• Archer. Proc. Dubl. Micr. Club.
1. p . Jo, iZb, t. 3, I. 1.
A c h y l a p r o l i f e r a . Nees.
A c h y l a d io ic a . Prings.
“ Proc. Dubl. Micr. Club. i. p.
I /O , t . o, I. z - 6 .
, STELLATUS. De By. Archer in Proc. Dubl.
Micr. Club. 1. p. 17.
Fruit consisting of sporidia, mostly definite, contained in asci
springing from a naked, or enclosed stratum of fructifying
cells, and forming an hymenium or nucleus.—Berlc. Outl.p. 357.
The essential character of this important division consists in the development
of definite or indefinite sporidia within certain of the external cells of
the hymenium called am, frequently accompanied by ic articulate or septate
simple or branched, threads, which are abortive asci, known under the name
of paraphyses.—Berlc Intr.p. 270.
Asci often evanescent.
Eeceptacle clavæform.
Asci springing from threads . . . . .
Perithecia free.
Asci springing from the b a s e ....................................
Asci persistent.
Perithecia opening by a distinct ostiolum
Hard or coriaceous, hymenium at length exposed"
Hypogeous ; hymenium complicated . . .
Fleshy, waxy, or tremelloid ; hymenium mostly exposed
Order X X V I. O N YG FN E I.
Peridium formed of closely interwoven threads; sporidia at
length forming a compact, dusty mass.— Outl. p. 406.
General receptacle clavæform or subglobose ; peridium brittle, filled with
-I" ; asci soon absorbed ;
sporidia hllmg the cavity of the peridium, pulverulent.—BerA Intr.p . 272.
Gen. 2 7 4 . ONYGENA, Pers.
Parasitic on animal substances ; peridium
stipitate, or sessile, papyraceous, at length
splitting ; asci delicate ; sporidia at length
forming a dusty mass.—Berk. Outl. p 406
{Fig. 309.)
The species resemble little round-headed nails, and
are smooth externally, and filled within with reddish
powder, which is at first contained in asci. They are
small and singular from their affecting animal substances,
and their external resemblance to little puff-
(Fig. 309.)