2 5 8 6 . Sphæria c o lla b e n s . Otirr. “ Collapsing Sphæria,”
Perithecia subglobose, with an impressed ostiolum, which is
often furrowed or rimóse ; sporidia biseriate, fusiform, swollen
or constricted in the middle, with several nuclei, colourless —
turr. Linn. Trans, xxii.p. 320,¿. 58,/. 51.
On bark and wood.
var C u r r ey i. Blox. Contents of perithecia rose-red;
epondia rarely exceeding -0010 in. mlongtH.-Sphoeria Curreyi
Blox. Curr. Linn. Trans. xxH.p. 320. Berk. Outl. p. 396.
tinll'speclr fr™ » <ii=-
2 5 8 7 . Sphæria p u iv is c u la . Curr. “ Powdery Sphæria.”
Perithecia yery small, black, rather shining, conical or subglobose,
crowded or scattered ; ostiola minute, mamillate ; spori-
ffla curved, or cymbiform, colourless, triseptate.— Curr. Linn
rraws.xx1i.79. 320, ¿.58,/. 52.
On wood.
cjmhhorm, colourless or greenish when
■ ■ septa, or at least with the endochrome divided into four
portions, giving an appearance of three septa, sometimes the endochrome is
Î Sporidia coloured.
2 5 8 8 . S p hæ r ia c o n flu e n s . Tode. » Confluent Sphæria.”
Perithecia subglobose, rugulose, seriato-confluent, black, depressed
around the ostiola.—To* t. 10, f. 87. B. & B r Arm N
H.no. 597. Fr. S.M.H.p. 342. Fckl.exs.no. 2177.
On decayed wood, as oak, willow, &c. Bristol.
2 5 8 9 . Sp hæ ria m am m æ fo zm is .
Pers. “ Mamillate
Large, black ; perithecia thin, globose, even ; ostiolum papillæform
; sporidia dark, clear brown, subcymbiform, variable in
s iz e .-P m . Syn, p. 64. Ic. Piet. t. 5 ,f. 6,7. Moug. exs. no. 380.
Fr. S.M. ii.79. 455. Fries exs. no. 387. Eng. Fl. Y .p . 264. Curr.
Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 57, f . 37. Eosellinia mammaiformis, Fckl.Sym.
Myc.p. 149. Hypoxylon globulare. Bull. t. 444, f . 2. Fchl. exs. no.
On decayed sticks, &c. [Low. & Mid. Carolina.]
"ormis, and though sometimes slightly depressed,
I08--00I6 in.) -02--035 m.m.
Much larger than S.^
not collapsing ; sporidia ('
2 5 9 0 . Sphæ ria obducens. Fr. “ Naked Rail Sphæria.”
Crowded, small, black; perithecia ovato-rotund, unequal,
rigid ; ostiola subpapillæform ; sporidia crowded, yellowish-
brown, multipartite, subelliptical.—Fries, exs. no. 119. Berk,
exs. no. 177. Mag. Zool. & Bot. no. 100. Fr. S.M. ii. p. 456. Tul,
Carp. ii. p. 245, t. 28, f. 4-13. Fckl. exs. no. 2024. Cucurbitaria
miskibutris. B e Hot. Act. Tur. (1853), p. 126. S. plateata, Curr.
Linn. Trans. xxH. t. 57,/. 35. Trichospora obducens, Fckl. Sym.
Myc. p. 161.
On pales. Apethorpe.
Very like S.pulvis pyrius, except in the sporidia, wMoh are (-OOOS-'OOlOin.)
‘02-'025 m.m.
2591. S p h æ r ia p u l v i s - p y r iu s . Pers. “ Gunpowder
Crowded, black ; perithecia ovato-globose, rugose, sulcate in
the middle ; sporidia straight, or slightly curved, triseptate,
slightly constricted, pale brown.—Pers. Syn.p. 86. Fr. S.M. 11.
79. 458. Fries exs. no. 120. Grev. t. 152. Cooke, exs. no. 379.
Eng. F I . y .p . 265. Moug.exs.no.381. Curr. Linn. Trans.xxH.
t. 57,f . 32. Fckl. exs.no. 937. (Fr. El. ii.79. 82. Eng. Fl. v. 253,
including S.dioica,Moug.exs.) Melanomma pulvis-pyrius, Fckl.
Sym. Myc.p. 160.
On old wood, bark, &c. Common. [Low. & Mid. Carolina.]
Sometimes crowded, at others scattered and naked, rarely suhcuticular.
Distinguished without difficulty from S. moHformis hy its much smaller size,
less tuberculate surface, and suhrimose ostiolum. Spondia CUÜÜ5 in.) UlZ?
2 5 9 2 . Sphæzia epochnii. B . & B r . “ Olive-patoh Sphæria.”
C o n i d i a .— Piocci effused, very delicate; conidia pellucid,
dark-green, elongated, triseptate, incrassated at the apex.
Sporidesmium fungorum. Berk. Outl.p. 327. Sporidesmium atrum,