1578. Uredo tropoeoli. Desm. “ Tropoeolum Uredo.”
Hypogenous ; spots pale yellow ; sori minute, roundish, scattered,
or confluent; sporidia ovoid or subglobose, orange.—
Desm. Ann. des Sc. Nat. 1836, vi. p. 243. Desm. exs. ed. i. no. 837,
ed. ii. no. 37. Cooke Seem. Journ. iv.y>. 97,
On leaves of Tropoeolum. Oct.
1579. Vredo a llio rum . B.C. “ Garlic Uredo.”
Spots obliterated ; sori linear, oblong, and oval, on both surfaces
; spores ovoid or subglobose, yellow or whitisli.—D.C. FI.
Ar.vi.yi.82. Fng. FI. Y .p .316,partly. Cooke M.F. p. 29b.
On various species of Allium.
1 5 8 0 .
Spores brown.
Vredo s t a t ic e s . Besm. “ Sea Lavender Uredo,”
Sori few and scattered, orbicular or oval; spores globose,
brown,—Berk. Outl.p. 331. Cooke M.F.p. 295.
On various species of Statice.
1581. Uredo h iiron s. Grev. “ Twin-faced Uredo.”
On both surfaces of the leaves, often opposite, scattered,
round, light-brown, girt witb tbe remains of tbe epidermis;
spores globose.—Grev.FI. ed.p. 435. F n g .F I . y . p . 383. Cooke
M.F. t. I . f . 137-139.
On Bumex acetosa and acetosella. July.—Sept.
U redo ciroaiaj. A. ^ S. See Puccinia circcece.
Gen. 1 8 0 .
T R ICH O BA S IS , Lev.
Spores free, attached at first to a
short peduncle, caducous.—Berk.
Outl.p.332. {Fig.211.)
It_ is very probable that none of the
species here recorded under this genus are
autonomous, but until this is satisfactorily
traced, they are included. Species known
Fig. 217. - ,
to be forms of other fungi are inserted there.
• Spores yellow.
1 5 8 2 . T r ich o b a sis g lum a rum . Lev. “ Glume Rust.”
Sori minute, round, scarcely convex, subgregarious, often confluent
; spores globose or snbovoid, orange, not pedicellate ;
epispore smooth,—Lev. Ann. Sc. Nat. Cooke M.F.p. 208. Berk.
Outl. p. 832.
On tbe glumes of Cereals. August.
1 5 8 3 . T r ich o b a s is sym phy ti. Lev. “ Comfrey Eust.”
Sori minute, very numerous, scattered, roundish, then confluent;
epidermis ruptured, scarcely conspicuous around the
margin; spores subglobose, pallid orange.—Lev. Ann. Sc. Nat.
1847. Cooke M.F. p. 298. Berk. Outl. p. 332. Uredo symphyti.
D.C. FI. Fr. V. p. 87. Berk. exs. no. 320. Ann. N .H. no. 415.
On Comfrey. May.
1 5 8 4 . T r ich o b a sis pyrolæ. B . “ Winter-green Eust.”
Spots yellowish brown on tbe opposite side ; sori globose,
minute, scattered or aggregate, on the under surface ; epidermis
generally closed ; spores subglobose, yellow.—Berk. Outl.p. 332.
Cooke M .F.p. 298. Uredo pyrolæ. Grev. FI. ed. p. 449. Link.
Sp. ii.p. 15.
On Pyrola rotundifolia, &c.
1585. T r ich o b a sis p e tro se lin i. B . “ Parsley Eust.”
Spots yellowish ; sori snbrotund and oval, confluent on both
surfaces ; epidermis at length ruptured ; spores globose or subglobose,
occasionally obsoletely pedicellate, pale yellow.—Berk.
Outl.p. 332. Lev. Ann. Sc. Nat. Cooke M..F.p. 298. Cooke L .F .
no. 34. Uredo petroselini. D. C. FI. Fr. ii. p. 597. Eng. FI. v. p.
379. U. oecidiiformis. Grev. FI. ed.p. 441.
On various Umbelliferce, as Smyrnium, Scandix, ^c.
Most probably this is the Uredo form of Pcuxinia Smyrnii.
* * Spores brown.
T r ich o b a sis oblongata. B . “ Luzula Eust.”
Spots oblong, often confluent, yellow-brown; sori elliptic, on
both surfaces ; epidermis closed ; spores brown, obtuse at either
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