On fading leaves of Sagittaria sagittifolia. Sept. Irstead,
Norfolk. Bungay, Suffolk.
On both surfaces of the leaves ; spots scattered, tawny, irregular, sometimes
confluent ; flooci of two kinds, one conidiiferous, short, nodulose,
tawny ; the other simple, elongated, subflexuose, hyaline, obtuse above, and
attenuated below.
Gen. 213. MY STRO SPO R IUM , Corda.
Flocci erect or ascending, quite
simple, septate, torulose, opaque,
bearing a solitary spore at tbe
apex ; spores mnlticellular.—
Corda. Ic. ii. p. 13.
{Fig. 248.)
1735. My strosporium stem ph y lium . Corda. “ Obovate
Tufts broadly effused, black ; flocci short, flexuous, erect,
olive-brown; spores obovate, polymorphous, unequal, multicel-
lular, brown, yellow, or olive; peduncular appendage paler.—
Corda. ii.f. 61. B . ^ Br. Ann. N.H. no.949. P a y . f . 824.
On dead wood. Bury St. Edmunds. {Fig- 248.)
Spores ‘0015 in. diameter.
Gen. 2 1 4 . ACROTHECIUM, Corda.
Flocci creeping or erect, septate,
simple or branched, branches ascending
; spores clustered at the apex, or
solitary at the tips of the branches;
septate.—Corda. Ic. ii.y>. 10.
The typical species of Corda has the flocci
creeping, and branched, the spores solitary
and fusiform. The generic character has
been extended, so as to include A. multi-
syorumj Preuss, and the British species,
which could hardly have been retained under
the original characters. 249.)
1 7 3 6 . Acrothecium s im p le x . Berk. “ Simple Aorothecium.”
Flooci simple, flexuous, irregular, septate, brown ; spores few,
apical, 4-5 septate, oblong, sub-clavate, hyaline, slightly coloured.
~ B . # Br. Ann. N.H. no. 950, t. 16,/. 16.
On nettle stems. Dec. Batheaston.
Spores terminal, about three together. Differs from A. muUisporum,
Preuss, in the simple stem, without any creeping threads, and the small
number of spores. (Fig- 249.)
1737. Acrothecium d e lic a tu lum .
B . 4' B r . “ Delicate
Effused, black, flocci straight ; spores linear, with one or
more septa, hyaline.—B. Br. Ann. N.H. no. 1055, t. xiv./. 11.
On dead wood, probably beech and bramble.
The spores are confined to the upper part of the stem, but not to the apex
itself. Occasionally the flocci are forked. Spores '00045-'0007 in. long. The
form which occurs on bramble has scattered flocci, but differs in no other respect.—
B. & Br.
Gen. 215. SE FTO SPO R IUM , Corda.
Pig. 250.
Flooci erect, sparsely septate; spores
heterogenous, cellular, pedicellate; pedicels
septate.—Corda. Ic .i. p. 12.
1 7 3 8 . Septosporium bulbotrichum.
Corda. “ Bulbous Septosporium.”
Tufts effused, thin, brown; flocci simple,
bulbous at the base, septate, obtuse, darker
below,brown,yellowish above,diaphanous;
spores pedicellate, oblong-clavate, yellowish,
pedicels septate, attenuate, attached
at the base.—Corda. Icon. i.f. 176 . Corda.
Anl. t. B .f. 10, no. 7. Pay.f. 332.
On rotten wood.
Externally resembling a Edmirithosporium. The base of the flooci is decidedly
bulbous, and to it the spores are attached.