b. Vülosæ.
Perithecia persistently hairy.—Fr. S.M. ii.75. 32 2 .
Sporidia coloured.
2557. Sphæiia ovina. Pers. “ Woolly Sphæria.”
Perithecia subglobose, clothed with dirty-white, mueedinous
down, naked at the base ; ostiolum papillate, at length black ;
sporidia biseriate or crowded, pale brown, long, flexuous.—Pers.
Syn. p. 71. Fr. S.M. ii. 75. 446. Fries, exs. no. 149. Fng. FI.y,
p . 260. Curr.Finn.Trans.xxii.p.316. S.nivea, S ow .t.2l9. Leptospora
ovina, Fckl. Sym. Myc.p. 143. Fckl. exs. no. 788.
On decayed wood. _ [Mid. Carolina.]
2 5 5 8 . Sphæiia biassicæ. Klotsch. “ Cabbage Sphæria.”
Perithecia conical, their bases innate, clothed with dirty-white
arachmnd down; ostiola naked, simple, jet-black; sporidia colourless
then pale brown, ultimately dark opaque brown, elliptical
with pointed ends or lozenge-shaped.—Fng. F I .y . p .261. Gurr
Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 57, f . 23.
On dead cabbage stalks.
.(•0014-/02in ) -OS-'OS m.m. long. Perithecia large, hairy at the
bottom, bairs white or brown, sporidia sometimes witb two large nuclei
sometimes with a dark line not extending qnite across the s p o r i d i u £ . - / C'!
2 5 5 9 . Sphaeria hiisu ta . Pr. “ Hairy Black Sphæria.”
C o n id ia .— Gregarious, stem rigid, persistent, black ; head sub-
rotund, at length compact, gKyi&h..— Stilbumrigidum,Pers. Svn
p. 680. FcU.exs.no. 177.
A s o o p h o e b .— Perithecia subglobose, and ovate, tuberculate,
black, covered with scattered hairs of the same colour; ostiolum
obsolete ; sporidia biseriate or crowded, pale brown, long, flexuous.—
Ur. S.M. ii.75. 449. F n g .F l. Y.p. 262. Curr. Linn.
Trans, xxii. t. 57, f . 18. Lasiosphceria hirsuta, Fckl. Sym. Mvc.
p . 147, t. 3, / . 32. Fckl. exs. no. 950.
var. R. acinosa. Perithecia globose and subdepressed, black-
brown.—UaiscA./. 179. Sow. t. 386,/. 3 ?
On decayed wood.
2 5 6 0 . Sphæ ria h isp id a . Tode. “ Hispid Sphæria.”
S p b e m o o o n ia .—Perithecia irregularly clavate, cylindrical, or
dilated at the base, greenish yellow or pallid ; spermatia minute,
ovate, hyaline.—Sphoeronema flavo-viride, FcU. exs. no. 774.
A s c o p h o r e .—Black ; perithecia ovato-conic, confluent with
the ostiola, clothed with short, scattered hairs ; sporidia cylindrical,
vermiculate, 7-8 septate, obtuse, umber ; cells nucleate.—
Tode.f. 84. Fr. S.M .ii.p . 450. Fng. F I .y .p .262. Sphceria terrestris,
Fckl. exs. no. 949, 2039. Sph. Ugnarla, Grev. t. 82 ? Lasiosphceria
hispida, FcU. Sym. Myc. p. 147, t. 3 ,/ . 31.
On decayed wood. Appin.
I f the specimen of S. ligniaria examined by Mr. Currey (Linn. Trans, xxii.
t. 58, f. 66) belongs to tbis species tbe fruit is very different, as follows—
“ sporidia uniseriate, at first pale brown, then dark brown, elliptioo-acnmi-
nate '0005 in. long.”
2561. S p h æ iia c a p illife ia . Carr. “ Stiff Hairy Sphæria.’
Perithecia globose, clothed with very short, rather stiff black
hair, seated on a pale subiculum ; ostiola mamillate ; sporidia
uniseriate, rather dark brown, broadly elliptical, 1-2 nucleate.—
Gurr. Linn. Trans, xxii,7 5 . 317. t. 57, f 26.
On Corticium and subjacent wood.
Sporidia (-OOOS-'OOOd in.) -0076-'01 m.m.
2 5 6 2 . Sphæ ria sc a tig e n a . B .& B r . “ Satiny Sphæria.”
Perithecia free, ovate, finely hispid, hairs short, rigid ; ostiola
papillæform, truncate at the apex ; sporidia subglobose.—B. &
Br. Ann. N.H. no. 972, t. 17, f . 25.
On horse dung. King’s Cliffe.
Perithecia free, ovate, rough, witb very short rigid b a irs ; ostiolum papil-
ii cylindrical; sporidia uniseriate, broadly læform, trnneate, asci ._ _ elli_p tic,, subglobose,
at first surrounded with gelatine ('0008in.) ’02m.m. long, flattened,
so that a lateral view gives a narrow elliptic outline.—B. & Br.
J Sporidia hyaline, simple.
2 5 6 3 . S p h æ iia cæ s ia . Carm. “ Grey woolly Sphæria.”
Perithecia white, very hairy ; sporidia uniseriate, colourless.
elliptical, or subpyriform.— Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii.7 5 . 316, t. 57,
f. 17.
On wood.