globose, yellow, then olive ; columella minute.—Berh. Ann.
N.H. no. 225. ¿.12,/. 15.
On cut stumps of rfMcwJa yapomca. May. Apethorpe.
Forming smali pulvinate orange-oohre spongy masses, which, while there
IS abundant nutriment, do not fructify, hut when gathered produce a forest
ot exceedingly minute globose yellow sporangia, not visible to the naked eye,
at length becoming olive ; columella very small, and little more than a slight
swelhng of the top of the stem.—AT. J. B.
1 8 9 0 . niucox h y a lin u s. Cooke. “ Hyaline Mucor.”
C o n id ia . Sterile flocci effused, fertile somewhat branched ;
conidia rose-coloured, oblong, subfusiform.— roseum.
Linh. Fr. S.M.i\i.p.409. B. ¿r Br. Ann.
S p o r a n g ia . Hyphasma creeping, profuse ; flocci white, erect,
branching ; branches simple, sometimes divided, terminated by
a delicate, hyaline, globose sporangium, containing minute subglobose
sporidia.—Goo/:« exs. no. 359. Pop. Sci. Rev. Jan. 1861
¿. 68,/y. 5.
On leaves of box. Winter.
Forming a dense white coating over the leaves, mixed with PenidlUum
roseum, Link of which it appears to be the mature condition. The sporangia
are small and very delicate, so as to be made out with difficulty. In habit
very much like the Pénicillium, but without any roseate tint.
1 8 9 1 . Mucor d e lic a tu lu s . Berk. “ Delicate Muoor.”
Fertile flocci simple, abbreviated, of the same thickness as
those of the mycelium ; sporangia globose, pale yellow ; sporidia
globose.—Berk. Fng. Fl. y.p . 332.
On rotting gourds. Autumn. Apethorpe.
So small as to be scarcely perceptible to the naked eye, forming a velvety
stratum, saturated with the juice of the matrix; sporangia at first white
then very pale yellow, sometimes apparently .springing immediately froni
the branched, septate mycelium, and decumbent.—AT./.B,
1 8 9 2 . Mucor ten e rr im u s. Berk,. “ Slender Mucor.”
Scattered, minute, wholly white ; stem flexuous above, apex
clavate; head with a globose columella.—Berk. Outl.p. 407.
Hydrophora tenerrima, Berk. Hook. Journ. 1841,7). 78, t. i.f. B.
On sticks in woods.
Scarcely visible to the naked eye ; stem a little flexuous above, ending in
a clavate swelling, beyond which is the globose columella, from the base of
which IS deflected all round over the apex of the stem a delicate frill which
at first formed a portion of the pendulum, and by its rupture leaves a large
circular aperture at its base. Sporangium quite smooth, of two membranes
often separated, sometimes in close contact ; sporidia elliptic, filling the
cavity between the columella and the inner membrane.—AT./ . B.
Mucor su b tilis s im u s . Berk. “ Onion Muoor.”
Mycelium creeping; fertile flocci branched ; branches short,
spreading, each terminated by a minute sporangium; vesicles
at length vanishing ; spores oblong-elliptic.—Berk. Hort. Journ.
iii. 79. 98,/. 1-5.
On mildewed onions, developed from Sclerotium cepcevorum
{Ann. N.H. no. 168).
This mould is so exceedingly minute that it may he considered as the most
microscopic of any yet found in Britain.
Gen. 2 6 7 . PILOBOLUS, Tode.
Flocci simple, continuous, when mature
ventricose above and clavate, terminated
by an indurated, globose sporangium; dehiscent
; including a globose sporidium.—Fr.
B.J7.iii.p.312. {Fig. 301.)
1 8 9 4 . Pilob o lu s c ry s ta llin u s . Tode.
“ Crystalline Piloholus.”
Apices of the flocci at length clavate,
obovate ; sporangium hemispherical.—Fr.
SM .iH .p . 312. Purt. iii. t. 31. Pers. Obs.
i. t. 4 ,/. 9,10. Bull.t. 480,/. 1. Sow. t. 300.
Bolt. t. 133,/. 1. Dicks, t. 3,f. 6. Fckl. exs.
qni « 0 .4 9 . Corda. Icon.yi.f.32. Bisch.f.3124.
Bon. t . l0, f .203. Kl.e x s.n o .1630.
On dung. [United States.]
“ At first appearing, as Fries observes, under the form of a small yellow
Sclerotium, which gradually acquires a stem, becomes inflated above, and
loses its yellow hne ; often densely tufted; very fugacious. -M .J .U .
1 8 9 5 . P ilo 1)olus ro iid u s. Schum. “ Dewy Pilobolus,”
Flocci elongated, filiform, apices globose; sporangiumpunctiform.
Fr. S.M. iii.7 9 . 312. Gurr. Linn. Journ. 1856, t. 2. Pluck.
phy. t. 116,/. 7. Bisch.f. 3725. Bolt. 1.1 3 2 ,/. 4.
On dung. [S . Carolina, U. S.]
Smaller and slenderer than P. crystallinus.