Brown or Marly black, subiculum effused, consisting of interwoven, creeping
hairs. Perithecia crowded, ovate, clothed with long hairs, attenuated,
and more or less denuded above, and when dry collapsing with their papillæform
ostiolum. Sporidia biseriate, fusiform, consisting of two opposed
juncture, and sometimes above the first nucleus,
each division containing one or more globules.— <& Br.
2 5 7 3 . S p h æ r ia p i lo s a . Pers. “ Velvety Sphæria.”
Black; perithecia minute, roundish-ovate, nearly even, beset
with short hairs ; ostiola simple ; sporidia colourless, elliptical,
uniseptate, or with the endochrome bipartite.—Pers. Ic. & Desc. t.
10, / . 9,10. Fr. S.M. 450. Fng. FI.y . p. 262. Curr. Linn.
Trans, xxii. t. 57,/. 21. B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 1096*. Fchl.
exs. no. 946 ?
On decayed wood. Common. [Low. Carolina.]
vAlvis-pyrius, but decidedly hairy. Sporidia
( 0003- 0004 in.I _'0076-'01 N e have observed oblong couidia, rather
irregular in outline, terminating the hairs. The asci in the same specimens,
besides the eight linear, oblong, somewhat sigmoid sporidia had at the tip
a globose, smooth, or slightly granulated body (‘0003 in.) 0076 m.m. in
diameter, the nature of which we were unable to determine.'*—B.&Br.
2 5 7 4 . Sphæ ria se x d e c em sp o ra . Coohe. “ Sixteen-spored
Scattered ; perithecia small, ovate, beset with rigid, erect
hairs (at first covered, then bursting through the cuticle), black;
ostiola prominent ; asci elliptical ; sporidia sixteen, crowded,
broadly lanceolate, S-5 septate, with transverse divisions, hyalme.
On twigs. Shere. (Dr. Capron.)
This pretty little Sphæria is very distinct from its allies. I t is included
doubtfully with the Vülosæ ; there is no subiculum, and only occasionally
the perithecia are wholly exposed. Sometimes there are more than five
septa in the sporidia, which are very variable in size.
c. Denudatce.
Snhicnlum none; perithecia smooth, rounded at the base,
nearly free ; ostiolum persistent ; adnate, superficial.—F r S M
ii.79. 322.
* Sporidia hyaline.
2 5 7 5 . Sphæz ia bombarda. Batsch. “ Clustered naked
Sphæria.” *
Fasicnlate, black-brown ; perithecia elongated, soft, ventricose
; ostiolum papillæform ; sporidia crowded, colourless, intertwined,
variable, frequently divided in the middle.—Batsch.f.
181. Hedw. Crypt, t. 38. Fr. S.AI. ii.79. 456. Fries, exs. no. 266.
Fng. F I .y .p .264. Berh.Outl.t.24, f.b . Curr.Linn. Trans.xxw.
t. 57,f- 29. Berh. exs. no. 268. S.reptans, Sow. t. 395, f . 1. Bom-
hardia fasciculata, Fchl. Sym. Myc. p. 164. Fckl. exs. no. 940.
O n ro tte n stum p s.
Sporidia C0016-'0020 in.)'035-'05 m.m.
‘ ‘ Apparently varying mueb in the length of the ostiolum. I / a v e seen
once or twice a bead-like appearance in tbe sporidia, arising from the breaking
up of the endochrome into divisions, I suspect it may sometimes be multiseptate.”—
2 5 7 6 . Sphæzia spezmoides. Hoffm. “ Crowded naked
D e n s e ly crowded, b la c k ; p e rith e c ia rig id , globose, rn in u te ly
ru g u lo s e ; o s tio la o b so lu te ly p ap illæ fo rm ; ^ sp o rid ia b ise ria te ,
co lo u rless, c u rv e d ; en d o ch rom e som e tim es b ip a r tite .—Hoffm.^ V.
C t. 3 ,f. 3. Moug. exs. no. 486. Fr. S.M. ii.p. 457. Curr. Linn.
Trans, x x ii. t. 57, f . 36. Eng. F I.y . p. 265. Fries exs. no. 237.
Grev. t. 6. Light t. 31. S. bombardica, Bolt.t. 122. Sow.t.372,f.
4. L ep to sp o ra spei-moides, Fckl. Sym. Myc.p. 143. Fckl. exs. no.
939. Leptospo ra p seu d o -sp ermo id es, Awd. Fckl. exs. no. 2175.
O n ro tte n s tum p s . Com mo n . [M id . C a ro lin a .]
Spreading for several inches in a continuous crust, rarely scattered.
Sporidia (-0008 in.) -02 m.m.
2 5 7 7 . Sphæzia mozifozmis. Tode, “ Mulberry Sphæria.”
Crowded, b la c k ; p e rith e c ia o h o v a te , c o rru g a to -tu b e ro u la te ;
ostio lum sim p le ; sp o rid ia crowded, u n is e p ta te , co lo u rless, lin e a r,
s lig h tly c u rv ed , g ra n u la r .— T o * / 90. Moug. exs. no. 382. Fr.
5.M. ii.79. 458. Fries exs. no. 125. Eng. Fl. Y. p. 265. Curr. Linn.
Trans xxii. t. 57, f . 30. S. claviformis. Sow. t. 337. S. rugosa,
Grev. t. 39. S. rubiformis. Sow. t. 373, f 2. Bertia moriformis,
FcU. Sym. Myc.p. 164. FcU. exs. no. 999.
O n wood, b ra n c h e s , &c. [U n ite d S ta te s .]
Very variable in form.
2 5 7 8 . Sphæz ia inn um ez a . B . 4 B r . » Numerous Sphæria.”
C o n id ia .— T h in ly effused, a t firs t b r ig h t g re en , th e n o liv a ceous
; c o n id ia v e ry copious, g lo b o se , d u ll g re e n ish .—Sporotrichum
virescens, Link. Sp. 1, p. 16. Dematium virescens, Pers. M .
E. t . l , p. 14. Fr. N .M . iii. 79. 363.