2 1 0 2 . P e z iz a Bzowniana. Blox. “ Brown’s Peziza.”
Cup hemispherical, sessile, horny ; margin paler, ciliate ; disc
pallid ; sporidia shortly fusiform, hyaline.—B. & Br. Ann. N.H.
(1865), no. 1072.
On dead stems of Epilobium hirsutum. Twycross.
Allied to P . ZaCTM/TO. The sporidia are (-00045 in.) 'Oil m.m. long, the
colour 18 paler, and wlien perfect the ciliated margin, which consists of
delicate, flexuous, more or less interwoven hairs, is characteristic,—
2 1 0 3 . P e z iz a C h a ille tii. Pers. “ Ghaillet’s Peziza.”
Sessile ; cups urceolate, rather fleshy, ash coloured ; margin
toothed, blackish.—Ur. S.M. H.p. 144. Pers. M.E. p. 288. FcM.
exs.no. 1868. Pyrenopeziza Chailletii, FcU. Sym.Myc.p. 294.
Phac.patella, Eng. Fl. v. p. 292 (partly).
On dead herbaceous stems.
Asoi oblong-clavate ; sporidia biseriate, oblong, a little curved, with two
2 1 0 4 . P e z iz a h e p á tic a . Batsch. “ Liver-oolor Peziza.”
Sessile, concave, vinous-brown, externally granulated ; margin
encircled with triangular teeth ; paraphyses septate, inflated at
the joints; sporidia elliptic, even.—®. & Br. Ann. N .H .1865,
no. 1069.1.15,/. 19. Batsch.f. 138. Babh. F.E. ex. no. 612.
On the ground beneath rabbit’s dung, more rarely on the dung
itself, or surrounding moss and twigs. Jan. Wiltshire.
Gregarious ; when yonng subglobose and closed, then concave and flattened,
1-2 lines broad, of a watery consistence; paraphyses septate, tbe joints more
or less swollen or inflated; asoi linear ; sporidia elliptic, uniseriate, hyaline,
even (-001 X ‘0005 in.) -025 X -012 m.m. > J
2 1 0 5 . P e z iz a sphæzioide s. Pers. “ Sphæroid Peziza.”
Sessile, clustered, blackish, concave ; margin contracted, externally
rugose, whitish, pulverulent.—Pers. M.E. ii. p. 328.
Desm. exs. no. 174. Ann. N.H. no. 577. Roth. Ust.Ann. i.p. 2,
t.i .f . 6. N e e s .f.281.
On stems of Lychnis dioica. Common.
2 1 0 6 . P e z iz a a x i lla z is . Nees. “ Moss-stern Peziza.”
Sessile, vasculiform, orange, base paler ; margin obtuse.—Fr.
S .M .ii.p . 145. N e e s.f. 261. Eng. F I.y . p. 205. FcU. exs.no'.
1176. Leucoloma axillaris, FcU. Sym. Myc.p. 318.
On Splachnum mnioides. Aug. Rare.
Plant | - f line h ig h ; cup at first ovate, closed, then urceolate, of a soft
waxy consistence ; margin quite entire, when dry scarlet, persistent.—Klotsch.
Pries says th at when dry it acquires a brownish tinge, and is sub-evanescent.
2 1 0 7 . P e z iz a x an th o stigm a . Fr. “ Golden dot Peziza.”
Sessile, minute, submemhranaceous, smooth, concave, orbicular,
golden yellow.—Ur. S.M. ii. p. 146. Eng. Fl. y.p . 206.
On rotting fir wood.
2 1 0 8 . P e z iz a leu c o s tigm a . F r. “ White dot Peziza.”
Sessile, minute, submemhranaceous, smooth, becoming plane,
white; disc subcinereous.—Ur. S.M. ii. p. 146. Eng. Fl. v. p.
On soft rotten wood.
Very minute, dirty yellow when dry ; scattered, at first appearing under
the form of an urceolate dot, in which state it appears under a powerful
lens, roost minntely rugulose, and fixed down hy a few delicate white threads,
then quite flat, with a narrow border, white with the slightest possible cinereous
tinge in the centre ; in decay dirty yellow, or even grey. Not more
than half line broad.—Eng. Fl.
Sporidia ellipsoid, simple, ’003 X "0015 m.m.—Nyl.
Sporidia ellipsoid or oblong, '003-'004 X ’001-'0015 m.m.—Karst.
2 1 0 9 . P e z iz a u lm a z iæ . Lasch. “ Meadow-sweet Peziza.”
Scattered, very minute, cups subglobose, at length open,
umber, with short downy hairs; disc honey-coloured; asci small,
cylindrical; sporidia cylindrical, minute.—Klotch. exs. no. 1723.
Coolce exs. no. 399. Peziza spirwce. Kirch. Lotos. (1856), p. 246?
On stems of Spircea ulmaria.
Forming very minute points on the dead stems, scarcely visible to the
naked eye, usually subglobose and nearly closed. I t seems to be much more
minute that Kirohner’s P. spircea, quoted above.
2110. P e z iz a v u lg a r is . Fr. “ Oommon Peziza.”
Sessile, subciespitose, membranaceous, soft, smooth, dirty-
white, becoming pallid.—Fr. S.M. ii.y). 146. Eng. Fl. y. p. 206.
Rav. exs. iv. no. 18. ■ ”
var. (3. d iaph ana . Scattered, urceolate, then plane, whitish,
hyaline.—Sow. t. 389,/. 7.
On fallen branches. [United States.]
Sporidia cylindrical-oblong, '005-'007 X '0015m.m.—Nyl.
Sporidia straight or curved, -005-'008 X "0015 m .m.—Karst.