f LuI
I i
2 2 6 1 . Elaphom yc e s g r an u la tu s . Fr. “ Granulated
Mycelium yellowish, soon vanishing ; cortex yellow, at length
tawny and brown, minutely papillate ; papillae adpressed, obtuse,
or punctiform; peridium fragile, whitish, or reddish, when dry
white; asci 1-8 spored; sporidia thick, rufous, or blackish
purple.—Ur. S.M. iii. p. 58. Vitt. Lycop. t. S ,f. 7. Tul. Hyp. t.
1 9 ,/. 4. BerTc. exs.no.272. Ann. Sc. N a t.xY \.t.\. f . 3 , t . 2 , f . 7 ,
t . l , f.3 . Sturm. Hi. 12-20, t. S. Eng. F I .y . p. 306. Nees.f. 147.
Berh. Ann. N.H. no. 21 1 ,1.11, f . 10.
In dry heathy ground. [Low. Carolina.]
The central substance when yonng is tender and juicy, and consists of
filaments spotted with fertile patches. The filaments of the interstices are
loose, and but little complicated, whereas those of the fructifying spots
are more closely packed, short, and branched, their tips swelling, and
gradually giving rise to large globose utricles, containing the spondia.
Sporidia 'OfiS-'OS m.m. diameter. (Fig. 354.)
Order X X X . PH AC ID IAG E I.
Eeceptacle more or less coriaceous or carbonaceous ; disc at
length exposed by the regular or irregular fissure of the outer
coat.—Berh. Outl. p. 372. Intr.p. 283.
The perithecia are elongated, sometimes branched, or, when circular,rather
orbicular than spherical. In the linear species the form of the aperture depends
upon the form of the perithecium,or excipulum,the margins of which
are rounded. In other oases the disc is exposed by the mere fissure of the
walls, as in Pliacidium, and this fissure may either be simple or oompouad,
radiating from a central point, and forming triangular lobes.—Berk. Intr.p.
Perithecia bursting with valvular teeth
Perithecia globoso-depressed, at length open
Perithecia confluent, opening by flexuous fissures
Perithecia labiate, splitting from the centre.
Perithecia labiate, opening longitudinally .
Perithecia horny, sporidia united at the base
Perithecia flexuose, lips divergent
Perithecia linear, simple or branched, asoi sacc
if o rm ......................................................................
Perithecia s t e ll a te ....................................................
Perithecia stipitate, wedge shaped
Perithecia orbicular, with a deciduous operculum
Disc innate, e r u m p e n t ............................................
Gen. 3 2 0 . FH A C ID IU ia , Fr.
Perithecium bursting
irregularly in the centre,
by valvular teeth.—Berh.
Outl.p. 879.
(Fig. 355.)
2 2 6 2 . F h a c id ium p in i.
Sclm. “ Scotch-fir
Erumpent, snbrotund,
truncato-disciform,black ;
perithecia with the laciniæ
obtuse; disc dingy; sporidia
colourless, very long.
Pig. 355. multiseptate, often with a
filiform termination. —
Fr. S.M. ii. p. 572. A.& S. t. 5 , / 8. Linn. Trans, xxiv. t. 25, f .
36. Nees. f. 399. Schm. M.H. i. t. 2 ,f. 11. Fries exs. no. 62. Eng.
F I . y . p. 222. Tul. Carp.H\.p.l36. Fchl. exs.no.1025.
On bark of Pinus sylvestris.
Scattered, sub-innate, 1-2 lines broad, sometimes irregular, depressed,
smooth, at first shining, then opaque, at length broken up ; stratum under
the disc softer, flesh white. “ Sporidia colourless, very long, multiseptate,
often tapering more at one end than the other, each extremity being extended
into a filiform prolongation.”
2 2 6 3 . P h a c id ium c a ib on a c eum . Fr. “ Black-powdered
Erumpent, snbrotund, unequal, black, dehiscing into obtuse
laciniæ ; disc dry, blackish.—Ur. S.M. ii.p. 574. Fries, exs. no.
210. E n g . F I.y . p. 222.
On twigs of willows. Spring.
Gregarious, at first covered with the epidermis, subinnate, convex, black,
rather shining ; then depressed, opaque ; laciniæ unequal ; disc black, as if
powdered with charcoal.
2 2 6 4 . P h a c id ium v a c c in ii. Fr. “ Bilberry Phacidium.’*
S p b e m o g o n i a .— Spermatia simple, cylindrical, straight, obtuse.
A s o o p h o e b .— Erumpent, minute, convex, shining, rugose,
splitting into four laciniæ ; disc sooty-black ; sporidia lanceoi
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