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2 2 3 9 . T u b e r sc le ro n eu io n . B . ^ B r . “ Hard Truffle.”
Eed-brown, cartilaginous, globose, lobate, minutely warted,
or nearly smooth, rimóse; veins irregular, broken, springing
from the cracks in the peridium ; cinereous towards the centre,
red-hrown at the circumference; sporidia red-brown, ovate,
minntely cellulose ; odour faintly aromatic.—B. & Br. Ann.
N.H. no. 582. Berk. Outl.p. 376.
In the ground. Oct. Bowood.
‘ ‘ This species differs from T. rufwm, Vitt. in its firmer cartilaginons texture,
deep red-brown colour, in the form of its sporidia, which are ovate, not
elliptic-elongate, and in its faint aromatic odour. The venation also is more
broken and interrupted. Tuber rufum, Vitt. appears to be its nearest ally.
When dried, T. scleroneuron becomes as hard as a piece of wood.”
2 2 4 0 . Tu bez e x c a v a tum . Vitt. “ Hollowed Truffle.”
Subglobose, about an inch in diameter ; peridium discrete, ochraceous,
minutely verrucose, firm ; flesh horny, cinereous-red,
liver-coloured, or tawny ; veins pallid-ochraceous ; the substance
falls away in the centre, so as to leave a cavity, which has an
opening at the base of the tuber ; asci numerous, ellipsoid, 2-4
spored ; sporidia ellipsoid, yellowish, or pallid-tawny ; epispore
largely faveolo-plicate.— Vitt. Tub. t. 1,J. 7. Tul. Hyp. t. 6,f . l ,
1.17, f . 5. Smith Seem. Journ. Bot. iii. p. 11, t. 3 0 ,/. 1-6. Tuber
fuscum, Corda. Icon.i. t . l , f . 298. Vittadinion Montagnei,Zobel
in Corda. Ic. vi. t. 20, f . 142.
In woods. Endloe, Batheaston, Leigh Wood, and Somersetshire.
Spores •023-’026 m.m. broad, ’032-'042 long.
2 2 4 1 .
Sect. B.—Epispore eehinulate.
Tu bez bzum a le . Mich.. “ Winter Truffle.”
Tubers more or less regularly globose,
black, rough with polygonal warts, at length
smooth and naked ; the mature flesh blackish-
grey, marbled with white veins; asci numerous,
with 4-6 spores; sporidia oblong-
elliptic and eehinulate, with rigid spines.—
Vitt. Tub. t . \ , f . 6. Tul. Hyp. t. 7 ,/. 2, t. 11, f .
Fig. 344.
3. B. & Br. Ann. N.H. xviii. p. 80. Berk. Outl. 376. Tuber
brnmalepulpaobscura odora, Mich.p. 221, /. 102. T.melanosporum,
Berk. Ann. N .H. no. 320.
On the ground. Oct.—Jan. Esculent.
When fresh the warts are of a bright brown showing in the interstices the
pale tin t of the inner substance; in drying the brown tin t is entirely lost.
Sporidia small, elliptic, ciliated, but not reticulated. Veins very broad,
with narrow interstices. Spores'026-‘032 m.m. long, *019-‘023 m.m. broad.
Smell at length rather disagreeable. (Vig. 6 ii, sporidium.)
2 2 4 2 . Tubez zufum. Pioo. “ Red Truffle.”
Subglobose, or irregular, from a quarter of an inch to an inch
in diameter; peridium thick, subcartilaginous, rimóse, minutely
verrucose, tawny ferruginous ; flesh at first soft and whitish, at
length reddish and firm, or horny ; veins from whitish becoming
livid, mixed with others that are tawny ; asci obversely egg-
shaped, 1-4 spored (generally 3) ; sporidia ellipsoid, tawny,
studded with sharp points.—Pico, p. 80. Vitt. Tub. t. 1, / . 1. Tul.
Hyp.t. 6,/ . 2, Í. 18,/. 2. B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 322. Berk.
Outl.p. 810. Tuber cinereum, Tul. Giorn. Bot. Ital. H.p. 62. Oo-
gaster rufus, Corda, Icon. vi. 1.16,/. 123.
In woods. Eudloe, Wilts. Audley End, Essex.
The odour is said by Vittadini to be strong and nauseous. Variable in the
colour of the peridium.
Spores *029-‘032 m.m. long, *019-*02'i m.m. broad.
2 2 4 3 . T u b e r n itid um . Vitt. “ Shining Truffle.”
Globose or depressed ; peridium thick, hard, smooth, shining,
and pallid ; flesh at first whitish, at length reddish-brown, hard;
veins whitish, rather numerous, principally diverging from a
whitish spot at the base ; asci egg-shaped, containing from 1-4
spores ; sporidia ellipsoid, reddish-yellow, densely ecbinulate ;
odour, when recent, nauseous.—B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 321.
Vitt, Tub. t. 2, f . 10. Berk. Outl.p. 816. Berk. exs. no. 808. Tul.
Hyp.p. 142. Oogaster nitidus, Corda. Icon. vi. t. 15, f . 111.
In the ground. Hanham. Eudloe. Spye Park.
In the young plant the asci are precisely of the form of those in Cheiromyces
meandriformis, but with age they enlarge, and are at last obovate, as in T.
ORStivum. Distinguished from T. rufum by its smooth, pale peridium, and the
veins springing from a distinct, generally single, basal point.
Spores '026-'030 m.m. long, '016-’023 m.m. broad.
2 2 4 4 . Tu bez pube zu lum . B . 4 B r. “ Downy Truffle.”
Gregarious, irregularly sublobate, clothed with short, erect
down, which gives it to the naked eye a peculiar pearly appearance
; the white spots are very visible, even in dried specimens ;
peridium very thin and delicate, so that the pinky-brown colour
V. .a