On smooth inner surface of bark.
Differs from P. cæsia and P. chavetiæ in its larger cops, pale disc, and several
other points. The cups are sometimes extremely thin, crowded, and pressed
very close to the matrix, but this is not usually the case.—P . & Br.
2 0 7 1 . P e z iz a B lo x am i. P . 4 P r. “ Bloxam’s Peziza.”
Densely crowded, seated on a white mycelium ; cups concave,
pale fawn colour, externally farinaceous; disc of the same
colour.—Atm. N.H. no. 566.
On fallen branches. Twycross. [S. Carolina.]
f IVery densely crowded so as nearly to conceal the white cottony mycelium,
in which the cups are half immersed. At first globose, white, and densely
pruinose, acquiring as they expand a pale fawn colour, and gradually becoming
nearly smooth. In dry specimens bundles of the cups are collected
in httle patches, so as to expose the white mycelium Br. between them ■ ~ B ■ dJ
2 0 7 2 . P e z iz a m u ta b ilis . P . 4 P r . “ Changeable Peziza.”
Minute, at first presenting little brown villous specks, from
which the cups burst ; cups scattered, brown externally, hemispherical,
villous, becoming smooth and dirty-white ; sporidia
minute, elongated, somewhat curved, containing two nuclei
endochrome sometimes restricted to either extremity. Ann.
N.H. no. 564.
On leaves of Aira cæspitosa. Feb.
When old it bears some resemblance to pale forms of P. atrata or P . valus-
ti-is.—M .J .B . ^
2 0 7 3 . P e z iz a losae. Pers. “ Eose-stem Peziza.”
Sessile, sub-coriaceous, concave, suh-tomentose, bright-brown
as well as the tomentose subiculum.—Pers. M.E. p. 278. Fr.
S .M .H .p .l0 9 . Eng. F I .y .p .200. Tode. i.f. 41. Mag. Zool. &
Bot. no. 10. Berk. exs. no. 157, 286, variety. Fckl. exs. no. 1874.
Rabh. F .E . no. 354. Tapesia Eosw, Fckl. Sym. Myc. 301.
On dry branches of Rosa canina. Oct.
[Low. & Mid. Carolina.]
Forming small roundish patches on the branches, sometimes surrounding
tiiem.—Eng. Fl.
The variety published by the Eev. M. J. Berkeley (no. 286), occurred near
Liverpool, on sycamore {Ann, N.H. no. 313).
Sporidia elongated, •007-'01 X ■002-'0025 m.m,—Karst.
2 0 7 4 . P e z iz a fu s c a . Pers. “ Crowded Brown Peziza.”
Sessile ; cups concave, brown (smooth towards the margin),
at length plane, cinereous, fixed beneath to a broad, tomentose,
dark-brown subiculum.—Pers. M .E .p . 273. Fr. S.M. ii. p. 109.
Grev.t.l02. Fckl. exs. no. 1503. Tapesia fusca, Fckl. Sym. Myc.
p. 302. Pez. vulgaris, Fckl. exs. no. 1173.
On fallen branches. Spring. [Mid. Carolina.]
Spreading in patches two inches or more wide.
Sporidia oblong-fusiform or fusiform, simple, 'OOS-'Oie X ■002--0025 m.m.
—Ny l. Karst.
2 0 7 5 . P e z iz a Jo h n sto n i. Perh. “ Johnston’s Peziza.”
Sessile; cups globose, or sub-turbinate, at length open and
rufous, with a satiny lustre, attached beneath to a broad blackbrown,
grumous subiculum.—Ann. N.H. no. 313.
On fallen branches. Berwick.
Forming a uniform stratum on decayed sticks ; cups half a line broad, at
first brown and pulverulent, at length rufous, rather thin, with a satiny
lustre, subturbinate, with the margin permanently inflected, at first quite
closed ; snbioulum granulated, grumous, obscurely floccose.—M. J . B.
2 0 7 6 . P e z iz a san g u in e a . Pers. “ Blood-red Peziza.”
Cups concave, smooth, becoming blackish ; base surrounded
hy a short hlood-red tomentum.—Fr. S.M. ii.p. 110. Pers. M.E.
p. 273. Nees.f. 271. Mag. Zool. & Bot. no. 11. Fckl. exs.no. 1187.
Tapesia sanguinea, Fckl. Sym. Myc.p. 303.
On fir. Nov. Beeston, Notts. [Low. & Mid. Carolina.]
Sporidia ovoid-oblong or fusiform, simple, '006-’01 X '0025-’003 m.m.—
N y l, Karst.
Sect. 4. Fibrina—externally fibroso-striate, with adpressed
2 0 7 7 . P e z iz a zud is. P erk. “ Eustio Peziza.”
Fasciculate, turbinato-stipitate ; hymenium plane, here and
there depressed, rugose, yellow-brown, somewhat vinous, externally
finely fibrilloso-striate ; stem elongated, lacunose or striate.
—Berk, in Proc. N.H. Soc. Berw. p. 190. Ann. N.H. no. 574. t. 6,
/.1 3 .
On shallow gravel and peat. June.
2 0 7 8 . P e z iz a b o la z is. Putsch. “ Eed-oohre Peziza.”
Infundibuliform; cup hemispherical, fibrillose-veined, suh-
ochraceous; disc brown ; stem short, blackish.—Fr. S .M .ii.p .
112. Batsch. f . 155. Eng. F I.y . p. 200. Ciboria bolaris, Fckl.
Sym.Myc.p. 311.