M .
E L V E L L A C E l .
On the ground, in gardens. Norths. [Low. Carolina.]
Cup one in. in diameter, hemispherical or suhfflohose m th the
curved, within of a pale waxy brown, w itto n t paler and mealy. ih e .
when broken pours out a yellow j uioe.—AI . J .B .
1 9 7 3 . P e z i z a lep o rin a . B a tsc li. “ Brown-ear Peziza.”
Substipitate, elongated on one side, ear-shaped, suHferrugi-
nous, externally farinose, internally, and base e v en .-® r. Ä M.
b n 47. Schoeff. 1.156. Fl. Dan. 1.1077,/. 2. Fold exg no. 1233.
m i s . f . 278. Holms, ii. t. 6. Rabh. F .E . no. 512. Otzdealeporina.
Fckl. Sym. Myc.p. 329.
On the ground, in wood.
Sometimes cinereous or yellowish; sporidia ('0006 in.) -015 m.m. long, ■
with curved paraphyses. iïsê .S.S î.8*S'”îïS . .i».... » tw. ..*i CO..-
1 9 7 4 . P e z iz a on o tic a . P . “ Orange-ear P eziza.”
Substipitate, elongated on one side, ear-shaped, externally
mealy, internally rosy or orange, base at length rugose ; sporidia
o b lo n g - o v a te .— ®r.Ä.M.ii.79. 48. Fl. Boruss. t 396. Sturgign-
Í.16. Sv. Bot. t. 436, f . l . P . leporina. Sow.t. 19 E n g .F l. Y . p .
187. Rabh.F.E. no. 215. Otidea onotica. Fckl. Sym. Myc.p.
.th .g io u .d , in v o .d s . E .re ,
Sporidia (-0005 in.) -0127 m.m. long.
1 975. P e z iz a au r an tia . Fr. “ Orange Ground Peziza.”
Su b sessile , ir r e g u la r , o b liq u e , o ra n g e , e x te rn a lly som ew h a t
p ru in o se , w h itis h ; sp o rid ia e llip tic
Sterb. t. 26, f . D. Schoeff. 1.148. Bull. t. 414. F l Dan A 657,/. 2
Fckl. exs. no. 1228. Nees.f. 179. Batsch.f. 157 Fl. Boruss t
384. Holms.'ú.t.l. P . coccínea. Sow.t. 18. Bolt. 1.100. Cooke
B.F. front. H u ss.i.t.3 1 . Eng. F I . y . p .l8 1 . Gonn. & Babh.in. t.
2,f .3 . Aleuria aurantia. Fchl.Sym.Myc.p.3^^.
’ On the ground, in woods. Common. [Cincinnati.]
At first hemispherical, with a short stem, margin almost involute, a t
length split, curled, and flexuous, of the clearest orange w ith in ; externally
ale, mealy, with minute sparkling granules. -.Em . Fl.
Sporidia ellipsoid, -Oli-Oie X 'OOS'Ol m m. ( 004-'005 X ‘OOOS in.) with two
Sporidia-020--023 X ■009**011 m.m.
1 9 7 6 . P e z iz a lu t e o -n i t e n s . B .& B r . “ Bright Yellow
Crowded, bright yellow; cups concave, nearly regular, at
length flexuose ; asci linear; sporidia elliptic, with two nuclei;
paraphyses filiform; apices slightly clavate.—B. Br. Ann. N.H.
no. 556. Berk. Outl.p. 364.
On the bare ground. Rare. King’s Cliffe.
Bright orange yellow, when very young globose, th en concave, gradually
becoming irreg u la r, and a t length flexuous, smooth externally, V i in. broad,
resembling a t first sight stunted specimens of P. aurantia, b u t essentially
different, not only as proved by the habit, b u t th e smooth, not ecbinulate or
pointed sporidia.—B . i i J r .
1 9 7 7 . P e z iz a fib r in o sa . Curr. “ Woolly Orange Peziza.”
Cup 1 in. broad, nearly sessile, irregular, orange, clothed externally
with dingy-white downy fibrillas, which form a rather
dense tomentose edging to the cup ; spores quite smooth, elliptical
without nuclei; paraphyses filiform, enlarged spherically
at the apex.—Curr Linn. Trans, x xw .p . 153.
On the ground. Oct., 1861. Hanham wood.
In some of th e asoi I noticed a onpulate depression a t th e summit. Allied
to P . aurantia, from which i t differs in th e woolly external covering, and
smooth sporidia.
Sporidia ( 0006-'0007 in.) ‘015-'017 m.m. long.—F . C.
Sect. 3. Cupulares. Subsessile, regular.
* Pustulatee.
1 9 7 8 . P e z iz a r ep an d a . W ahl. “ Spreading Peziza.”
Large, incised, waved, brown, internally somewhat wrinkled,
brown, externally farinose, whitish; base elongated, rooting ;
sporidia oblong-ovate, rough.—Fr. S.M. ii. p. 51. Jacq. Misc. t.
10. Grev. t. 59. Fng. Fl. v. p. 188. Pers. Ic. Piet. t. 20 J . 2 ? Pli-
caria repanda. Fckl. Sym. M yc.p. 828.
On the ground, and stumps.
Variable in siz e ; pileus when splitting never convolute.
Spondia 'OlO-'OW X '006-007 m.m.—N y l. 1.
Sporidia 'OIS-'OIS X -008--009 m.m. ('OOOS-'OOOe X -OOOSin.)— 2.
! U \