i" ' !
l i ì
broadly elliptic ; dark-violetwbenmature.—NcAmicft, 3fyc. Ilefte,
9<?q R M -f • f -T '• P- “ •209. Berk. Outl.gt. 374. Cooke Seem. J. Bo tP. -M 1a6y4, . 1E86n4g.. BF.l .& y B. pr!.
lM Ì . f l 8 6 9 Ì x T 2 5 Ì ^ ’^ '^- ciliatus, B o u A n n .
Oli cow-dnng. Autumn.
Extremely like Peziza stercorea, but the hairs are white. The asoi are verv
large for the size of the plant, and are not altered by dryiugV-A/. " T
2 2 1 6 . A sco bo lus te s ta c e u s . B . & B r. “ Brick red
Gregarious, _ waxy sessile, unequal, smooth, sub-depressed,
bnck-red; asci broadly cylindrical ; sporidia elliptical; surfaci
giaimlar; paraphyses slightly thickened upwards, subclavate.— '
n ' Ì 5. rniothxm testaceum. Berk.
Old sacking and rabbits’ dung.
indicates an
Gen. 3 0 5 . BU LG A R IA , Pr.
Eeceptacle orbicular, then truncate,
glutinous within, at first closed;
hymenium even, persistent, smooth.
—Berk. Outl. p. 374.
(Fig. 339.;
2 2 1 7 . B u lg a r ia in q u in an s. Fr.
“ Blackish Bulgaria.”
Turbinate, firm, externally rugulose,
furfuraceous, nmber ; disc becoming
plane, black ; asci long, obtuse
; sporidia large, elliptic, brown.
Fig. 339. —Fr. S.M. ii. p. 167. Tul. Ann. Sc.
Nat. XX. (1853), i. 15,/. 1-7. Eng.
Fl. Y. p. 209. Cooke exs. no. 324. FcU. exs. no. 1136. Rav. exs v
»0. 43. UZ. Da», i. 464. Schoeff. t. 158. Batsch.f. 50. Hedw. t. 6
f . 5. Berk. Outl. t. 22,/. 7. Pez. nigra,Bull. t. 460, f . 1. Sow. t.
t4.263,.f .N2 e. es.f. 226. Pez.polymorpha,LJig ht.i\r.p .l008.HoMff . Cr ■ ü■
On oak trunks, &c. [United States.]
Tough, elastic, gelatinous, dark-brown, or chocolate, almost black,
wrinkled, and rough externally ; disc sometimes lacunose ; stem in general
blank, almost obsolete, sometimes fasciculate and confluent.—AT.J.jB.
(Fig. 339.)
2 2 1 8 . B u lg a r ia sa rco id e s. Fr. “ Purplish Bulgaria.”
S t y l o s p o r e s—Cæspitose, soft, viscid, flesh-coloured, inclining
to purple, at first club-shaped, then compressed, lobed, and
■ plicate.—■Tremella sarcoides. Berh. Outl. t. 2 ,f. 7. Eng. Bot. t.
2450. Bolt. t. 101, f . 2. Bull t.422, f . 5 . Eng. Fl. Y . p . 211.
A s c o p h o r e—Cæspitose, polymorphous, rather firm, flesh-red,
externally somewhat venose ; disc concave ; asci clavate ; sporidia
oblong-lanceolate, straight, or unequal, with a central nucleus.
Fr. S.M. H.p. 168. Eng. Fl. Y . p . 240. Berk. Outl. t. 18,/. 6. Bolt,
t. 101, f .2 . Schoeff. t. 828, 824. H e dw .t.l, f .B . Berh. exs.no.
273. Batschf. 53. Jacq. Misc. i. 22. Bull. 1.101,/. 2. Fl. Dan.
t. 1011,f . 1-2. vars. Coryne sarcoides, Tul. Carp, iii.yi. 190, t. 17,
/ . 1- 10.
On old stumps. [S. Carolina.]
Dr. Capron undoubtedly traced Tremella sarcoides tbrougb its stages to its
perfection in this species, almost simultaneously and independently of tbe
researches of M. Tulasne, which produced the same result. The Tremellay
therefore, is an imperfect condition of the Bulgaria.
Gen. 3 0 6 . A G Y R IU ia , Fr.
Receptacle compact, homogeneous,
waxy, gelatinous when
moist, innate, sessile, sphærical,
even, smooth, fructifying all
round ; asci fixed.—Berh. Outl.p.
375. {Fig. 340.)
Pers. “ Reddish Agyrium.”
Fig. 340.
2 2 1 9 . A g y rium zufum.
Gregarious, convex, or sphærical, compact when moist, flesh-
coloured, when dry red-brown; asci ovoid ; sporidia oblong,
pellucid.—Eng. Fl. v. p. 220. Fr. S.M. ii. p. 232. Fries, exs. no.
280. Grev. t. 232. Corda. Ic. ii./. 128. Stictis rufa, Pers. Ohs. ii.
t. 6 , f 6.
On old dry fir wood. [Up. Carolina.]
About 1 line hroad, often seated on a whitish spot. I t is very probable
th a t this should be classed with lichens rather than fungj. (Fig. 340.)