B.& Br. Ann. N.II. no.1686, t. 17, f . 31. Ascophanus granuU-
formis. Bond. Ami. Sc. Nat. (1869), x. 1.10,/. 31.
On cow dung. Oct. Nov. Common.
Recoptaole formed by an anastomosing, retienlated filamentous tissue of
an extreme thinness; sporidia C0004--0005 in.) •01--0127 m.m. Ions COOOS
in.) -0076 m.m. wide.
2 2 0 9 . A sco b o lus miczospo rus. B. & Br. “ Small-spored
Cups minute, whitish, depressed; asci elongated; sporidia
elliptic,_ at length violet, even ; paraphyses globose at the apex,
filled with a greenish yellow endochrome.—B. & Br. Ann. N.H.
(1865), «0.1087, i. 16,/. 28. A. Ccemansii. Boud. Ann. Sc. Nat
(1869), x. i. 10,/.30.
On dung of cows and sheep. Batheaston.
Cups very minute, paler than in A . granuliformw, dirty-white or yellowish
brown ; hymenium granulated with the tips of the asci, which are
often furnished at the base with a little narrow oblique stem : sporidia
(;0003 in.) -0076 m.m. long, by (-00015 in.) -0035 m.m. wide, quite smooth;
tips of paraphyses filled with coloured endochrome, which makes them’
very conspicuous. This differs materially from A. granuliformis in the
size of the fruit, which is proportionally narrower; the colour also is different.—
B. & Br.
2 2 1 0 . A sco b o lus a z g en teu s. Curr. “ Silvery Ascobolus.”
Gregarious, exceedingly minute, barely visible to the naked
eye, subpyriform, of a silvery-white colour; sporidia elliptical,-
colourless.—F. Currey, in litt. Coohe Seem. J. Bot. May, 1864,
fig. 6. B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 1088, t. 17, / . 32.
argenteus,Boud. Ann. Sc. Nat. (1862), x. 1.11, f . 32.
On cow-dung. Nov. Eltham.
Sporidia (-0005 in.) -0127 m.m. long (-0003 in.) -0076 m.m. wide.
2211. A sco b o lus se xd e c em sp o zu s.
Crouan. “ Sixteen-spored
White, then whitish-grey, at length of a clear yellowish-white,
minute, sessile, hemispherical ; hymenium flat or slightly convex
; asci small, wide, enclosing sixteen, ovoid, hyaline spores;
paraphyses numerous, colourless; simple or branched below,
straight or curved at the apex, where they are a little thickened.
—Fchl. exs. no. 1851. Crouan, Ann. des Sc. Nat. 1858, vol. x .p .
195,1.18, f . F . 21-26. Coohe Seem, J. Bot. May, 1864, fig. 9. B.
& Br. Ann. N.H. no. 1091,1.17,/. 35. Ascophanus sexdecemsporus,
Boud. Ann. Sc. Nat. (1869), x. i. 1 1 ,/. 35.
In marshes, on the droppings of cows and horses. Oct.
Hanham, near Bristol.
Receptacle non-gelatinous, composed of very small hexagonal cells. Sporidia
(-0006in.) -015 m.m. long.
2 2 1 2 . A sco b o lus cin e z eu s. Crouan. “ Grey Ascobolus.”
Small, grey, sessile, smooth, hemispherical, or irregular ; disc
plane or a little convex ; asci large, clavate, attenuated at their
base; sporidia sub-cylindrical, colourless, paraphyses simple,
filiform.—riw«. Sc. Nat. ser. iy. vol. x.p. 124, f . D. B.&Br. Ann.
N.H. no. 1 0 8 5 , t. 1 7 , / . 3 0 . Ascophanus cinereus, Boud. Ann. Sc.
Nat. (1862), X. ¿ . 1 1 , / . 3 7 .
On cow-dung. Batheaston.
Sporidia (-0009 m.) -022 m.m. long (-0004 in.) -01 m.m. wide.
2 2 1 3 . A sco b olus cazn eu s. Pers. “ Flesh-coloured Ascobolus.”
Gregarious, minute, s e s s i l e , plane, immarginate, smooth, fleshcoloured.—
P m . S'?/«, p. 676. F r .S .M . ii. p.l65. Berh. Outl
Funq p. 374. F'chl.exs.no.l857. C o o h e Seem. J . Bot. May,1864.
B & Br. Ann. N.H. «0.1085*,/. 1 7 ,/. 29. Ascophanus carneus,
Boud. Ann. Sc. Nat. (1869), x. t. 12, f . 38.
On cow dung. Autumn.
“ Asci in our specimens o n ly -0012 in. long. They are more than tvrice
long ill A. granuliformis. TTnfortunately we can find no perfect spondia.
—B .& B r.
2 2 1 4 . A sco b o lus sa c ch a z in u s. B. & Curr. “ Sparkling
Scattered or crowded ; disc almost hemispherical when young,
afterwards expanded and plane, of a reddish-pink, or salmon-
colour, when dry paler towards the margin ; plant attached at
the base by white downy threads ; hymenium somewhat glistening,
looking as if sprinkled with minute particles of brown sugar ;
sporidia elliptical, colourless.—P . & Curr. Berh. Outl. p. 374.
Goohe Seem.J. Bot. M a y ,1864, fig. 10. B. & B r .A n n N.H.
no. 1091*, /. 17./. 36. Ascophanus saccharinus, Boud. Ann. i>c.
A a /.(1 8 6 9 ),x ./.1 2 ./.4 0 .
On old leather, and also on old rag. Chislehurst, Kent.
Sporidia (-0007-'0008 in), -0177--02m.m. long.
2 2 1 5 . A sco bo lus c ilia tu s . Schm. “ Fringed Ascobolus.”
Sessile, subhemispherical, smooth, orange; disc plane ; naar-
gin swollen, white, fringed with white h airs; asci large; sporidia