Minute, olivaoequa-yellow, greyish when dry, sessile, hemispherical,
lY f t i i V iv n aTY1i l.l l r \ r \ lT l f m i r m f o l r T oillr-Tr Q w f fixed by a small point, minutely silky ext er»r»n»-ainll lIyt f, -mrv> an rgin<1 dirty wbite; hyme-
nium plane; a sc i ... .
ridia oblong or elliptic f perhaps immature
lias no crust whatever.
2 1 6 8 . P a te lla r ia a tro -a lb a .
;i subfusiform, bulging in the centre, often geniculate ; spo-
>Uir,f;.. i'.iovi.a.in I , . . o f , Jt has a Lichenoid aspect, but
Coohe. “ Black and white
_ Gregarious or scattered, small, sessile, at length plane, black;
disc white; sporidia fusiform, 7-septate, hyaline.
On decorticated sticks. Shere (E. C).
^ Variable in size, usually gregarious, hut always small; readily distinguished
from its allies by the white disc ; sporidia broadly fusiform (-0013
in.) ’03 m.m. long.
2 1 6 9 . P a te lla r ia d isco lo r. Mont. “ Umber Patellaria.”
Ceraceons, suherumpent, gregarious, sessile, piano - patellate ;
externally umber-brown ; disc waxy-yellow ; asci clavate ; sporidia
fusiform, hyaline, with 4 nuclei..—Mont. Syll. p. 190.
Berk. Outl.p. 873.
On fallen branches. [Low. Carolina.]
2170. P a te lla r ia p ró x im a . B . & B r.
“ Allied Black
Orbicular, shield-like, depressed, somewhat immersed, black;
asci clavate ; sporidia oblong, obtuse at either end, slightly
curved. 4-5 septate.—Ann. N.H. no. 965,1.16,/. 18.
On dead oak. Dec. Barking.
Closely resembling P . atrata, but differing materially in the fruit.
2171. P a te lla r ia a tro -v in o sa . Blox. “ Purplish Patellaria.”
Gregarious; disc minute, round, or of irregular outline,
almost black, distinctly margined ; margin of a vinons purple
colour; sporidia almost colourless, but with a greenish tinge,
narrowly almond-shaped or curved; endochrome tripartite.—
Curr. Linn. Trans. xxiv.y>. 155, t. 25, / . 31. B. & Br. Ann. N.H.
no. 1078.
Gopsal, near Twycross.
The description is taken from the dried plant. The specimens grew in a
densely crowded manner, and the difference in colour between the disc and
margin is very striking. Sporidia (’0009 in.) '022 m.m. long.
2 1 7 2 . P a te l la r ia a q u a tic a . Carr. “ Aquatic Patellaria.”
Disc minute, scarcely a line wide, of a brownish tinge, distinctly
margined, usually quite round and compact; sporidia
colourless, 1-3 septate.—G«rr. Liren. Lrares. xxiv.y/. 155, i. 2 5 ,/.
23. B .& B r. Ann. N.H. no. 1079.
On dead rushes, in water. Weybridge. May, 1862.
The shape of the sporidia varies from «rimärrial (and uniseptate) wh^^
young, to elliptical (2-3 septate), when mature ( 0009-0011 in ) 032- 027
m.m. long. The exoipulnm is formed of small distinct brown cells.
2173. P a te lla r ia p a lu s t r is . Carr. “ Swamp P a tellaria.”
Disc very dark bluish-gray, almost black, margined, round,
or irregular, not a line wide ; excipnlum composed of small,
distinctly outlined cells ; sporidia colourless, narrowly turbinate,
elliptical or curved.—Gurr. Linn. Trans, xxiv.y). 155, t. 25, f . 35.
B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 1080.
On dead rushes in water. Paul’s Cray. May, 1862.
Sporidia (-OOOá-'OOOS in.) -01--0125 m.m. long.
2 1 7 4 . P a te l la r ia o liv á c e a . Batsoh. “ Olive Patellaria.”
Disc at first circular, dark olive-green; margin greenish-
brown, strongly incurved, ribbed and granular ; disc ultimately
effused, dark olive-green, with a narrow brown niargin, the latter
very slightly incurved; sporidia elliptical, or slightly turbinate,
clear bluish-green, uniseriate, binucleate.—Rhizina nigro-olivacea,
Gurr. Linn. Trans, xxiv p. 494, Í. 51,/. 10-12. Patellaria olivácea,
Batsch.f. 51. B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 1077, t. 15,f . 22.
On rotten willow.
Tt runs overthe wood in an irregular manner, like the thallua of a Pe/i«fea.
In its young state it is truly Peziza-bke, and very beautiful; sporidia
(■0003-'0004 in.), •0076-'01 m.m. long; disc at first ^ to i in.,ultimately sin.
or more across.
2175. P a te lla r ia b icolor. Curr. “ Two-ooloured Patellaria.”
Disc variable in size, bright golden-yellow,_ fringed with rough
hairs, sometimes of the samé colour as the disc, sometimes of a
beautiful scarlet, occasionally there^ is a tuft of hairs in the
middle of the disc, corresponding with the point of attachment
Ill 7: