in.) '025 m.m. long, elliptic, obtuse, or slightly
pointed, uniseptate, slightly constricted, with two large nuclei. The brown
peritbecia, pallid stroma, and peculiar fruit are tbe obaracteristics of this
species.—B. & Br.
2 4 4 2 . D ia try p e in c a r c e r a ta . B .& B r . “ Rose Diatrype.”
Immersed in the inner bark, casting off the cuticle ; perithecia
globose ; ostiola conical, elongated ; asci clavate ; sporidia
biseriate, oblong, acute at each end, constricted in the middle,
uniseptate, qnadri-nncleate.—®. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 842.
On rose stems. Twycross.
Sporidia ('0005in.) -0125 m.m. long. Fruit exactly like that of S. entero-
leuca 01 Currey.
C. Sporidia multi-nucleate, or multiseptate, hyaline.
2 4 4 3 . D ia try p e u n d u la ta . Fr. “ Waved Diatrype.”
Effused, interrupted, waved, black, white within; ostiola rather,
prominent, suhrotund; asci linear; sporidia uniseriate, subovate,
pointed at one end, at length triseptate.—N. undulata,
Pers. Syn.p. 21. Moug. exs. no. 311. Fr. S .M .ii.p . 350. Grev.
t. 223, f . i. ? Fng. Fl. v .p . 241. B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 831. t.
9,/. 9.
On dead branches.
_ Liable to be confounded witb some states of B . lata. I t may easily be distinguished
by being erumpent; more commonly confounded with B , stiqma
from which it differs in the fruit. Sporidia ('0004-'0007 in.) '01-'0177 in m’.
2 4 4 4 . D ia try p e strum e lla . Fr. “ Currant Diatrype.”
Bursting forth transversely, depressed, elliptic, nearly plane,
black ; stroma cortical; ostiola cylindrical, even; sporidia biseriate,
colourless, eliptico-acnminate, triseptate, sometimes
slightly curved and constricted.—Fr. S .V .S . p. 385. Fckl. exs.
no. 598. Gurr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 41 ,f . 88. Coohe exs, no. 236.
S. strumella, Fr. S.M. ii. p. 365. Fries, exs. no. 115. Moug. exs.
no. 9, 60. Fng. Fl. v. p. 244. Biaporthe strumella, Fckl. Sym.
Myc.p. 205.
On dry currant branches. Oommon. [United States.]
Sometimes it bursts through longitudinally. Sporidia ('0005-'0006 in.)
'0127-'015 m.m.long.
2 4 4 5 . D ia try p e n u c le a ta . Curr. “ Nucleate Diatrype.”
Perithecia ovate or globose, with rather short ostiola, collected
in elongated irregular patches, surrounded hy a dark
line; s p o r i d i a linear-acuminate, constricted in the centre, quadrinucleate,
colourless.—Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii.y). 270, t. 4 6 ,/. 76.
B. ^ Br. Ann. N. H. no. 833.
On furze. Jan. Weybridge.
Sporidia ('0007-'0003 in.) '0177-'02 m.m. long.
2 4 4 6 . D ia try p e B adh am i. Curr. “ Badbam’s Diatrype.”
Perithecia single and in masses, deeply imbedded in the wood ;
surface of inner bark much blackened ; sporidia narrow, subelliptic,
3-4 nucleate, appendiculate at either end.—Curr. Linn.
Trans, xxii. t. 46, f. 80. ®. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 836.
Sporidia ('0005-'0006 in.) '0127-'015 m.m. long, biseriate, colourless,
usually 4 nucleate, with a minute hyaline appendage at one end, which is
invisible in tbe ascns, narrowly almond ebapcd. In habit and appearance
resembling D, incequalis.—F.C.
2 4 4 7 . D ia try p e fe r ru g in e a . Fr. “ Eusty Diatrype.”
Bursting forth transversely, snbrotund, unequal, black; stroma
pulverulent, ferruginous; ostiola aggregate, round, spinulose ;
sporidia very long, linear, acuminate at the ends, colourless, with
many nuclei.—Ur. N. F.N.p. 385. Fckl. exs. no. 1038. S. ferruginea,
Pers. Obs. i. t. 5 ,f. 1, 2. Moug. exs. no. 311. Fr. S.M. n.p.
863. Fries, exs. no. 365. Fng. F l.v .p .2 4 4 . Curr. Lmn. Trans.
xxii. t. 4 7 ,/. 94. Melogrammaferrugineum, Fckl. Sym. Myc. p.
On hazel branches. Common.
Ostiola even, very variable, sometimes almost obsolete, sometimes very
long, slender, flexuous, equal, obsoletely ciroumsoribed —Fnes.
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