■/ f
•1 f-.
K g . 3 9 1 .
M A S SA R IA , De Not.
Perithecia coriaceous or sub-
carbonaceous, immersed, with an
erumpent ostiolum ; sporidia large,
septate, sometimes simple,involyed
in mucus (or with a thick hyaline
epispore) oozing out, and usually
staining the matrix.—Berk. Outl.
p. 402. Tul. Carp. ii. p. 223.
{Fig. 391.)
* Sporidia septate.
2 5 2 7 . M a s sa r ia s ip a r ia . Tul. “ Woolly Massaria-”
P y c n i d i a . — Perithecia sub-solitary, lenticular ; stylospores ob-
clavate, fasciculate, 3-5 septate, brown, terminal cell hyaline.—
Prosthemium hetulinum, Kze. M.H. i.i. \.f. 10. Fr. N. J f. iii. p.
484. Fng. Fl. v. p. 297. Curr. Phil. Trans, cxlvii. t. 26, f. 30 31
Corda. Ic. Hi. f . 67. ’ '
A soophoeb.—Covered, scattered ; perithecia large, depressed,
woolly ; ostiola obtuse, very short ; asci clavate, large ; sporidia
brown, oblong, cymbiform, cellular, involved in mucus. Tul.
Carp. ii.p. 232. Sphæria siparia, B. 8y Br. Ann. N.H. no. 625, t.
9 ,/. 8. Rahh. F.E. no. Curr. Linn. Trans. yxH t. 58, f . 98 Fckl
exs. no. 2011. Fckl. Sym. Myc. t. 6,f. 5.
On birch. Feb.
The perithecia are clothed with a more or leas dense ferruginous wool depressed,
covered by the cuticle. Sporidia C002--0024 in.) -05--06 m.m. fong.
2 5 2 8 . M a ssax ia a rg u s . Tul. “ Eyed Massaria.”
P y c n i d i a . - Globose, densely clothed with white or cinereous
floccistylospores large, on septate peduncles, at length oblong-
elliptic, multilocular, at first with a gelatinous envelope, oozino-
out and forming a black mass.—Hendersonia polycystis, B. &.
Br. Ann. N.H. no. 415. Rahh. F.E. no. 264. Myxocyclus confluens,
Fres. Beitr. t. 7 ,f. 41-45.
Asoophoeb. - C overed; perithecia large, depressed, collapsed.
opaque ; asoi large, clavate ; sporidia biseriate, oblong, slightly
curved, ocellate, 5-6 septate, involved in mucus.— Tul. Carp. ii.
p .227. Sphæria argus, B. & Br. A n n .N .H . no. 626, t. 9 , / . 9.
Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 58, / . 95. Fres. Beitr. t. 7, f . 7-17.
Rahh. exs. no. 259.
On dry birch twigs.
The Hendersonia referred to this species by Tulasne is referred by Currey
to Diatrypelanciformis, Fr. (See p. 436, ante.)
Entirely concealed by tbe cuticle, scattered ; peritbecia depressed collapsed,
dall, as if very minutely pulverulent ; ostiolum minute ; asci clavate, large;
sporidia biseriate, oblong, slightly curved when seen laterally, at first consisting
of two joints ; these soon acquire seven endochromes, of which four
belong to tbe larger division, at a later period they become much darker, and
true septa are formed varying in number from five to six. Till they acquire
tbis dark tin t they have a thick pellucid gelatinous coat.—R. 4 Br.
Sporidia -002--0024.
2 5 2 9 . M a s s a r ia foed ans. Fr. “ Plask-spored Massaria.”
A s o o p h o r e . - Scattered; perithecia immersed, depresso-glo-
bose ; ostiolum papillæform ; sporidia biseriate, brown, biseptate,
lageniform, apicular cell lighter coloured, with a gelatinous coat.
Fr. S. V.S. Fckl. Sym. Myc. t. 6, / . 4. Fckl. exs. no. 2009. Sph.
fledans. Fr. S.M. Corda. Sturm, t. 54. S. amhlyospora, B. & Br.
Ann.N.H.no. 627, i. 10,/. 10. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 59,f.
On dead branches of elm.
Scattered, scarcely visible externally ; a p i large, clavate, paraphyses flex-
U0U8 ; sporidia large, at first hyaline, consisting of two subconical articulations
placed base to base, one of these gradually increases in diameter and
becomes very obtuse, a septum is then formed at the base of the smaller articulation,
and sometimes, though rarely, there is a third septum in the
other colls. In every stage, except in extreme age, when ejected they have a
gelatinous coat. Distinguished from M. inquinans by the peculiar form or
the sporidia, and especially in their mode of formation.—15. q Br.
2 5 3 0 . M a s sa r ia p u p u la . Tul. “ Clear-spored Massaria ”
P y c n i d i a .—Stegonosporium pyriforme, Corda Ic. iii./. 61.
A s c o p h o r e .—Scattered ; perithecia covered, orbicuiar, con-
centricaiiy striate, biaok ; orifice when stripped of the epidermis
whitish ; papiiia yeiiowish ; sporidia obiong, straight, rareiy
curved, obtuse, divided hya septum into two unequai parts—the
upper triiocniar, the iower biiocuiar.—TiiZ. Carp. ii. p. 225.
Fckl. exs. no. 2010. Fckl. Sym. Myc. t. 6 ,f. 2. Sph. pupula, Fr.
S.M. ii. 79. 484. Fries, exs. no. 16, 317. Hercospora pupula. Berk.
Outl.p. 402.