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acute, slightly curved ; acrospores ellipsoid, very obtuse ; membrane
with a slightly violaceous t in t ; oospores large ; epispore
brown.— Goohe Micr. F .p . 216. Be Bary Ann. Sc. Nat. {1868),
X X .y ). 117. Eabh.exs.no. 175, F.F. no. 815. Fchl. exs. no. 9.
Coohe exs. no. 194.
1 7 8 4 . Peronospora g r is e a . Ting. “ Veronica Peronospora.”
Fertile threads erect, fasciculate, grey, 5-7 times regularly
dichotomous; •branches gradually attenuated ; primary oblique
erect, others spreading, flexuose, ultimate mostly unequal,
slightly arcuate ; acrospores ellipsoid or ovoid, obtuse; membrane
pale and dirty violet.— Ung. Bot. Zeit. 1847. Goohe Micr.
®. Í. 10,/. 213. Fchl. exs. no.19. Be Bary Ann. Sc. Nat. {1868),
XX. 1.13,/. 12. Botrytis grisea, B. 4r Br. Ann. H.N. no. 528.
On leaves of Veronica beccabunga. May.
1785. P eronospora a rh o r e sc en s. Berh. “ Poppy Peronospora.”
Fertile threads slender, erect, 7-10 times dichotomous above;
branches more or less flexuose, sqnarrose, spreading, gradually
attenuated; ultimate ramuli shortly subulate, more or less
arcuate ; acrospores very small, subglobose ; membrane scarcely
violaceous— .Coohe Micr. F .p . 217. Be Bary Ann. Sc. Nat.
[1863), xx.p. 119. Botrytis arborescens, Berh. Jour. Hort. Soc.
i.p.81, t.4 ,f .2 4 . B .4 -B r .A n n .N .H . no. 525. Rabh. exs. no.
823. Fchl. exs. no. 4 ^ 1 3 .
On Papaver rhceas. Common.
1786. Perono spo ra c a n d id a . FoM. “ Primrose Peronospora.”
Densely csespitose, white; fertile threads slender 6-10 times
dichotomously branched ; ultimate branchlets short, spreading ;
acrospores ellipsoid or ovoid, obtuse, minute ; oospores bright
Prown.—Fchl. exs. no. 38. Be Bary. Ann. Sc. Nat. {1868), xx.
79. 120. Cooke Micr. Fung. 2nd ed. p. 225.
On primrose leaves. Corwen, N. Wales.
Forming dense white patches on the under surface of the leaves.
1787. P eron o sp o ra S c h le id e n ia n a . Be B y . “ Onion
Fertile threads robust, erect, not septate, branched alternately;
ultimate ramuli forked and uncinate or divaricate ; acrospores
seated on the tips of the ultimate ramuli, ohovoid or nearly
pear-shaped, attenuated at the base ; membrane of a dirtyviolet
colour.— Coohe Micr. Fung. t. 18, f . 268. Pop. Sc. Rev. iii.
t. 8 ,f. 2. Be. Bary. Ann. Sc.Nat. (1863),xx. 1.18, f. 1-3. Botrytis
destructor, Berh. Ann. N.H. no. 239, t. 18, f . 23. Fchl. exs. no. 41.
On leaves of various species of Allium. Spring.
Very common and destructive in some years, preventing the plants which
are attacked from coming to perfection. The individual threads are distinct,
but form large patches on the leaves, or even entirely cover them. Distinguished
easily by the peculiar shape of the acrospores.
1 7 8 8 . Pexonospoxa v io la c e a . Berh. “ Scabious Peronospora.”
Fertile threads branched; acrospores snb-elliptical, violet-
coloured.—Berh. Gutl. p. 849. Goohe Micr. Fung.p. 217.
On petals of Scabiosa arvensis.
All that ia known of this species is contained in the following note from the
Rev. M. J. Berkeley : —“ I t grew on the petals of the common scabious. I
have not found it again, and have either lost or mislaid my specimens. Tou
may describe it as liete violacea ; jioccis ramosis ; sporis suhellipticis, violaceis.
I t is probably the Farinaria on Scabious of Sowerby.”—M .J .B .
1789. Peronospora so rdida. Berh. “ Figwort Peronospora.”
Forming hroad, irregular, dirty, pallid spots on the under
surface of the leaves ; fertile threads loosely dichotomous above,
tips forked, unequal; acrospores obovate, apiculate.—B. ^ Br.
Ann. N.H. no. 958. Coohe Micr. Fung. p. 217. Coohe exs. no. 291.
On leaves of Scrophularia.
Forming broad, irregular, dirty, pallid spots on the under side of the
leaves \ threads loosely dichotomous above ; tips forked, unequal; aoros-
pores obovato apiculate ("001 in.) '025 m.m. long.
1790. Peronospora sp a r sa . Berh. “ Eose Peronospora.”
Fertile threads scattered, by no means torulose; ultimate
branches scarcely uncinate, dichotomous, pallid grey; acro-
sporos sub-elliptical.—Berk. Gard. Chron. 1862,7?. 308,/y. Ann.
N.H. 1865, no. 1057. Coohe Micr. Fung.p. 217.
On the under side of rose leaves.
1791. Peronospora o b liq u a . Coohe. “ Dock Peronospora.”
Threads of the mycelium slender; fertile threads fasciculate,
erect, simple, rarely bifurcate, attenuated upwards; acrospores
large, ellipsoid, attached obliquely near the base.— Goohe Micr.
Fung. 1.16, f . 269. B . ^ B r . Ann. N .H. no. 1058. Coohe exs.
no. 195. Ascomyces Rumicis, Mont.
On the under surface of dock leaves. Winter and spring.