There is no external evidence in the capsule of the presence of this smut
the w ‘“f breaking it open that the Thecaphora. can be seen. Itra isa
the testa of the green seed like a dark-coloured blister. The affected e S
1538. Vzocystis violse. B .& B r . “ Violet Smut.”
iT ■ 1 * T occvA iitiw uarn-coiourca Diister.
shrivel, and do not become of the normal black colour. (Fig. 207.)
Gen. 173. TUBTJRCINIA, Fr.
Plant deeply seated; spores multi-
cellular, subglobose, or conchiform—
Berh. Outl. p. 335. (Fig. 208.)
Fig. 208.
1 5 3 6 . T u b u z c in ia sc a b ie s. B . “ Potato Scab.”
Spores globose composed of minute cells, forming together a
ho low globe, with one or more lacunm, generally attached late-
rally by a slender thread, olive.—B. Br. Ann. N.H. no. 489.
Berk. Hort. Journ. 1. 1. 4, / . 30-31. Cooke M.F. t. 3, f. 54 Rahh
exs. no. 900. •' '
On potatoes.
t V r e K . attached laterally by a deli-
(Fig, 208 spores.)
1 537. T u b e z c in ia tz ie n ta lis . B . ^ B r . “ Trientalis Smut.”
Sori two lines broad, búllate, containing a black mass of
rather irregular depressed subglobose spores, which are very
opaque and distinctly cellular. Hyphasma white, branched,
3^/! 52^53 ~
On leaves of Trientalis Europcea.
Gen. 1 7 4 . U RO C Y ST IS .
Fig. 209.
Spores irregular, consisting
of several cells. — Polycystis.
Lev. {Fig. 209.)
This genus ia very closely allied to
Sori scattered, elongated, on both surfaces of the leaves and
petioles ; spores more or less globose, consisting of several cells,
surrounded by a common irregular crust.—Polycystis violce. B.
^ Br. Ann. N.H. no. 487. Cooke exs. no. 78. Cooke M.F. p.
212,pi. ix.figs. 185-186. Granularla violce. Sow. t. 440.
On leaves and petioles of violets. August. Common.
Forming gouty swellings of the petioles and principal veins, and otherwise
deforming the leaves, at length bursting in two or three places and exposing
the sooty spores. “ The spores are more or less globose, consisting of several
cells, surrounded by a common irregular crust.”
1539. Uzocystis co lch ic i. Tul. “ Meadow Saffron Smut.”
Sori elongated, bursting irregularly ; spores smooth, or
slightly papillose.—Polycystis colchici. Tul. Ann. Sc. Nat.
(1847), v ii./. 117. CookeM.F. p. 211. B. ¿r Br. Ann. N.H. no.
485. Sporisorium colchici. Lih. exs. no. 194. Uredo colchici
Berk. exs. no. 309.
On leaves of meadow saffron ( Colchicum autumnale).
1 5 4 0 . Uzocystis o c cu lta . Breuss. “ Eye Smut.” .
Sori very long, linear ; epidermis bursting longitudinally ;
spores globose, with several projecting nodules, dark brown.—
Polycystis parallela. B. ^ Br. Ann. N.H. no. 486. Coohe M.F. p.
212,yiZ. ix./ys. 187,188. Preuss. Sturm, t . l . Uredo parallela.
Eng. FI. v.p. 375.
On culms and sheaths of rye, and on the leaves of Carices.
In long parallel lines on the leaves, with very much the habit of an Usti-
(Fig. 209.)
1541. Uzocystis pompholygodes. Schlecht. “ Buttercup
Sori variable, búllate ; epidermis inflated, at first entire, then
bursting irregularly, its remains surrounding the clusters ; spores
copious, subglobose, black, opaque or pellucid.—Polycystis pompholygodes
Lev. Cooke M.F. p. 212, pi. ix. figs. 183, 184. Cooke
exs. no. 79. Uredo pompholygodes. Berk. Ann. N .H. no 137. Berk,
exs. no. 236.
On Ranunculus repens and other Ranunculacece. Summer.
Causing gouty swellings of the petioles, and the principal veins of the
leaves. At length bursting and exposing the sooty spores. Not uncommon
on the Wood Anemone.