ill ri
h iSi I
2 7 3 6 . S p h æ r ia c o r y ll . Batsch. “ Hazel-Ieaf Sphæria.”
S p e r m o g o n ia .—Perithecia scutiform; spermatia curved, or
vermicular, linear hjalme.— Leptothyrium coryli, Fckl. exs. no
A s c o p h o r e .—Covered; perithecia distinct,disposedina circle-
ostiola erumpent, spinulose, surrounded with a white, fringelike
collar; sporidia colourless, simple, ovate, attenuated at
each extremity.— 231. Fr. S.M.ii. 436.
201. Movg. exs. no. 877. Grev. t. 330. Fng.Fl. v.p. 251. FcM
exs. no. 881 Mamiania coryli, De Not. Schema,p. 57. Gnomonia
coryli, FcM. Sym. Myc.p. 120.
On living leaves of hazel.
Eesembling A. ÆmSWaia. bat easily distinguished by the distinct perithecia,
which are generally disposed in a circle. ii-uecia,
2 7 3 7 . Sphæ ria a v e llan æ . Schm, “ Scattered hazel
Scattered, subhemispherical, black, covered with divero-ent
radiating, ^ greyish-brown hairs ; ostiola papillæform, shining-
black ; asci clavato-cylindrical; sporidia OY&io.— Schm. M .H i p
64. Berh. exs. no. 182. Ann. N.H. no.161. Fr. S.AI. ii. p. 515. '
On dead hazel leaves.
2 7 3 8 . Sphæ ria tu bæ fo rm is. Tode. “ Alder-Ieaf Sphæria.”
SpERMOGONiA=i«ptoi%«M?B cylindrospcrmum. Bon. Rabh F
E . no. 678.
A scophore. - Peritheciasuhglobose,covered,smooth; ostiolum
straight, beaked, nearly equal, earthy-tawny ; sporidia biseriate
or crowded, colourless, elliptical, or subcymbiform.— Tode f. 128
Moug. exs. no. 280. Fr. S.M. ii. p. 516. Fries exs. no. 26. 'Grev.
Hnn. Trans, xxii. t. 59 /
146. Ceratostoma tuhceforme,De Not. Schema,p. 54. Gnomonia
tubæformis, FcM. Sym. Myc. p. 120. FcM. exs. no. 866.
On dead leaves (alder, &c.) [Mid. Carolina.]
Sporidia ('0005 in.) -0127 m.m. long.
2 7 3 9 . Sphæ ria gnomon. Tode.
“ Common Beaked
Perithecia black, erumpent, often collapsed ; ostiolum elongated,
clav a t/ straight, black; asci stipitate; sporidia crowded,
narrowly fusiform, curved, with numerous nucleoli.—Todef. 125.
Sow. t. 373, f . 6. Fr. S.AI. ii.p. 517. Fries exs. no. 285. Grev. t.
335, f.2 . Eng. F I .y . p . 277. Purt. iii. no. 1521.
38. Gryptosphesria gnomon, Grev. Fl. ed.p. 366. Gnomonia vulgaris,
De Not. Schema p. 58. FcM. exs. no. 867.
On hazel leaves. Winter and early spring.
[Mid. Carolina.]
2 7 4 0 . Sphæ ria se ta c e a . Pers. “ Hair-beaked Sphæria.”
VYC'si'DiA.=Discosia clypeata, De Not. Fres. Beitr. p. 68. FcM.
exs. no. 453. Fchl. Sym. Myc.p. 121, t. 2 ,f. 23.
A s o o p h o r e .—Perithecia covered, globose ; ostiola hristle-
like, attenuated, black ; sporidia biseriate, colourless or greenish,
pointed at each extremity, and often aristate, triseptate when
mature.—Bers. Syn.p. 62. Fr. N.M. ii. p. 518. Fries exs. no.
286. Purt. M S S . Johnst. Fl. Berw. Eng. Fl. Y.p. 277. Berh.
Outl.p. 401. Berk. exs. 184. Curr. Linn. Trans, t. 59,/. 145.
FcM. exs. no. 871. Wallr. Fl. Germ. p. 862. Gnomonia setacea.
De Not. Schema, p. 58. Cookeexs. no. 161.
var. petiolæ. On petioles of sycamore, &c.—Sphæriapetioli,
Fuckel. exs. 537. Enum. Fung. Nass. p. 68. De Not. Schema, p.
49. Coohe Journ. Bot. Cooke, 162. Gnomonia Cerastis,
Reiss. Gnomonia ischnostyla, Fckl. Sym. M yc.p. 121.
var. ep iph y llæ . On leaves of oak, sycamore, maple, &c.—
Sphæria inclinata, Desm. Gnomonia setacea, FcM. Sym. Alyc.p.
121. Cooke L.F. no. 87.
On the petioles, nerves, &c., of the leaves of various trees,
especially Acer pseudoplatanus. [Mid. Carolina.]
Sporidia (‘0006 in.) -015 m m. long.
2 7 4 1 . Sphæ ria a r iæ . D.C. “ Beam-leaf Sphæria.”
VYomT>ik=Discosia artocreas, Fr. S. V .S .p . 423 (in Sorbo.)
A s o o p h o r e—Scattered,minute ; perithecia covered, depressed,
sub-latent ; ostiolum straight, equal, slender, black ; asci and
sporidia?—D.G. F l.F r.Y i.p . 131. Fr S.M.ii. p . 517. Fckl. exs.
no. 877. Gnomonia ariæ, Fckl. Sym. Myc.p. 121.
On leaves of Pyrus aria. Darenth.
The specimens found were immature, the sporidia not being formed, so
that the characters cannot be given. The fruit seems to be matured during
the winter, whilst the leaves lie on the ground, as in allied species.