to the wood ; sporidia colourless, biseriate, slightly curved, 3-
septate.— Curr. Linn. Trans, xxiv. 494, t. 5 1,/. 15, 16. ’
On wood somewhat decayed.
I t might at first sight bo taken for a Peziza, but the tonghness of its
texture, and its septate sporidia point clearly to the genus Patellaria ; disc
not more than ,!j m. broad ; sporidia C0007--0008 in.) -0177--02 m m long
2 1 7 6 . P a te lla r ia c o n s tip a ta . Blox. MSS. “ Fir-bark
Gregarious, or in a short series, irregular, compressed and
contorted, shortly^ stipitate, furfuraceous, honey-coloured or
brownish; sporidia biseriate, cylindrical obtuse, triseptate,
slightly constricted, hyaline, or yellowish.
On bark of firs. Gopsal. (Rev. A. Bloxam.)
2177. P a te lla r ia lig n y o ta . Fr. “ Sooty Patellaria.”
Sessile, dry, convexo-plane, then expanded, blackish; margin
tnmid ; disc dingy ; sporidia elliptical, uniseptate, brownish.__
Rabh. no. 1152. Peziza lignyota, Fr. S.M. ii.y/. 150. Ann. N.H.
no. 579.
On dead wood. Feb. Wraxall. Shere.
Scattered or subgregarious, i line broad, thin, horny when dry, black
softer when moist; disc sooty-black, snbperennial; sporidia somewhat re-
sembling those of a Diylodia,
2178. P a te lla r ia p a rv u la . OooTie. “ Little Black Patellaria.”
Minute, scattered, black, somewhat erumpent, thin, contorted
when dry ; margin linear; sporidia elongated-elliptical, rounded
at the ends, triseptate, hyaline.
On bleached decorticated sticks. Shere. (E.G.)
Sporidia (*0003 in.) *02 m.m. long.
2179. P a te lla r ia le c id eo la . Fr. “ Lecidea-like ! atellaria.”
Sessile, minute,_ somewhat horny, concave, black, seated upon
a cinereous spot-like crust.—Peziza lecideola, Fr. S.M. ii.p. 1 5 1 .
Fr. Obs. i. t. 4 ,/. 1 . Excipula lecideola. Fries, exs.no. 157.
On dead wood.
E L V E L L A C E l .
Gen. 3 0 0 . S PH IN C T R IN A , Pr.
Excipnlum almost horny, naked, pierced
with a narrow, quite entire mouth; disc
at length dusted with the sporidia.—
Berh. Outl. p. 373. (Fig. 334.]
2 1 8 0 . Sph in c trin a tu rb in a ta . Fr.
“ Top-shaped Sphinctrina.”
Receptacles turbinate, sub-sessile, black,
shining ; disc punctiform, black, opaque ;
asci cylindrical; sporidia globose, brown.
Fr. S .V .S .p . 366. Sphceria sphinctrina.
Sow. t. 886,f . 1. Bull. t. 4 4 4 ,/ 1. Galicium
turbinatum, Pers. disp. Supp. 56. Fchl. exs.
Fig. 334.
no. 1116. Ach. Meth. p. 56. Linds. Pop. Lich. t. xvi./. 16-19.
On Pertusaria. [United States.]
This species is inserted here, although I do not consider it a fungus but
rather a lichen. '
2181. S p h i n c t r i n a t i g i l l a r i s . B .& B r . “ Rafter Sphinotrma.”
Stem short, cylindrical ; head elliptic; sporidia oblong, uniseptate.—
B. & Br. Ann. N.H. (1865), no. 1093.
On an old Polyporus, from a beam in King’s Cliffe Church,
and on wood. Batheaston.
Extremely minute, looking at first like a little Stilhum. I t gives off a few
threads on the surface of the matrix. The stem consists of little oblong
cells. Sporidia (-OOOIS-'OOOS in.) -OOSS-'OOIS m.m. long.
Gen. 301, LA Q U EA R IA , Fr.
Disc waxy, persistent, without
any hypothecium, but covered with
a horny, coriaceous, dimidiate, superior,
deciduous,excipulum ; mouth
contracted.—Berh. Outl.p. 373.
(Fig. 335.)
Fig. 335.
2 1 8 2 . L a q u e a r la sphseralis. Fr. “ Urn-shaped Laquearla.”
Erumpent, hemispherical, brown black, urceolate; month
contracted, entire; disc plane, black; asci oblong, sessile;
2 h 5