I ::
1 7 4 8 . Cladosporium b a c illig e r um . Mont. “ Anomalous
Flocci slender, simple or branched, flexnons, clustered in
small sooty tufts ; apex incrassated, obtuse, olivaceous, septate ;
spores simple, stipitate, separating with an articulation.—ifo«Z.
Ann. Sc. Nat. vi. p .3 1 ,t. 12, f . 5. Coohe exs. no. 290
bacilUgera,Fr.S.V.S.p.500. F re s.B e itr.t.x i.f. 56-58. Fchl.
exs. no. 1518.
On fading leaves of Alnus glutinosa.
T h e spores resemble in form those of some species of Pacrirncï, since, in
separating from tbe flocci, they carry with them the last articulation, so
th at they appear to be long uniseptate spores. I t is a very distinct and
curious species.
1 7 4 9 . Cladosporium d epressum.
B . 4' B r . “ Depressed
Maculæform, depressed ; spores elongated, uniseptate ; flocci
very short, equal.—Ann. N.H. no. 514, t. 5 ,f. 8.
On leaves of Angelica sylvestris.
Spots minute, scattered, olive-green, depressed ; flooci short, straigM, or
flexLus, sometimes quite even, sometimes waved or nodulose ; “ Tch
elonvated as long as tbe threads, terminal, uniseptate. Sometimes they
are constricted and the articulations much swollen. They “f*/“
in situ, giving out a delicate waved thread from the centre of the articula
tiona.'—B, 4"
1750. C l a d o s p o r i u m b r a c h o r m i u m . B . ^ B r . “ Concatenate
Effused, grey ; flocci erect, flexnons, nodulose above ; spores
oblong, shortly concatenate, terminal.—®. ^ Br. Ann. N.H. no.
n leaves of Fumaria officinalis. King’s Cliffe.
G r a y , forming a thin stratum; flocci erect, flexuous somewhat nodulose,
terminated by one or more yhort rows of elliptio-oblong spores. I t ap
proaohes the genus P ’ ’ ....
1751. Cladospor ium lig n ic o lum . Coria. “ Wood Cladosporium.”
Tufts effused, tomentose, black; flocci short, snb-smifle,
brown ; spores minute, of the same colour, multiseptate.—Gor*.
i.i. 8 ,/. 206. B . ^ Br. Ann.N.H.no 516. Kl.exs. no.1211.
On dead wood. Apethorpe.
“ The spores in this species are very opaque. I t is ju st the plant of
Corda, but a doubtful Cladosporium,’’—M .J .B .
1752. Cladosporium nodulosum.
Corda. “ Nodulose
Tufts oblong, narrow, olive-brown, then blackish ; flocci csespi-
tose, long, flexuous, pale brown, curved at the apex, simple, with
very short lateral projections, or nodular spurious branchlets ;
spores large, oblong, or cuneate, simple or uniseptate.—Gorda.
i. Z.4,/.212. B .^ B r .A n n .N .H .n o .5 ll. Kl.exs.ii.no 765.
On dead herbaceous stems. Feb. Wraxall, Horn.
Remarkable for the alternate projections on which the spores are seated.
Gen. 222. AB.THR.INIUI«, Kunze.
Flocci erect, septate, dark, and slightly
thickened at the septa; spores straight,
swollen in the middle, and pointed at
either extremity (fusiform).—Berh. Outl.
p. 346. {Fig. 257.)
Eig. 257.
1753, A r th r in ium sporophleeum. Kze. “ Sedge Arthrinium.”
Flocci slender, rather short; spores oblong, acute, minute,
very copious.—Fres. t. 3,f. 49-52. Kunze. M.H. ii.p. 104. ®. ^
Br. Ann. N.H. no. 519. Fchl. exs. no. 128. A.puccinioides, Berk.
.exs.no. 311. Desm. exs.no. 692. {Fig. 251.)
On Carices.
Gen. 2 2 3 .
Eig. 258.
GONATOSPOmum:, Corda.
Flocci erect, septate, thickened at the
septa ; spores irregularly biconical, and
in consequence somewhat angular, attached
in whorls.—Berk. Outl.p. 346.
{Fig. 258.)
1 7 5 4 . Gonatosporium pucc in io id es.
Corda. “ Sedge Gonatosporium.”
Tufts round, black, shining, minute,
gregarious ; flocci erect, subulate, septate,
swollen at the septa, diaphanous,
simple, very rarely branched; spores