‘ t o
710. 372, 373. Fr. S.M. ii. p. 350. Fi-ies. exs. no. 46. Fng. F l. v.
241. Cui'r. Linn. xxii. i. 4 6 ,/. 82. Sti'omatosphwi'ia
stigma, Grev.t.223,f. 2. S. decorticans. Sow. 1.137. Stictospliceria
Ilnffmanni, Tul. Carp. ii. p. 50, t. 6. Cooke exs. no. 240. Fckl.
exs. 1043. Futypa leioplaca, Fckl. exs. no. 1047.
On sticks. Common. [United States.]
2 4 3 5 . D ia try p e d isc ifo rm is. Fr. “ Discoid Diatrype.”
Orbicular, plane, even, black, white witliin ; perithecia attenuated
into a slender neck; ostiola punctiform ; sporidia biseriate
or crowded, yellowish in a mass, almost colourless when detached,
slightly curved.—Fr. S .V .S .p . 385. Tul. Carp. H. p. 162. S.
disciformis, Hoffm. V.C. i. t. 4 ,/. 1 . Movg. exs. no. 80. Fr. S.AI.
ii.y). 353. Cooke exs. no. 382. Fi'ies exs.no. 11. Fng. F l . v . p.
241. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t.4 6 ,f. 64. Stromatosphæria disciformis,
Grev. t. 314. Sph. depressa. Sow. t. 216.
On dry branches of beech. Common. [Mid. Carolina.]
About 2 lines broad, at first reddish, more constantly round than D. lullata,
flat or depressed, sometimes waved, not at all convex. Perithecia more
oblong. Ostiola prominent, or immersed. Sporidia (■0002-'0003 in.) ’005-
•0075 m.m.
2 4 3 6 . D ia tiy p e b u lla ta . Fi-. “ Búllate Diatrype.”
Erumpent, convexo-plane, oval, or reniform, black, white
within, papillated with the ostiola ; sporidia crowded, cylindrical,
obtuse, slightly curved.—Fr. S. V.S.p. 385. Tul. Carp. H.p. 103.
Rahh. exs. no. 47. Sph. hullata, Hoffm. V.C. t. 2 .f. 1. Pers. Ic.
P ic t.t.3 ,f. 6,7. Fr. S.M. H.p. 340. Fng. F l.v . p . 241. Fries,
exs. no. 342. Aloug. exs. no.866. Sphæria placenta, Tode. f . 21.
S. depressa. Bolt. t. 122, / . 1. Bull. t. 432, f . 2 ?
On willow branches.
2-3 lines broad, gently convex, brownish, then black; perithecia in a
single row, globose, often altered in form by mutual pressure, resting upon
the matrix. Ostiola projecting slightly, often stellate. When cut off horizontally
beneath the stroma a distinct black line is seen upon the wood.
Sporidia (*0002~'0003 in.) ’005-*0075 m.m.
2 4 3 7 . D ia try p e h y s tr ix . F r, “ Hedge hog Sphæria.”
Bursting forth transversely, depressed, oval, rather plane,
black, brownish within ; rostella distinct, somewhat incrassated
above ; sporidia sausage-shaped, minute.—Fr. Summ. V.S. p.
385. B.& Br. Ann. N.H. rao. 840 (not Currey). Sph. hystrix.
Tode.f. 121. Fr. S.M. ii. p. 364. Moug. exs. no. 959. Fng. FL
v.p. 244.
On sycamore branches. [Mid. Carolina.]
The pustnle ia brown within, but covered witb a distinct black stroma.
Sporidia ('0003 in.) -005 m.m. long. This ia clearly not tbe Valsa longirostris
of Tulasne, nor the Diatrype (Mamiania) hystrix of De Notarla. Berkeley regards
it as the Sphæria hystrix of Tode. We have seen no specimens.
2 4 3 8 . D i a tiy p e c o r n i c u l a t a . B .& B r . “ Circumscribed
Innate, stroma whitish ; conceptaculum black ; perithecia decumbent;
ostiola crowded, suhcylindrical, distinct, even; asci
clavate,containingeightsausage-shapedsporidia.—B. & Br. Ann.
N H. no. 845. Sph. corniculata, Fhr. exs. no. 300. Fr. S.M.H.
p . 584. Nees.f.33Q. Fng. F l.v . p . 241.
On dead branches. Mar. Lucknam.
Sporidia ('OOOd-'OOOd in.) •01-‘0125 m.m. long, concealed beneath the
epidermis, except the orifices, which are considerably exserted. Ostiola
pretty constantly umbilicated.—Orev.
B. Sporidia uniseptate, hyaline.
2 4 3 9 . D ia try p e v a rian e . Curr. “ Variable Diatrype.”
Perithecia subglobose ; ostiola conical, sometimes umbilicate
at the apex, the masses penetrate the bark in long parallel lines;
sporidia biseriate, colourless, obtuse, constricted in the centre,
uniseptate, cymbiform laterally, variable in width.—Curr. Linn.
Trans, xxii. p. 270, t. 46,/. 77. B. & Br. Ann.N.H. no. 834.
On dead twigs. June. Eltham.
The position of tbis species is considered doubtful. The bark in which
tbe perithecia are immersed is scarcely at all changed. Sporidia (’0006 in.)
■015 m.m.
2 4 4 0 . D ia try p e in sequ a iis. Curr. “ Unequal Diatrype.”
Perithecia subglobose ; ostiola short and rugose, surface of
the wood blackened and rugged,; sporidia greenish, obtuse, constricted
in the middle, uniseptate.—Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii.^ t.
f. 79. Cooke, exs.no. 372. B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 837. Dia-
'portheinæqualis, Nke. Pyr. Germ. i. p. 285. Sphæria Fuchelii,
Fckl. exs. no. 919.
On furze. Jan. Weybridge.
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