838 S P H Æ E IA C E I .
PeritTiecia forming Httle pustules, brownish ; disc narrow; ostiola obsolete ;
sporidia ’002 in. long, elliptio-oblong, uniseptate with a small appendage at
either extremity ; endochrome divided into innumerable cells, septum at
length obsolete, and surface of the sporidia granulated. In the plant on alder
sporidia (*002-*003 in.) *05-*07 m.m. long. There are sometimes three septa*
and the appendages are more acute.—-S. & Br. ’
2511. V a lsa p ro fu sa . Er, “ Locust tree Valsa.”
S p e r m o g o n ia .—Spermatia, filiform, uncinate. Cytispora leu-
cosperma, Fr. exs.no. 156.
M i c r o s t y l o s p o r e s lanceolate, continuous.—Tul. Carp ii n
159. ■
A scophore.— Perithecia globose, circumscribed with a variable
black line, immersed in a broadly expanded subiculum; ostiola
slightly prominent, seated in a minute dirty-white disc ; sporidia
4-8, with a gelatinous envelope when young, becoming olive-brown,
oblong elliptic, qnadrilooular, apiculate.—Fr. S .V .S . p. 411. S.
profusa, Fr. S.M. ii.yi. 392. Fries, exs. no. 11. Moug. e:^s. no. 871
(partly) Fng. Fl. y.p. 249. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 47, / . 128.
Aglaospora profusa, Tul. Carp. ii.y». 159. Fckl. exs. no. 583.
On branches of Robinia pseudacacia.
Sporidia (■001-'002 in.) -OZS-'Oo m.m.
2 5 1 2 . V a lsa aglaeostoma. B. 4 Br. “ Small tufted Valsa.”
Perithecia ovate ; ostiola crowded, shining ; sporidia oblong,
4 septate, torulose.—B. &. Br. Ann. N.H. no. 862, t. 10,/. 17.
On elm twigs. Leicestershire.
Peritheoia in groups of from 4 to 6, ovate ; ostiola icrowded, cylindrical,
shining; sporidia oblong 4 septate, constricted at each septum ('OOOS-’OOl
in.) ‘02- 025m.m. long. Resembling somewhat V. hypodermia, but differing
essentially in the fruit and in other points.—ii. & Br.
2 5 1 3 . V a lsa In n e s ti. Curr. “ Inues’s Tailed Valsa.”
Perithecia irregularly globose; ostiola elongated, and frequently
thickened at the apex; sporidia biseriate, colourless,
thrice constricted, acute at either end, often appendiculate.—Curr.
Finn. Trans, xxii.yi. 281, i. 4 8 ,/. 116. B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no.
204 Biaporthe Innesii, Fckl. Sym. Myc.p.
Sporidia (•001-‘0012 in.) •025-'03 m.m. long.
Externally much resembling V. pulchella, but smaller, and differing alto-
gether in fructification from that species.
2 5 1 4 . V a ls a v e s t i t a . IV. ‘‘ Woolly Valsa.”
S p e r m o g o n ia .—Spermatia cylindrical, straight.
A s c o p h o r e .—Circinating ; perithecia crowded, ^ ------ ,
covered at first with a dense, pallid, yellowish, sub-evanescent
woolly down ; ostiola united ; -sporidia elliptic, transversely and
longitudinally septate. Ourr. PAi'Z. Trans.if851), p. 546. Linn.
Trans, xxii. t. 48,/. 161. Fr. S.M. ii. p. 410. B. & Br. Ann. N.H.
no. 866. Thyridium vestitum, Fckl.
On dead twigs (beech).
Sporidia C0005--0008 in.) •015-’02 m.m. long. Mr. Currey believes that
tbe woolly covering produces as maorostylospores a species of Steganosporium.
2 5 1 5 . V a ls a h a p a lo c y s ti s . B . 4 B r . “ Velvety Valsa.”
Scattered, covered ; perithecia subglobose, delicate, minutely
tomentose, neok oblique, constricted below, shortly fusiform ;
sporidia oblong-elliptic, appendiculate at either end, biseptate.—
B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 615,1.10,/. 12. Cooke exs. no. 253 (sub
Sphæria). Calospora hapalocystis, Fckl. Sym. Myc. p. 191. Hapalocystis
Berkelaci, Fckl. exs. no. 585.
On dead plane twigs. Batheaston.
The peritbecia are peculiarly delicate, and not so decidedly tomentose as iu
V. vestita.
D. Sphceriei.
Peritbecia carbonaceous, erumpent .
Perithecia waxy, astomous . .
Perithecia immersed, spondia oozing out and
staining the m a t r i x ....................................
Peritheciaerumpent. Ostiola large, compressed
Perithecia carbonaceous, pierced
Perithecia membranaceous, innate .
Perithecia fragile, hairy, superficial
Perithecia sclerotioid . . . . _ _ •
Peritbecia membranaceous, rostrate, sporidia
oozing at the ostiolum . .
Peritbecia membranaceous, scutiform ^.
Perithecia astomous, reticulated. Sporidia subglobose..............................................
Peritbecia mouthless, then pierced. Parasitic
Peritbecia astomous, concealed, at length splitting
Peritbecia obsolete ; nucleus immersed .
Peritbecia elliptic, bursting longitudinally
Peritbecia elongated, often fringed at tbe
month. P a r a s i t i c ....................................