H e lo tium conigenum. F r . “ Fir-cone Helotium.”
Waxy or watery consistence, minute, pallid; head nearly
plano,_immarglnate ; stem thick, short, at length obliterated;
sporidia subellipsoid.—Berh. Outl.p. 312. Peziza conigena. Fr.
S.M. ii. p. 139. Eng. Fl. v. p. 205. Karst. Mon. Pez. p. 152.
Fchl. exs. no. 1149.
On cones of Scotch fir.
Sporidia eUipsoid, simple, 'OOr-’OOS X '0035 m.m. Nyl. Karst.
H e lo tium ph a sco id e s. Fr. “ Moss Helotium.”
Of a waxy or watery consistence ; minute, pallid, with a brick-
red tinge ; head turbinate, plane ; stem short, subequal.—Berh.
Outl.p. 372. Peziza phascoides. Fr. S.M. ii. ». 138. Enq. F l v
p. 204.
On mosses.
2137. He lo tium a cu um . Fr. “ Fir-1 eaf Helotium.”
Minute, stipitate, slender, whitish ; head nearly plane, externally
slightly hairy ; sporidia fusoid-elongated or fusoid-oblong.
Berh.Outl.p. 372. Peziza acuum. F r .S .M .H .p .25. Berh. Outl.
p. 368. Desm. exs. i. no. 1536, ii. no. 1036. Karst. Mon. Pez. p.
181. Fchl. exs. no.1153.
On dead fir leaves.
Sporidia oblong or subfusiform, 'OOt-'OOS X ‘0015 m.m.—N y l.
Sporidia '004-'006 X '0015 m.m.—Karst.
2 138. He lo tium lu te o lum .
Curr. “ Yellow mud
Cæspitose, pale straw colour ; stem about ^ inch long ;
disc 1 line wide, at first hollow, ultimately expanded and convex,
the edge covered with very minute, parallel white hairs,
giving a somewhat ribbed or channeled appearance ; sporidia
straight, or slightly curved, colourless; paraphyses clavato-
elongate, acuminate, septate.—Curr. Linn. Trans, xxiv. ». 153 t.
2 5 ,fig .ll, 12,18.
On a gorse stick, the end of which was sunk in the mud in a
pool of water. May. Paul’s Cray Common.
Remarkable in its densely cæspitose and apparently brancbing babit, and
tbe paraphyses are very peculiar. Its aquatic babit is also an unusual character.
Sporidia (•0004-'0005 in') '01-'012 m.m. long.
2 1 3 9 . H e lo tium a q u a ticum . Curr. “ Aquatic Helotium.”
Solitary, stem about ^ in. long ; disc minute, very little
wider than the apex of the delicate, almost filiform stem; sporidia
colourless, hyaline, with granules accumulated at each end.
—Curr. Linn. Trans, xxiv. p. 154, t. 25, f . 19.
On a fragment of stick in water. May. Paul’s Cray Common.
The fruit is large for tbe size of tbe p lant; sporidia ('0007 in.) '0177 m.m.
Sub.-Gen. 2. C a l y c e l l a , Fries.
At first turbinate ; disc concave ; stem firm when present.—
Berh. Outl.p. 372.
2 1 4 0 . H e lo tium tu b a . Fr, “ Tube Helotium.”
Yellow; head turbinate; disc plane, margin swollen; stem
long, slender.—Berh. Outl.p. 372. Peziza tuba. Fr. S.M. H.p.
128. Bolt.t. 106,/. 1. Eng. Fl. v. p. 202. Merulius tubwformis.
With. vr.p. 146.
On fallen branches.
Plant 2 in. or more high.
2 1 4 1 . H e lo tium b u c c in a . Fr. “ Trumpet Helotium,”
Rather large, infundibuliform, dull-yellow ; stem thickened,
striate, somewhat incurved.—Berh. Outl.p. 372. Peziza buccina.
Fr. S.M. ii.yi. 129. Eng. Fl. v. p. 202.
On wood and pine branches. Rare. Appin, [Mid. Carolina.]
2 1 4 2 . H e lo tium c a ly c u lu s . Fr. “ Yellow-brown Helotium.”
Yellowish-brown; head concave, with an elevated margin;
stem short, thick, clothed with whitish down.—Berh. Outl.p. 372.
Peziza calyculus, Fr. S.M. H.p. 129. Eng. FI.y . p 202. Sow, t.
116. P. infundihulum, Grev. Fl. ed. p. 423.
On fallen branches.
About 2 lines high.
2 1 4 3 . H e lo tium in fu n d ib u lum . Fr. “ Funnel Helotium.”
Ferruginous-red, smooth; stem short, dilated into the head.—
Fr. Peziza calyculus, Q infundibulum,Fr. S.M. H. p .130. Batsch.
/ . 147. Ann.N.H.no. 261.
On dead sticks. Dec. Twycross.