! i
Gen. 220.
Kg. 255.
Flocci moniliform ; spores springing
from the midst of the flocci,
didymous.—Berh. Outl.p. 346. Eng.
F I .y .p . 338. {Fig. 255.)
1 7 4 3 . P o ly th r in c ium t i i f o l i i . Km. “ Clover Polythrincium.”
Flocci densely crowded, erect, gradually thickened upwards,
closely articulated, moniliform; spores oval, uniseptate, scattered.—
i-!,/• 8. Bisch.f. 3121. Corda. Anl. t .B f .
10 «0.6. Coohe exs. no. 196. Grev.t. 216. Moug. exs. no. 688.
Baxt. exs. no. 84. Corda. t . 9. Fng. F I . y . p. 338. Fckl.exs.no.
58. Berh. exs. no. 91. Farinaria trijolii, Sow. t. 396, f . 1.
On fading leaves of Trifolium. Common. [United States.]
Forming Kttle black sooty dots on the leaves, often in company m th
’ ’ Trifola or Dothidea Trifolii, probably comdia of the latter speoies.
Gen. 221. CIiADOSPORIUM:, Link.
Flocci flexnons, more or less branched,
jointed, flexible; spores short, at length
uniseptate, springing from the sides or
terminal.—Berh. Outl.p. 346. {Fig. 256.)
Cladospozium hezbazum.
L k . “ Common
Tufts effused, soft, dense, green, then olive-black ; flocci col-
lansinff, pellucid, as well as the olivaceous spores.—Lm*. Sp. 1,
p . 39. Fr. S.M. m. p.319. Fng. F I . y . p. 338. N e es.f.64,B.
Coohe exs. no. 352. Dematium articulatum, Sow. t. 400,/. 8. FI.
Dan. t. 2277,/. 2. Corda. Anl. t. B .f . 10, no. 1. Bisch.f. 3733.
Hedw. i. t. 10. Pringsh. Jahrh. Ü. t. 3 0,/. 27. Kl. exs. no. 67, ii.
no. 333. Fchl. exs. no. 110.
Cn all sorts of decaying substances. Common.
[United States.]
One of the commonest of Fungi, and very variable. Numerous species
have been characterized, but it is questionable whether many of them should
not be united under this, which scarcely claims a place as a distinct species,
since Tulasne has indicated its affinity with Sphceria herharum, of which he
regards it as a conidiophoms condition, as well as Macrosporium sarcinula.
Berk, and probably Macrosporium cheiranthi Fr. (Fig. 256.)
1 7 4 5 . Cladospozium ep iphy llum . Nees. “ Leaf
Flocci erect, at length declining, fasciculate, sub-olivaceous,
intricately branched, mixed with concatenate threads of simple
spores of the same colour, which afterwards become septate.—
Nees. Syst. ii.p. 67. Babh. F .F . no. 11. Kl. exs. no. 187. Coohe
ea;s. «0.188. Fchl. exs. no.113. Corda. I c . l , p . 14, f . 294.
On dead leaves.
Forming small scattered tufts, more or less orbicular, particularly on oak
1 7 4 6 . Cladospozium fa sc icu la z e . I r . “ Fasciculate
Fascicles minute, slightly erumpent, flocci bent at the apex,
sub-septate ; spores conglobate and seriate, of the same colour
or pellucid.—®r. N.ilf. iii. y>. 370. Cor*, iii. Z. i. / 20. Pers.
Disp. t. 4 ,f. 2. Fchl. exs. no. 109.
On asparagus stems. (A. Jerdon.)
1 7 4 7 . Cladospozium dendziticum. Wallr. “ Dendritic
Flocci very short, simple, disposed in minute punctiform fascicles,
which become confluent in dendritic spots; spores fusiform,
simple, sometimes clavate.— Wallr. FI. Germ.ii. p. 169.
Ann. N.H. no. 512. Fchl. exs. no. 115, C.pyrorum, Berh. Gard.
Chron. 1848.7?. 398. Helminthosporium pyrorum. Lib. exs. no.
188. Desm. exs. no. 1051. Actinonema cratcegi, Gard. Chron.
(1855), p . 125. Berh. exs. no. 42.
On pear leaves. Autumn,
var. |3. ozbicuiatum. Spores pyriform, shorter.—Berh. Gard.
Chron. 1848,79. 716. C. orbiculatum, Desm. exs. no. 1843. B. ^
Br. Ann. N.H. no. 513.
On leaves of Cratcegus pyracantha. Chiswick.