6-14. Fchl. exs. no. 2047. Melogramma oligosporum, B. & Br.
Ann. N.H. no. 895, t. x i ./ . 38. Sphæria macrospora, Hesm. Ann.
Sc. Nat. (1848), p. 350. Desm. exs. no. 1756. Curr. Micr. Journ.
(1 8 5 9 ), Melanconis macrospora, Tul. Ann. Sc. Nat. t. ix . / . 19. iv.
t.h, p . 1 10 .
On dead bark. Twycross.
Forming roundish patches bursting through the cuticle ; peritbecia opaque,
rather rough; asoi d av ate; sporidia shortly fusiform ('0022 i n . ) ‘06 m.m.
long, at first surrounded by a hyaline border, changing from uniseptate to
triseptate ; dissepiments, especially the central one, constricted.—B. & Br.
2 5 2 2 . C u cu rb ita ria n au c o sa . FcU. “ Elm Cucurbitaria.”
P ycnidia.—Diplodia melaena. Lev. Rahh. F .F . 348. FcJcl.
exs. 542.
M a c r o s t y l o s p o r h s .— One to four septate, muriform.— FcU.
exs. no. 92.
A s c o p h o r e .— Cæspitose ; perithecia collected in heaps, g lo bose,
even, brownish-black, astomous ; asci clavate ; sporidia obovate,
mnlticellular.— FcU, Sym. Myc. p. 173. FcU. exs. no.
2042. Sphæria naucosa, Fr. S .M .ii. p. 516. Kunze. M.H.H. p.
36. B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 974, t. 17, f . 27.
On elm. Jan. Batheaston.
Sporidia with vertical and transverse septa (-001 in.) "025 m.m. long. The
perithecia when old are almost black, the ostiola obsolete, the surface smooth
and shining, with generally a single fissure at the apex.—R. 4 Br.
2 5 2 3 . C u cu rb ita ria p o p u lin a . Fr. “ Poplar Cucurbitaria.”
Cæspitose ; stroma compact ; perithecia ovate, even, black ;
ostiola papillæform ; asci cylindrical, stipitate ; sporidia uniseriate,
uniseptate, pale brown.— Fr. S. V. S. p. 390. Sphæria populina,
Pers. Ohs. ii.i. 5 ,/. 1 0 ,1 1 . Fr. S.M. ii.yi. 413. FcU. exs. no.
966. Berk. Mag. Zool. & Bot.no. 96, vol. ii.t.7 a -c. Otthiapopu-
lina,Fchl. Sym.Myc.p. 170.
On ash.
2 5 2 4 . C u cu rb ita ria cu p u la r is . Fr. “ Cup-like Cucurbitaria.”
Cæspitose ; perithecia globose, rugulose, mouthless, black, collapsing,
and then cup-shaped; asci cylindrical, stipitate ; sporidia
biseriate, cylindrical, curved, obtuse, hyaline.—Fr. S. V.S.p. 391.
FcU. exs. no. 968. Sphæria cupularis, Pers. Syn. t . l , f . 9, 10. Fr.
S.M. ii.jJ. 416. Fries, exs. no. 231. Moug. exs. no. 771. Eng. Fl.
Y.p. 254. Nitschkia Fuckelii, Nke. Fckl. Sym. Myc. p . 165, t. 3,
/ I -
On dead branches (plum, elm, &c.).
Gen. 3 5 3 . G IB B E R A , Fr.
Cæspitose; perithecia between waxy
and horny, aculeolate, astomous ; sporidia
translucid.—Fr. S .V .S .p . 402.
Coohe Brit. Fungi,p. 158.
(Fig. 390.)
2 5 2 5 . G ib bera v a c c in ii. Fr.
“ Cowberry Gibbera.”
Cæspitose, superficially innate ; perithecia
subglobose, mouthless, jet black,
at first villous, then naked ; sporidia
uniseriate, nearly colourless, almost
almond-shaped, slightly constricted,
uniseptate.—DeNot. Sfer. Ital. t. 93.
Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 58, / . 49.
Fig. 390.
Sph. Vaccinii, Sow. t. 373, f . 1. Fr. S.M. ii.p . 409. Fries exs.
no. 51. Eng. Fl. v. p. 254. Moug. exs. no. 665.
On living branches of Vaccinium Vitis-idoea.
Disposed in roundish tufts which generally become confluent and form
longitudinal, irregular masses immediately beneath the bunch ot leaves.
M.J.B. Sporidia ('0006 in.) '015 m.m. long. (F%g. 390.)
2 5 2 6 . G ib b e ra S a u b in e tii. Mont. “ Herb Gibbera.”
Emergent ; perithecia solitary or aggregated on a ^ brown
stroma, globose, rugulose, at length collapsed and umbilicatej
asci diffluent ; sporidia fusiform, hyaline. Innately curved, 3-5
septate.—Alont. Syll. p . 252. B.&Br. Ann. N.H.no. 868. Mont.
F l.A lg .p . 479.
On herbaceous stems and elm twigs.
[Low. & Mid. Carolina.]
This has the violet walls of N. pulicaris, but the fruit is much larger, that
on elm may be considered as a variety witb ovate perithecia and rather large
sporidia (-OOlflin. long) and rather torulose. The sporidia of the typioalform
are (’001 in.) 025 m.m. long.
G i b b e r a p u l i c a r i s , Fr.—See Nectria pulicaris.
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