Masses 1-2 Hnes broad, snbinnate ; flocci very fine, cnrionslv twisted to-
getber, external surface, finely tomentose, from tbeir free apices. Spores
m eit8™ M T a “ “ collected about the apices of the fila-
1 8 7 * . P s ilo n ia am n d in is . Besm. “ Keed Psilonia.”
Tufts oblong, dense, pale rose-coloured; flocci fasciculate, intricate,
simple ; spores ovoid and oblong.—BV. S .M iii p 451
Berh. 102. Berh. Ann. N .H. no. 35-551. Desm.ex^.no.m.
Ann. Sc. N a t.1836, t. 5, f . l . Chloridium'festucw. Corda. Anl t
B .f. 12,no. 4.
On dead leaves and stems of reeds and Carices. Feb.
Tufts evidently erumpent, oblong, linear, 1-2 lines long.
P s il o n ia n iv e a , Fr. is clearly an insect production.
1 8 7 4 . P s ilo n ia d isco id e a. B .& B r . “ Discoid Psilonia.”
Pale fawn-colour, then brown ; disc proliferous ; spores oblong,
margin discrete, rosy tan-colour.—B. &■ B r Ann N H
1866, no. 1150, t. 3 ,f. 8.
On rotten rails. Jan.—Feb. Wilts.
orbicular, elongated, flexs
t u ^ d ^ r f t e
Piocci covering the spores, and forming a kind of peridium,
which at length vanishes in the centre.—Berh. Outl.p. 356.
Peridium more or less distinct—
Spores on the threads . . . . Pilacre.
Sessile. ,
Spores in c av itie s............................................ Imhtale.
Peridium spurious, indeterminate—
Flocci even.S
pores spread over the disc. . . Trwhoderma.
Flooci constricted.
Spores collected in the centre . . Arthroderma.
Gen. 2 6 0 . PII.A CB .E, Fr.
Stem solid, cylindrical; head globose, composed
of flexuous, branched, radiating threads;
spores produced near the tips, forming a dusty
mass.—Berh. Outl.p. 356. {Fig. 295.)
1 8 7 5 . P ila c ie fa g in e a .
B . d jB r . “ Beech
Stem blackish, pruinose ; head subglobose ;
spores broadly elliptic.—Ann. N.H. no. 880, t.
11, f . 5. Onygena faginea,Fr. S.M. iii.yi. 209.
Kl. exs. no. 1724. Fchl. exs. no. 1073.
On beech sticks. Aug. Spye Park, Wilts.
[United States.]
Pig. 295. About 2 lines h ig h ; stem IJ line high, pruinose, at
length brown or blackish ; head subglobose or turbinate,
at first pruinose, nmbilicate, or without trace of umbilicus; flocoi
branched, especially above, somewhat fastigiate, more or less flexuous;
spores minute ; broadly elliptic, with a distinct nucleus.—Af./.fJ.
1 8 7 6 . P i l a c i e P e t e x s ii . B . & Curt. “ Hornbeam Pilacre.”
Stem short, white; head large ; flocci nearly straight. —Ann.
N.H. no. 824. Curt. exs. no. 3811.
On hornbeam. Hainault Forest. [Alabama, U.S.]
Stem 2 lines high, white ; head 1-2 lines or more across, threads anastomosing,
far less flexuous than in P . faginea. Spores snuff-coloured, about
(•0002 in.) •OOS m.m across. When fresh it has a smell like that of some
Hypericum. In habit the species resembles a little Nyctalis.—B.&Br.